It turns out that some people, no matter how bad their health or no previous experience, as long as he is an important character in the text, and the author has not clearly written that his side is not good, he will be very good, at least after one night of listening, it is considered to be a tutor. Someone's amazing.

This sleep went straight to noon. When she opened her eyes and saw Shen Tuchuan still alive, she was shocked. Shen Tuchuan was awakened by her movements. She looked at her with a disappointment and closed her eyes. Her voice was hoarse when she just woke up: "What?"

"Your Majesty, you should face up." Ji listened, also a male duck.

Shen Tuchuan opened his eyes and looked disgusted: "Why is the sound so bad?"

"... Where Her Majesty was gentle last night, Chen Ye would not have this voice." Ji Ting did not expect that the first sentence he said to himself after one night was this, and immediately laughed.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, remembering that she was somewhat satisfied last night, despite her expression of resistance, holding her in her arms, sighing for a moment: "Guyuan was really wrong."

"What?" Ji asked angrily.

Shen Tuchuan kissed her forehead and said with emotion: "If you knew it would be so comfortable to do this, you should have done it earlier instead of waiting till now."

Ji heard that he got out of his arms and narrowed his eyes to look at him: "How early does your Majesty want?"

Shen Tuchuanton paused and looked at her seriously: "Of course, when you first entered the palace."

Ji was satisfied when he heard this. He squeezed his face and threatened lightly: "Your Majesty, the words that Chen Ye said at your birthday party, you must always keep in mind."

"... I know." Shen Tuchuan realized that he didn't have such a dignity, and immediately hummed, don't open his face, a posture of "do not touch the cold".

Ji Ting was painful and lazy. He was too lazy to deal with him at the moment. He turned around and went to sleep. Shen Tuchuan saw her with her back to herself, and was a little dissatisfied: "Did you not ask why you didn't go to the early morning? Didn't tell you. "

"Don't you just overslept," Ji Ting yawned, closed his eyes and mumbled, "You're not iron-fisted, obviously you were too tired yesterday, you can understand by thinking about it."

Shen Tuchuan's mouth twitched: "I'm not tired."

"Oh?" Ji Ting turned over and faced him. "So, Your Majesty, why didn't you face it today?"


"I know you're hard-mouthed." Ji heard a snoring sound, instead of turning his back on him this time, he re-entered into his arms, closed his eyes and whispered. , Sleep more. "

The corner of Shen Tuchuan's mouth was raised, and half a moment's replied softly, holding her to sleep.

The two didn't have meals until the afternoon. After the meal, Shen Tuchuan stared straight at her. Ji Ting touched his face and asked uncomfortably, "Is there something on my face?"

"Have you finished your meal?" Shen Tuchuan did not answer, but raised another question.

Ji heard a glance at the empty bowl, and just nodded, she emptied herself. She exclaimed and hugged Shen Tuchuan's neck, glaring at him angrily: "Hug me, let me down!"

"It's such a courage to dare to call me in front of you alone. It seems that you can't do it without teaching you." Shen Tuchuan hummed and hugged her and went up to the couch.

Ji wouldn't know what he was going to do, rolled his eyes and let him go.

The two fooled around in the middle of the night, and then went to bed casually for dinner. The next morning, they really got up again. Ji listened seriously and said that he couldn't be so arrogant in the future. Shen Tuchuan agreed in an instant of silence, but at night, he was unrestrained.

For a few days, neither of them went out of the dorm room. Ji Ting looked at himself in the mirror and felt tired and thin, and then looked at someone who was lazily leaning on the bedside and reading a book, and was not angry.

Now that the little prince of Fanbang is dead, the male lead will come at any time, and this person has no worries at all. Now even the politicians are too lazy to care about it, it is simply too irritating.

The absurd gap between Shen Tuchuan and Shen Tuchuan these days, she did not think less about the future. After thinking for a long time, she felt that the knot between Shen Tuchuan and the male lead may not be insurmountable. In the original text, the male lead is actually a man with a big picture. If it is not the harshness of the tyrant and the dissatisfaction of the subjects in the world, he would not easily beat the king.

