Kneeling well, he was caught off guard with a tumbling head, and Ji Ting's mind went blank for a moment. In the previous world, she didn't see blood on her hands, but those who beheaded were strange weird monsters. She only experienced it as a large-scale game. Like now, she suddenly looked at a living person. Dead.

She was daring just now, but she was stunned, and the fat girl next to her had screamed and passed out. The rest of the girls who were not fainted were like scared quails.

It seemed that she was extraordinarily calm, face to face.

"Take your head." Shen Tuchuan's impatient voice sounded.

Ji listened for a moment, and looked at the head below, a bit unable to move, but fortunately, this was not to be said to her, because a little **** immediately rolled over and took the head.

Instead of face-to-face with the little brother, Ji heard a sigh of relief, and dared to raise his head to glance at the person above. I just glanced in when I came in, only to see that he was wearing a black python robe, but saw nothing else. Now looking at his face again, I find that he is thinner than before in every world, his eyes are dark blue, and Yintang is black. , Lips are not bloody, it looks like a short-lived look.

... isn't it short-lived? Two hundred words came out, and the male lead was killed before he lived twenty-five.

But even if it ’s morbid, it ’s more beautiful than ordinary people. Just standing there has taken away all the minds of the people. Ji Ting has never seen the movie adapted from this novel, and I do n’t know which small fresh meat played this role. , But certainly that person is definitely not as good as Shen Tuchuan.

Ji Ting ’s lips rose slightly, his eyes were full of admiration for him, and then after seeing what he did to his head, his eyes widened instantly. The original love was suddenly replaced by shock—

What is he doing? !! If she read it right, he peeled off his face with a sword! !! !!

Ji listened to a good young man who complied with discipline and law, and was almost scared by the scene in front of him. Then he watched Shen Tuchuan use his sword to pick up a blood-stained skin, and laughed mockily: "The minds of these assassins are getting more nervous. , I even thought of using a minister to assassinate, and I didn't want to think about how lonely can be easily assassinated. "

Ji Ting: "..." So this person is an assassin?

"Your Majesty!" The palace man kneeled and cheered.

Ji Ting immediately lowered his head and never dared to see him again. Although he peeled off □□, the red flesh above was not a mask, so it was scary enough.

However, she does not look at Shen Tuchuan, but Shen Tuchuan depends on her. After all, she is quite conspicuous against the background of a group of quails. The sword in Shen Tuchuan's hand was still dripping blood, and her attention had focused on Su Baixian's thin figure, her gaze swept back all the way to her hair, and finally stopped on her slender waist.

"Why are these?" Shen Tuchuan raised his chin, his eyes full of inquiry.

The **** who Lingji listened to and others came to see him ask, and hurriedly replied: "Hey, Your Majesty, these are the outstanding ones in this group of show girls.

"Are you going to choose a concubine again?" Shen Tuchuan said with impatience. "What about those concubines before you were alone?"

"... His Majesty, each and every housewife has been stunned, and now there is no maiden." When the **** answered this sentence, he was almost scared to tears, for fear that they would choke off a nerve and chopped him off. .

Shen Tuchuanton paused, a flash of anger flashed under his eyes: "Whoever promised them to be stunned and lonely would have to re-draft to dig them out and expose them for three days. They were lonely and restless, and they also dreamed of peace!"

Ji Ting: "..." If she had been popularized before, those concubines should have been murdered, right?

It is estimated that everyone present had an idea with her, but no one was bold enough to talk to a tyrant with a sword in his hand, so the **** farted and went to do it, and when the present girl heard this command, she couldn't help but give birth to a rabbit, a dead fox and a sad cat Fear, fainted again.

Ji Ting slightly looked at the quails, his eyes were full of worries. Now that she has six show girls together, she has fainted now, and she is worried that it will cause the tyrant to be angry.

While she was worried, a bit of cold sharpness reached her chin, Ji listened for a moment, and goosebumps rose instantly. She was stiff and forced to look up with the cold touch, and she could see clearly the moment she looked at Shen Tuchuan. The sword that raised her chin was the one that had just slashed the assassin, and there was still blood on the assassin.

Thinking of the swollen head just now, Ji listened to numbness, and just wanted to die in situ.

"What's your name?" Shen Tuchuan judiciously looked into her eyes.

Ji Ting stabilized his mind and worked hard to divert his attention from the sword: "If you return to your Majesty, the name of the daughter will call Ji Ting."

"Ji Ting?" Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyelids, and the sword in his hand slid down casually.

When the sword point went down her throat, Ji heard a seed coat. The flesh seemed to be stinging, and the illusion of dying made her back sweat. Fortunately, the point of the sword did not stay in her throat for a long time, and she quickly crossed the chest / mouth along the collar and paused for a long time in front of her fullness.

Where the sword tip was, Shen Tuchuan's eyes stopped. At this moment, his eyes were staring at Ji Ting's neck two inches down. The malice flashing under his eyes called Ji Ting's shock: shouldn't this beep betray her chest? Big, do you have to physically shrink your chest? !!

Yes, in just this short moment, Ji Ting has arbitrarily turned him from his sweetheart into a brutal and horrible beep, and his heart has become psychologically burdenless. Anyway, before coming to this world, Shen Tuchuan herself told her to stay away from him. She wanted to come because she knew the virtues of the tyrants in this world, so she warned her in advance.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes stayed on her for a long time, and then the sword slowly swept down. After Ji Tan was relieved, he stopped on her thin waist. Ji subconsciously inhaled, so as not to have a belly Annoyed him.

"The waist is good." Shen Tuchuan said a rare word.

Ji Tinggan laughed: "Thank you for your compliment ..."

"It looks very good." Shen Tuchuan finished his sentence.

Ji listened for a moment, and a bad thought flashed in her mind: shouldn't it be the 'cut' she thought?

"Guess the Gu sword will go down and cut you in half?" Shen Tuchuan himself proved that her idea was correct.

Ji Ting: "..." I can't answer you.

Shen Tuchuan raised her lips, her eyes were full of evil spirits that made her creepy, and then Ji Ting felt a lightness around her waist, and her pupils reflected the movement of the sword rising from her waist and waving towards her.

Ji Ting only felt that everything around her had become a slow motion. Her afterglow clearly saw the horrified expressions of the quails next to her, and she could also see the helpless fear of the eunuchs 'when cleaning the floor', and The clearest thing is that Shen Tuchuan cut his rather firm hand.

... alas, he is serious! He really wanted to try if he could cut her in two with one stroke!

Ji heard that she might die in the execution of the mission, but she never thought that she would be cut off by the waist. She said that time and time later, she gritted her teeth and rushed to Shen Tuchuan, avoiding his sword, and fell because of inertia. In Shen Tuchuan's arms, he hugged him subconsciously with both hands.

Then the four weeks seemed to flow normally, and there was a dead silence above the hall. Many people knelt down on the ground tremblingly after seeing this scene, for fear that Shen Tuchuan would splatter all their blood when he killed someone later.

After a long silence, Ji Ting carefully raised his face buried in his waist, carefully opened an eye slit to see his expression, but was caught off guard by a pair of dark eyes.

She froze and hurriedly withdrew from Shen Tuchuan's arms. She took a few steps on her knees before stopping, and opened her mouth with the same eyes as Shen Tuchuan's viper. It is easily cut in half, and it is not necessary for His Majesty to personally verify the matter, otherwise it seems as if the daughter does not believe in His Majesty. "

People in the palace: "..." His Majesty had the courage to quibble just after the attack, which is really different from ordinary people.

Ji heard clearly and felt that he was already dead in the eyes of others, so the pressure was unreasonably greater. Looking at Shen Tuchuan, he was still staring blankly at her, but did not seem angry.

Ji Ting's heart moved, and he knelt toward him again, carefully pinching the sword body from his hand: "Your Majesty, this sword is already dirty, don't dirty your hands." The meaning in the words is Take the sword away.