Today, Shen Tuchuan, after coming here, is actually much better off than before, so the reputation among the courtiers is much better, unlike everyone in the original text who wants to be killed, the male lead If you want to kill him, you must think about it first. If the king is not in the world, you will fall into chaos.

In short, the way to stop the male lead is to make Shen Tuchuan an irreplaceable Mingjun. Even if the male lead wants to take revenge, he must endure for the people of the world.

… However, the man in front of him is now too busy to hang around with her, and even the world is too lazy to control it. If this continues, I am afraid that word of mouth will decline again, and the man will kill the unconscious man as he did in the original text.

Really can't go on like this, Ji Ting took a deep breath and walked to him in front of his face, "Your Majesty."

Shen Tuchuanton paused: "What?"

"You have n’t been to the DPRK for three or five days, and a lot of state affairs have not yet been dealt with. If the ministers knew that you did n’t go to the DPRK, it was because you were mixing with the ministers, what happened to the ministers?" Ji Ting He looked at him solemnly.

Shen Tuchuan thought for a while: "Meritor?"


Shen Tuchuan explained, "You are already 26 years old after the New Year's Eve, but you haven't had any children until now. If you are pregnant, wouldn't you be my hero?"

"... Can it be said to be pregnant with pregnancy? I'm afraid that Chen Xun has become a demon who scourges the country and the people before she becomes pregnant." Ji heard a slight hum.

Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyes and looked at her: "What on earth do you want to say?"

"Your Majesty, Chen Ye wants to have a good reputation among the people. You might as well be a wise king. Only your reputation is good, Chen Ye's reputation will be good." Ji Ting eagerly grabbed his hand.

Shen Tuchuan was rather dismissive: "Fame like this is illusory, not even a full meal. What do you want it to do?"

"Do you want Chenchen?" Ji Ting hated it.

Shen Tuchuan: "That solitary historian called and asked him to write you better in the history books."

"... Chen Chen has a good reputation when he wants to live. What does he want to do after he dies?" Ji Ting looked at him silently. "Your Majesty, can't you be a good role model to be a good example, just want to tamper with history What about ideas like that? "

Shen Tuchuan narrowed his eyes unhappyly, before speaking, Ji listened softly and looked at him pitifully: "Your Majesty once said that His Majesty will give you whatever His Majesty wants, and My Majesty wants you Be an emperor. "

"Guan then thought you were hurt for solitude, so that's why."

"Although he wasn't injured, Chen Chen actually made a block for His Majesty. Is it necessary to see His Majesty to be willing?" Ji heard dissatisfaction.

Shen Tuchuan frowned: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Will your Majesty agree?" Ji Ting asked immediately.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long time, and said quite helplessly: "I don't know how to be a wise king."


Two people looked at each other for a long time, and Shen Tuchuan broke the silence: "I was not alone, I was serious." The education he received from an early age is that he is the king of a country. He kills whoever he wants, and does whatever he wants. Regard the lives of others. And these are obviously not what a virtuous man should do.

Ji listened and looked at his helpless eyes, and then chuckled after a long while: "In fact, it is not difficult. You only need to handle political affairs as before, but you can't kill if you can't kill them ..."

"No killing? That won't work." Shen Tuchuan refused decisively.

Ji listened to silence for a moment, sitting resentfully to the side: "I heard that there are too many crimes committed, and it is easy to have children without p. Eyes."


"Of course, there may be no children directly, after all, no one wants to give birth to the house of those who are too heavy to kill."

"Don't talk nonsense," Shen Tuchuan's face darkened. "I didn't curse myself like this."

"Is Your Majesty Still Killing?" Ji listened to him.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a long time, and finally impatiently said, "Gu can only promise you not to kill as much as possible, but some people have committed the crime of death, and Gu can't spare them."