Shen Tuchuan squinted and looked at her, and it wasn't until her horns began to sweat that he let go of his hand. Ji Ting felt the pinch of the sword body sinking, and he was relieved immediately, and then his head twitched, and he threw the sword away.

People in the palace: "..." Isn't it fragrant if you keep eating a few bowls of rice?

Ji Ting also reacted instinctively. When the crisp sound of the sword fell, she realized how silly she had done, and only smiled to Shen Tuchuan with a dry smile: "The sword is too bloody, so I must smoke your Majesty. Now. "

Shen Tuchuan's eyelids narrowed slightly, and he looked at the assassin whose head was separated.

Ji Ting: "..."

Shen Tuchuan turned her head to look at her again. After seeing that she wrote the words "to die or to die" on her face, there was a hint of playfulness in her eyes: "You are fragrant."

Ji Ting, coated with powder: "..."

"The clothes you wear today line you."

The thought of a princess in white stained with blood: "..."

"If you paste white clay and burn it into porcelain, you will certainly be able to preserve the beauty for a long time." Shen Tuchuan said lazily, seeing Ji listened with a dull look, but his eyes did not see the same fear of deep bone marrow as others, Could not help but smile softly.

Ji Hean swallowed, and bit his scalp: "It is boring to burn the porcelain. If the life of the daughter is kept, the daughter is not only beautiful, but she can also talk to her Majesty to relieve boredom."

"You said ..." Shen Tuchuan meditated for three seconds, then nodded, "It makes sense."

As soon as Ji Ting's suspended heart dropped halfway, he heard Shen Tuchuan say, "Kegu doesn't need people to relieve boredom."

"... It's still needed. If your Majesty wants to hear a joke, someone has to say no."

Shen Tuchuan looked at her face with a smirk and turned and walked towards the throne. Those who were able to stay with Shen Tuchuan for more than a month and were still alive were smart people. Seeing that Shen Tuchuan had no intention of killing the season to listen, a little **** rolled out and shifted the topic: "Your Majesty, those showgirls ..."

"It's just as good as before." After Shen Tuchuan sat down, there was a sign of burnout on his face.

The little **** responded in a hurry, and called a few people in a bowed posture, and stood up these fainting showgirls and went out. There were originally people who helped Ji Ting, but Ji Ting stood up and tried to shrink himself into a ball and follow the crowd, but he became the most conspicuous one.

"Stop." Shen Tuchuan's voice came quietly from behind.

The people who were going out immediately settled down, turned their heads and turned their heads. The original quarterly listening time became the first one.

"Ji listens, right." Shen Tuchuan looked at her with unpredictable eyes. The viper's eyes only made Ji Ting feel wet and cold, and once again clearly realized that the men's match this time was different from before.

When she was tense, thinking he was going to do something to herself, she heard him say lazily, "Wait alone."

What do you mean? Is this going to follow her? Ji heard scalp tingling immediately, of course she didn't dare to ask. When she heard the words, she immediately followed the big troops and walked to the Royal Garden. She stopped and rested softly.

As soon as she stopped, everyone stopped, just like the flash of sunflowers that the sun rose, and turned her head to look at her.

Ji Ting: "... I just take a break, you go slowly, I will catch up with you." Aren't they walking in front of her? How did she realize it as soon as she stopped?

"Mother-in-law, there is a pavilion not far away. Is it better for a slave to carry you past?" Said an eunuch, a senior, attentively.

Ji listened and waved his hands: "No, I'll just rest here."

"There is no place to sit here, sister, you must not rest well here, go to the gazebo, if you don't want to be carried by them, I can also, I have a lot of strength." The fat girl who had already eased over and hurried towards her Come, see her back.

Ji Tinglian stepped back and forth: "No, no need! Let's go back as soon as possible."

"Maybe the palace ladies are tired, so let's go to the gazebo to rest together." The **** said again.

His words did not fall, the girls nodded like garlic, looking at Ji Ting's eyes with awe and admiration, and even a hint of panic.

Ji Heing hesitated for a moment, but in the face of everyone's abnormal hospitality or compromised, so the group went to rest in the gazebo. As soon as she sat on the stone bench, a younger girl breathed a sigh of relief, then realized something, and immediately shut up and looked at Ji Ting.

Ji lost his laughter and chatted with them calmly. After three or two sentences, they were relieved of their worries, and they became as ordinary as they were in a carriage. There was even a kind of revolutionary friendship between them after suffering common problems.

"I really thought you were going to die. I didn't expect that you could still be alive. I was going to scare me to death." The fat girl said with a lingering fear, but it wasn't as flattering as I was just now.

Ji Ting was rather helpless: "I thought I was going to die." She even summoned the reader's grievances just now when Shen Tuchuan was about to kill herself, but she got a reader whose grievance value was insufficient and could not easily transfer her away from the mission world. As a result, there are only two possibilities to leave here, and she has experienced a death or a successful mission.

"Anyway, we can live safely today, no matter what the future, at least a few days will be alive." Said the fat girl, optimistic again.

The other girls also talked about each other, nothing more than that before the fifteenth of this month, they didn't have to worry about losing their lives. The more Ji Ji heard, the more she felt wrong, and she couldn't help but interrupt them: "Listen to what you mean, is your Majesty not calling someone to sleep?"

How else would you be so determined that you would never die before the next time you ask for peace?

The fat girl has been surprised at her ignorance, and she just answered carefully: "Your Majesty is the most annoying woman on weekdays. Not only does she not call people to sleep, but she does not even enter the door of the harem. Otherwise, if you did A maid, as long as she is in a palace far away from Her Majesty, can she protect herself. "

... It turns out that it is no wonder that he has no pity for Xiangxiangyu, and the co-authoring is a feud. Ji Ting's expression is a bit terrible.

Several people spoke a few words together again, and after enough rest, they followed their eunuchs to their palaces. Ji Ting followed the elder **** who was the oldest in terms of talent. After listening to countless touts along the way, she could only support the flattery until she entered the gate of the palace of Fengqi Palace.

As soon as she entered the door, there were dozens of court eunuchs saluting her. After she guided them according to etiquette, she walked around the palace with the personal court girl Tweety, and the result became more and more satisfied.

"Yanxia drink □ □ meticulous. Every day in the royal dining room, we are devoted to the research of dishes. I don't care about the ladies, but don't worry about the concubines. The kitchen in our palace is the best. The ladies will definitely use it. Be comfortable. "Tweety said attentively.

Ji nodded, took Tweeer to tour the palace together, and waited for a full circle to understand the affairs in the palace. It was half an hour later. When he reached his dormitory, his feet were sore. When I saw a fairly large carved wooden bed, I saw a soft cotton quilt just above.

Ji listened to the thought of wanting to jump up, and after scanning Twee'er's eyes, she didn't say a word. Tweety's salute was smart: "Mother-in-law's boat and car are exhausted. I must be tired, and slaves will make people prepare water. Here, let your mother rest after bathing. "

"... Okay." She was more thoughtful than she thought, so she just had to wait.

Tweety turned around and left, and quickly brought people in. The pool after the screen was filled with water of suitable temperature, and steamy white smoke overflowed from the screen for a while.

After the water was poured, Tweeer went to Ji Ting's side: "Madam, slaves wait for you to bathe."

"... Go on, I don't like others to wait."

"Yes." Tweety didn't insist, and immediately took someone away, and quite thoughtfully closed the door from the outside.

Ji Ting immediately got up and went to the screen. After soaking in the hot water full of flower petals, she took a long breath, and her brain became clearer.

The mission of this world is to give the tyrant a good ending and satisfy the reader's resentment mentality of ‘the villain is too handsome but dead’. After a brief meeting today, she is very clear that this task cannot be completed!

Even if she loved Tu Shenchuan so much, after spending a few minutes with this tyrant, she had an urge to assassinate him, let alone other victims. What she can do at most is to shout ‘there is an assassin’ when the male lead assassinates him, nothing else can be done.