"That's natural, everything is handled according to the law. Chen Ye believes that His Majesty will do a good job," Ji Tingyin diligently massaged his shoulders. "As for anything else, it's actually simpler. People are very simple. People, as long as you treat them better, they will praise you. It ’s been over a year now, and soon it ’s time for the yellow and the yellow to not pick up. Why do n’t we let the lower states set up congee shelters to help the people? ”

"Little thing, it's up to you."

"In this way, people should like us, but they do n’t necessarily have to be guided by others. So, ask some storytellers, bards and the like, and let them compile some good things about you and spread them. People who do n’t need to accept help can like you. ”Ji listened seriously and made comments.

Ancient news lags behind, and the reputation of Shen Tuchuan's tyrant is probably better understood by the minister and the people under the imperial city, so the main public opinion position is still Kyoto. Now that the male lead will come at any time, it is natural to have a good reputation to fight out as soon as possible, so that he can no longer do anything with Shen Tuchuan. Although this method of making public opinion is a bit mean, it is nothing.

After listening to her in doubt, Shen Tuchuan seemed to wonder why she suddenly became so obsessed with fame. Ji didn't wait for him to ask, and then he answered directly: "Although the relationship with His Majesty was good, but he hasn't reached the point of becoming one, now Chen Ye is completely your person. Naturally, it will be for you and your world consider."

Although Shen Tuchuan had already guessed vaguely, she still felt very worried when she said so. I can only treat him sincerely in this world, I am afraid that there is only Ji listen.

Ji heard that when he heard that he believed, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and was dragged to bed as soon as he was about to speak.

"... Your Majesty, didn't you say you want to be Mingjun?" Why did you have to announce that day? !!

"No effect."

After Shen Tuchuan said it, he untied the bed veil, and the room was full of blushing sounds, without stopping for a long time.

Although the tyrant is not very promising in some aspects because he has just tried it, it is quite reliable in other things. At least after hearing about Ji, he has never killed anyone for half a month.

Congee sheds opened everywhere, and storytellers' new stories also sounded in various restaurants. People who did not know the monarch easily in this atmosphere easily forgot the impression of the tyrant of Shen Tuchuan, and then felt their king Goodness loves people.

Occasionally, Shen Tuchuan was curious about the people in the stories, so he asked someone to find a storyteller. When he heard about it, he was too disappointed. He gave away some rewards.

In a blink of an eye, spring arrived, and the snow had completely melted. The ice on the lake in the small garden of the palace began to break, and the clear water was fresh.

Ji Ting stayed at the Longxi Palace again. After Shen Tuchuan went to the upper court in the morning, she slept for a while before she got up, and went lazily towards the Fengqi Palace.

"My mother is getting better these days." Tweety laughed.

Ji Ting touched his face: "I seem to be fatter."

"Not fat, not fat, mother is just right." Tweety quickly.

Ji Tingxiaoxiao smiled: "Rest assured, this palace has no plans to lose weight, but it is afraid that the singles made a while ago will not wear."

"How come, if the mother is really worried, just go back and try it later."

Ji listened and nodded, and after returning to the palace, went directly to the dorm.

The master and servant entered the house, and Tweety went to the table and poured tea for Ji Ting: "Drinking some tea in the morning is good for my body, and my mother should be thirsty."

"I'm okay." Ji heard that he walked to the closet and pulled the door open.

At the moment of opening, a bit of cold sharpness hit the neck, Ji Ting froze suddenly, looking at the person hiding in the closet in front of his eyes, slowly widening his eyes-

The male lead is here? !!

With such an excellent appearance and a rather extraordinary aura, Ji Ting didn't have to think much, and he could immediately determine who he was. The male protagonist holding her sword against her neck seemed to be shocked after seeing her.

"Mother-in-law, have you seen the new clothes? Do you need a slave to help you find them?" Tweety said and walked this way. The closet door blocked the large area of ​​sight. She only saw Ji Ting standing in front of the closet, but Can't see what she's doing.