Ji heard a sigh, and unknowingly had drowsiness, then fell asleep by the pool. I don't know how long it took, the water in the pool gradually cooled down, and she frowned to shrink her body together, but she still didn't wake up, until she was pushed by one hand by the side of the pool, without support she was instantly The water didn't pass the nose and mouth, and she opened her eyes violently, struggling to splash in the water.

She lost her balance in the water. The more she panicked, the more she couldn't stand up. When she scooped the water, she saw a black figure by the pool, and reached out to him.

After finishing the bad things, Shen Tuchuan took back her hands leisurely, and looked at her still in the water, her eyes flashed with disdain: "You can play." How could the water that was still too low to drown someone.

Ji Ting's ears were full of water. How could he hear his voice clearly? After seeing him with his arms folded, he gritted his teeth and grabbed his foot. He slumped to his feet and spit out a large spit of water. On Shen Tuchuan's feet.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes narrowed for a moment, but her eyes fell on her smooth back, and then from the waist, she was firmly blocked by petals.

Before Ji Ting finished coughing, she felt a hot look on her back. Rao was a bad temper and couldn't help swearing, then slid silently into the water, hiding her body completely under the petals, and then she was innocent. He looked at him: "Why is your Majesty free?" Didn't you say that the tyrant never set foot in the harem? Why did you see me when I said goodbye?

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, glanced at her feet, and then looked at her again. Ji Ting had a stiff smile on his mouth, and he refused to follow his gaze.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment: "Lonely feet have been wet by you."

... So what's going on, you're almost drowning me, what's wrong with my shoes getting wet? !! Don't be too double.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Shen Tuchuan barely managed to get up: "Why not let your life be alone and only cut your feet?"

...... Not much, but I dare not speak straight. Ji Tinggan smiled and shrank a bit into the water, forcibly shifting the topic: "Isn't it tired below me, why did you come here suddenly?"

"You are an lonely woman now, you should call yourself a concubine." Shen Tuchuan reminded, looking like a normal person.

Ji Ting didn't dare to slacken a bit: "I know it."

"The orphan didn't say it. I want you to wait," Shen Tuchuan said, taking a glance at her, only to find that the petals in the pond were a bit annoying. "Come out."

"Come out, what out?" Ji Ting looked stunned.

There was a hint of impatience in the eyes of Shen Tuchuan: "Lonely call you out."

Ji Ting shrank his shoulders and glanced at the clothes on the screen behind Shen Tuchuan, building up his courage and saying, "Could you please take your clothes and help me?"

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and looked at her with a strange expression: "Are you making orphans?"

"Don't dare not be a courtier, courtiers and courtiers just ask your Majesty for a favor," Ji listened to a dry smile, "After all, His Majesty is a courtier man, after all, the courtier can only rely on his servant."

He is her man ... This kind of remark is fresh. Shen Tuchuan has never said this to him from any woman, and then look at her slightly red face, the bright and hidden eyes of Qiushui, suddenly feel kind of Interesting, so she handed the clothes to her. By the time he realized what he had done, Ji Ting had put a thin shirt on his body.

She was still wet, and her clothes were mostly soaked, and she pressed tightly against her body, exposing exquisite curves. Perhaps because of nervousness, her brows were frowned, and her red lips were not consciously stretched. A pair of eyes stared at him tightly, as if a rabbit stretched to the extreme.

But this face, how could it be a fox.

"Your Majesty?" Ji could not help but call him when he heard him hesitating.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her lazily: "Why?"

Ji Ting: "..." This is the question she should ask. A big man has fetishism again. What is it doing in front of her bath?

Seeing her speechless eyes, Shen Tuchuan couldn't help feeling good, turned around and went out of the screen. Ji Ting was relieved, and after walking for a while, he went barefoot. As a result, when he bypassed the screen, he saw someone who thought he had left. At this moment, he sat squarely on the cotton quilt she had been waiting for.

Ji Ting: "..."

"Don't do anything, don't come quickly, really Danggu won't chop your feet?" Shen Tuchuan looked at her coldly and reminded him that he hadn't forgotten to report a hatred of shoes.

Ji listened for a moment, his eyes fell on his feet, only to find that he was still wearing wet shoes ... wouldn't the tyrant take off by himself? Is it a fool?

She sighed helplessly, walked towards him in small steps, and stepped on the clean carpet with white feet, unexpectedly pleasing to the eyes. After waiting for Ji to beg for mercy, Shen Tuchuan did not want to chop.

"Your Majesty, you are all right. You all sat down by the bed. Why not take off your shoes and beware of your feet getting sick." Ji heard his feet squatting, and talked to him warmly, and raised his hands. His feet, gentle movements helped him take off his shoes.

It ’s safe to come, even if the mission ’s chances of success are quite slim, it ’s also a long time to live, otherwise, with the character of the tyrant, but also beheaded and chopped, I ’m afraid she did n’t wait for the male lead to come and assassinate There is no place to die.

...... So the priority is not the task, but to please the tyrant well, so that I can live peacefully for three episodes.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, his eyes full of inquiry. Although there are many people who please him, it is not easy to see this kind of fear-seeking. In the life of at least twenty-five years, no maid or **** can do like her. Serve me close, this is really impressive--

Make people want to punish her and see where her bottom line is.

Ji Ting only felt that his back was cold, and he looked up at Shen Tuchuan subconsciously: "Your Majesty?"

"Nothing." Shen Tuchuan casually stretched out a hand and pressed it to her head. Although it must be fun to play, I am not afraid that his person will be the same. If it is broken, I do n’t know how long it will take to meet the next one, or let her live a few more days, and when I get bored, I will talk about it.

I don't know Ji repeatedly jumping on the edge of death: "..." Did he use his head as a walking stick?

She twitched at the corner of her mouth, lowered her head and continued to help him take off his shoes and socks. When the socks were dropped, she squeezed her lips after seeing his feet. Although these feet are fair, they can be seen as pampered, but they are too thin, like the tyrant himself, there is always a feeling that the oil is about to run out.

She frowned and held his foot, and instantly began to feel cold. Ji Ting's distress for Shen Tuchuan was much greater than that of avoiding the tyrant. She took his feet and put them on her belly.

The feet were soft and warm, and the feet that had been so numb seemed to have consciousness. Shen Tuchuan's expression moved slightly: "What are you doing?"

"... Your Majesty's feet are so cool. It should be very uncomfortable. They are not good for him. He should not wet his shoes and socks." Ji listened with a guilty expression, but in fact he knew better than anyone else. Just because the water wasn't enough to keep his feet cold to this extent, it is estimated that his limbs were cold because he was not well. She said that it was nothing more than giving him some face.

And Shen Tuchuan was quite big-faced: "Yeah, if it weren't for you, you wouldn't have cold feet, so you could be convinced by cutting your feet alone?"

... to your uncle. Ji listened to his feet squatting numb, and took his feet and sat directly on the bed. Shen Tuchuan passively changed from sitting to semi-lying, but because her feet were comfortably covered with warmth at the moment, her calves and ankles were no longer sore, so she had no general knowledge of her.

Ji Ting quietly hugged his feet, watching the tiredness gradually appearing under his eyes, and could not help whispering: "If your Majesty is sleepy, let's sleep for a while."

Shen Tuchuan squinted his eyes at her, and for a long time said coldly: "Lonely." Even on the bed he was most accustomed to, he didn't know how long he hadn't slept, let alone this time. In the palace, this strange bed.

He wouldn't even sit here unless his feet were wet.

Ji listened with a smile, and then faded his shoes and socks, sitting at his feet to help him cover the quilt, and by the way, covered his legs and feet, he continued to hold his feet against the end of the bed: "Have your Majesty covered it. It's a bit cold here, please be careful not to get sick."

Shen Tuchuan said lightly: "I'm afraid you don't feel cold, so find an excuse to cover yourself?"

Ji Ting's smile remained unchanged: "It was Chen Xiong who was cold, so he was worried that Her Majesty would be cold." He wore layers after layers, but she had only a single coat on her body, and a pair of cold feet in her arms. , Constantly release chill to her, how could it not be cold.