The male lead and Ji Ting stunned at the same time. Ji Ting didn't want to say: "You go out first!"

Tweety stopped immediately and looked at her with a puzzled expression: "Mother?"

"Take everyone out of the house. This palace suddenly has a headache and wants to rest." Ji Tingdan said indifferently.

Tweety gave her a puzzled look, and asked nothing, and then took the others out. There were only Ji Ting and the male lead left in the room. Before Ji Ting knew what he knew about him, the male lead put the sword down first.

"Listen, I thought you were dead, but I didn't expect you to be alive." The male face looked excited.

Ji Ting: "?????"

"You don't recognize me? I'm your brother Murong." The host reminded her.

Ji listened blankly for a moment, and turned the original text several times in his head, but he couldn't find the relationship between his current identity and the male lead. Well, she is a show girl. He is a man of rivers and lakes. It doesn't look like a script in any way, maybe it's a little bit of a relationship, and the logic of the world is involved.

"I don't remember much." Ji Ting answered honestly.

The male sighed: "Also, when you and I were neighbors, you were only five years old and naturally you don't remember."

... Oh, my neighbor, it should have been known when the male owner concealed his identity and learned art. After all, only that paragraph was used in a few words. But it's better to have a relationship than it doesn't matter! At least for now, the man ’s sword did n’t point at her, but it all relied on the thin face of an acquaintance.

"If you ... become a queen?" The man asked hesitantly, seeing Ji listened and nodded even more complicatedly, "I did not expect that the wise queen in the mouth of the people turned out to be you."

"Oh? Is that what people say about me? What about your Majesty, what do they say?" Ji Ting pretended to be curious.

The master paused and said reluctantly: "I have a few friends in the court. I used to hear them talk about how violent His Majesty is today, and the people I saw seemed to be afraid of him, but somehow, this paragraph The time comment suddenly changed, as if he became Mingjun overnight. "

"Your Majesty had a bad temper before, just because he was ill. Now that he is recuperated, he will not lose his temper. Brother Murong came from outside the palace. He should know that, His Majesty has done a lot of good things this year." Ji heard a look serious.

The male whispered a hum, and didn't seem to want to listen to any good words about Shen Tuchuan.

Ji Ting stared at him seriously for a long time, and suddenly felt that this person was actually the same ... gullible. She pondered for a moment and sighed sadly.

"What's wrong?" Sure enough, the man asked immediately.

Ji listened to him, shook his head slightly, and was aggrieved after he asked a few more words: "I was a bit scared by you, thinking that another assassin was going to kill my Majesty."

The host paused, his expression was a little unnatural.

"You don't know, there are more assassins these days, some because they want to usurp the throne, some are foreigners who want to cause us civil unrest. In short, no one wants us to be good," Ji heard and turned around and sat down at the table. He looked at him sadly, "Brother Murong, you know, if you want the train to run fast, you have to rely on the headband. If your Majesty is dead, the world will be in chaos, and the last people will suffer."

The man was silent for a moment: "What is a train?"

"What I said casually, you can understand the meaning of a carriage. The people in the world are the carriages and the horses are the horses. If you want everyone to eat and wear warm clothes, do you still have to make decisions?" Ji heard After sighing, he continued to connotate someone, "Your Majesty is now very good, and he is becoming smarter, and this is not annoying to those who want chaos in the world, so everyone is looking for fault."

Male lead: "..."

"You say that those Fanbans assassinate His Majesty are all the same. After all, it ’s not my ethnicity that has a different heart, but we have to assassinate ourselves, I really do n’t understand. This is a world where people are displaced and what is good for those people? Is it? Ji listened at him with a puzzled look.

Male lead: "..."

Ji heard that he did not speak, and once again analyzed from every aspect how much battle Her Majesty would cause if he died, and finally concluded: "So everyone who loves the people should love His Majesty, if it hurts His Majesty for personal hatred , That is the enemy of the people. "

Male lead: "..."

Ji heard that his mouth was dry. After drinking a large glass of water, he looked at him leisurely and asked innocently: "Yes, brother Murong, just listen to me, and I have to ask you in the future. When you come to the palace, What do you do?"

Male lead: "..."

"Did you come to see me? Because I knew I was in the palace, I was worried that Your Majesty was not good for me, so I came to see me right?" Ji heard a surprise.

The host was immediately put up, looking at her neighbor's sister who hadn't seen him for a long time. In the face of her expectations, he couldn't say anything. He nodded for a long time and said, "I'm here." It's up to you. "

"Thank you brother, Your Majesty is very nice to me, and I will come to see me every day. I am very happy." Ji listened and smiled.

The male lead Nana looked at her for a while and didn't know what to say.

Ji listened and laughed, and seemed to think of the same thing. He immediately nervously locked the door and turned back to him and said, "Brother, Your Majesty is all right, it is jealous. If I see you in I'm afraid I can't make it clear here. I saw you today, and you should go back first. If you want to see me again, I will send you a letter later. I invite you to enter the palace with integrity. "


"Brother." Ji Ting called him again, seeming to be anxious to let him go.

The male lead was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Your Majesty has killed my friend. I came to seek his revenge."

Ji Ting didn't expect that he suddenly confessed, and after pretending a moment, he pretended to be shocked. He stepped back two or three steps in a row, thinking about whether to call someone after retreating to a safe distance, and kicked him directly.

While hesitating, he sighed slowly: "But if I kill him, what should the people in this world do, you are right, he can't die now, if he is dead, I will be in front of the people in the world sinner."

Ji heard the sigh of relief immediately, and a knock came outside the door the next second, and Shen Tuchuan said impatiently: "Why lock the door during the daytime, and don't open the door for lonely anymore!"

Ji was really anxious to hear this time, looking anxiously at the male lead.

The man grimaced and said stiffly: "You warn him for me, it's best to stay wise, otherwise I will become faint, and I will come to kill him." After he said it, he opened the window and blinked. Jumping out, Yu Pei's body fell to the ground.

At the same time, the door was kicked open by Shen Tuchuan, and then he stepped in with a black face and was displeased after seeing Ji: "There is only one of you in the house, why do you want to lock the door, but what happened? "Since the two were really together, he seemed to have opened up a magic trick, paying extra attention to her physical and mental health, for fear that one day she would be as insane as the emperor's concubines.

"... It's nothing, maybe the door is broken and it's stuck, and Chen Xun didn't lock it." Ji Ting politely pushed the reason to the door of Shen Tuchuan.

Shen Tuchuan looked back at the door and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Then he sat down at the table and planned to pour a cup of tea. As the tea was not poured, he saw the open window and the jade on the window which was obviously worn by men. He frowned and walked over, taking a closer look with the jade pendant he had never seen before.

Ji listening to the heart is about to jump out, and now the male lead has finally been sent away. She can't let Shen Tuchuan go after it, otherwise, no matter who is injured after the two settle their grievances, it is not good for the world.

"What is this?" Shen Tuchuan did not know her concerns, and after researching for a long time determined that the object was not in the palace, he looked up and asked her.

Ji Ting blinked dullly and said for a while: "This is the jade pendant Chen Min brought when he came out of the house. Chen Min thought that he and His Majesty had been with him for so long. , I thought about giving it to her Majesty as a token of love. "

"Why is it on the window sill?" Shen Tuchuan smiled when he heard the words of the token of love, but he still had questions and wanted to know.

Ji Ting twitched his lips, and worked hard to make up the reason: "Because Chen Xun was just basking in the window, he just dropped it."

Shen Tu Chuanton looked for a gloomy day.

Ji Ting: "..."

The author has something to say: Ji Ji listen: Please don't ask!

Tomorrow's finale plus the new world, this chapter gives fifty red envelopes! 2k novel reading network

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