Shen Tuchuan has been blamed for her frankness. In addition, as she became more lazy at the moment, she simply ignored her and closed her eyes for a moment.

Ji Ting stared at his face for a long time, his original frown gradually eased. I don't know if it is an illusion, she always feels that it is only necessary to find the point, the tyrant's hair is actually very smooth.

Thinking about it that way, she yawned, and it was dark before she knew it, it was a good time to sleep, not to mention holding such a thick quilt, she could not help but relax ...

Shen Tuchuan, who was only going to chat for a while, was more than two hours away. When he woke up quietly, the candle was already lit in the dorm room. At this moment, a beep sounded, and his feet were warm and slightly moved. Can also touch a piece of softness. Shen Tuchuan stared at the woman who was sleeping at his feet, eyes narrowed for a long time.


When Ji Ting was taken out of bed, the whole person was embarrassed. Sitting on the ground for a long time did not calm down, and then looked at the man on the bed, and now he smiled maliciously: "I ask you to warm your feet alone. Did you sleep? "

Ji Ting: "..."

She was a while away thinking of the world in which she is now living. The male partner to help is a tyrant—yes, the bad-looking, unknowing gangster on the bed.

She looked at him with a face on her face, remembering that she had been in fear or fear all day, and she was stunned at the moment because she lacked sleep. If there was no carpet on the floor, she would be bleeding. Looking at the man again, he didn't panic at all, and didn't realize that he had done too much.

... is simply intolerable.

Shen Tuchuan looked at the depressed anger under her eyes, and finally came up with a little surprise: "Are you getting angry with loneliness?"

Ji listened and watched this stunned junjun sneer, climbing his face from the ground with a dark face, climbing onto the bed without a word and turning over from him, lying directly on the inside and covering the quilt.

Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyes: "Ji Ting, are you really suspicious?" How dare he ignore his words and lie down beside him without his permission, he really can't see this woman at all Survival.

The answer Ji gave him was to press him on the bed, and then hug the person like an octopus, burying his face in his arms and slamming: "Shut up! Sleep!"

Shen Tuchuan: "..."

After the weird silence, Shen Tuchuan said with a strange expression: "I can't sleep alone."

"Close your eyes and do not want to fall asleep!" Ji Ting's tone was not good, anyway, she broke the jar and broke, and there is something to wait for tomorrow, she just wanted to sleep at this moment.

Shen Tuchuan was silent again, and after a long time quietly said, "When I can't sleep alone, I like to kill people and vent their anger."

Ji Ting opened his eyes and silently withdrew Ba's hands and feet.

"It's better to be a woman, who has taken a bath in the petals, and the blood is fragrant when killed."

"... Your Majesty, Chen Ye can't sleep anymore, why not chat with His Majesty?" Ji heard a gentle look.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, and half a moment smiled: "Okay."

Then there was silence. Ji Ting had to work hard: "What does your Majesty want to talk about?"

"You don't want to talk, you can just say anything." Shen Tuchuan closed his eyes lazily. He was always in a bad mood, but he couldn't sleep, so he just let his eyes rest every time he took a leave.

Ji listened to his teeth and smiled, trying to raise his voice: "Why can't your Majesty sleep?"

"If you are alone, why is it ..." Shen Tuchuan said half of his eyes suddenly opened, and looked at Ji thoughtfully. Speaking of which, this is the first time he has slept for such a long time in these years. I ca n’t sleep for two hours at a time, because of ...


Half an hour later, Ji Ting watched that her dormitory should have a large bed, and at the moment it was empty. Even the quilt she liked was carried away by the entire bed, and then remembered what Shen Tuchuan said before leaving. The phrase, "Guo sleeps very well on this bed. If the bed is moved to Gu's dormitory, Guchi may sleep better", she finally said with a gritted teeth--

"This bastard!"

The author has something to say: tyrant string: Sister think of it, you think I fancy your people, in fact it is your bed

Listen: Oh, wait for you to come back and call dad 2k novel reading network

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