The air was quiet for a moment, Shen Tuchuan calmly don't go too far, looking at Ji Ting's eyes and saying, "Mom, don't talk nonsense, we are ordinary classmates."

As if to intentionally tell someone, he deliberately bit the word 'ordinary classmate' very heavily.

Ji listened to the corners of his mouth, and greeted Jiang Yu and Shen Tu's curious eyes and re-greeted: "That ... uncle and aunt, sorry I lied to you just now, in fact, I am Shen Tuchuan's girlfriend." All were found It's boring to die without admitting it.

Shen Tuchuan heard her admit it herself. Although there was still a little bit of jealousy, the corners of her lips were still uncontrollable.

"I know, I see it." Jiang Yu laughed, and the more she looked at Ji, the more satisfied she was, "Xiaochuan's vision is good, I have never seen such a beautiful girl before."

"No, this child follows me and has a vision." Shen Tushu immediately answered and boasted about himself.

Although Jiang Yu is over forty years old, but properly maintained, it seems to be in her early thirties. At this moment, when I heard the sweet words of Shen Tushu in disguise, I couldn't help but look at him with a strange look: "Blindly, I think my son is better than you. The girlfriend I am looking for But more beautiful than when I was younger. "

Ji heard an embarrassed smile, a cloud of red flying on his face, and Shen Tuchuan calmly blocked her behind him, and he met Jiang Yu's ridiculous gaze in the next second. He paused, rare in front of his parents. There was a hint of embarrassment: "Okay, let's find a car as soon as possible, lest Zhao Heng really drive away."

"No, the car keys are still ..." Shen Tushu said, reaching into his pocket, then his face changed, "Oops! My car keys are missing!"

As soon as this word came out, everyone's face changed with each other, Jiang Yu frowned: "Don't you bring it with you when you got off the bus just now? You look for it."

Shen Tushu rummaged again, and then thought of something, a glance of annoyance flashed under his eyes: "Stolen, the taller boy fell when we got out of the car just now. It should be when I went to help him. Stolen. "

The taller one should be Zhao Heng. Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan glanced at each other, and immediately walked forward. Jiang Yu counted Shen Tu, and at the same time showed them the way. The pedestrian quickly reached the parking place.

The car that should have been parked there has completely disappeared at this moment, leaving only two traces of wheels running over.

"These two bastards!" Jiang Yu couldn't help cursing.

Ji heard a sigh: "There is an open-air parking lot over the administrative building. There should be cars. Let's go and see."

"It ’s okay to have a car without a key," Jiang Yu said, holding onto Shen Tushou's arm with a headache, and his eyes were red. "Not to mention that car has all our food in it, and now we do n’t have those we eat. It will be hard to come down ... I should not relax because they are your classmates. "

"Auntie is okay, you don't have to worry." Ji heard a glance at Shen Tuchuan. Although Shen Tuchuan was still unhappy, he still put down the box and squatted on the ground to open it, revealing a box full of compression inside. Cookies.

Shen Tushu and Jiang Yu were shocked by so much food. Jiang Yu couldn't help but ask, "Where did you get this?"

"She is a collector." Shen Tuchuan interrupted Ji's words first.

Ji listened for a moment, realizing that he was protecting himself and didn't want her to be able to foresee the future exposure, and she felt a bit moved. This is his biological parents, the most trusted person in the world, but for her safety, they are still hidden.

"Favorites ... compressed cookies?" Jiang Yu laughed and thought her son's excuse was lovely, but since they didn't want to say it, she wasn't reluctant, so she continued to think about the predicament in front of her. "With these foods, we just hide The place can support it for about a month, but you can't always hide ... forget it, go to the parking lot first, in case you can find a car that can drive. "

"Yes, as long as you have something to eat, you don't have to worry about the rest. I'm still from the army. I will always find a car that can light up." Shen Tushu encouraged morale.

Jiang Yu glanced at him: "If it weren't for you, you wouldn't have fallen to this point."

Shen Tu's face froze, and he smiled awkwardly.

After a brief discussion between the four people, Shen Tushu carried the box with Jiang Yu in front, Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan followed, and returned to school again.

Fearing that the zombies could hear movement, they walked lightly and did not dare to make a sound. Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan walked behind, watching Shen Tushu trying to coax Jiang Yu but did not dare to speak out, but could only find a way to attract her attention silently, Ji Ting's lips raised.

Shen Guangchuan's Yu Guang has been following her, and when she smiled, she couldn't help lowering her voice and asking, "What are you laughing at?"

"Your parents are so cute." Ji Ting also whispered.

She was just a casual word, but Shen Tuchuan instantly thought that she had lost her parents long ago, and could not help but clenched her hand: "They will be your parents in the future."

Ji listened for a moment, and he couldn't help but respond.

Shen Tuchuan was in a good mood for a moment. She shook her hand even harder. She was about to say something. She looked at it in dissatisfaction and compared them with a ‘shh’. There were zombies everywhere, and he didn't dare speak out to coax his wife. The two young men were better, and they murmured there.

Being caught by an adult, Ji Ting and Shen Tuchuan instantly turned red on their faces, and the next way was honest. The four walked forward silently, and the more zombies they encountered, the more they could only stop and find a place to stay.

After being forced to stop again, after hiding in the nearest water room, the four men stared at the zombies outside. Jiang Yu: "Why are there so many zombies here?"

"Ah!" Ji heard an exclamation. When the other three people looked at her, she looked ugly. "The parking lot is next to the dormitory."

The zombie tide of the school started from the dormitory, which meant that there were more zombies near the dormitory than elsewhere.

Shen Tuchuan also knew this, and frowned after a moment of silence: "You have to have a car to leave. The commercial area is not far outside the school. It is estimated that there are more zombies. We can't walk on foot all the time. It is too dangerous."

"Can't stay here, although the food is sufficient, but once the resources are exhausted and there is no waiting for rescue, there is only a dead end," Shen Tushu looked at the zombies outside, and made a decision after a long silence. "Ogawa, you and Ji listen Wait here. Your mother and I will go to the parking lot to find a car. Let ’s break up. "

Shen Tuchuan's face changed, and he said nothing: "No, I won't be separated from you anymore!"

"Obey! This is not a willful time, we must leave here as soon as possible." The surrounding zombies did not decrease, but gradually increased. It should be that the dormitory is still going out, and the worse they are, the worse they will be.

"Then I'll go with you and let my mother and Ji Ting stay here." Shen Tuchuan's eyes flushed.

Jiang Yu and Shen Tushu naturally disagreed, and Shen Tuchuan was also determined. If he didn't do what he said, no one would go out. Just when their family was deadlocked, Ji Ting had crouched down and found the tools from the box.

"Uncle, this is for you." Ji heard that and gave Shen Tu a few keys.

Her actions temporarily broke their confrontation. Shen Tushu looked at the key in his hand and wondered: "What is the key above?"

"The small one is the door lock, the big one is the car lock. The card is the electronic lock. The rest of the functions are too tedious. I will tell you when I have time." I noticed that Shen Tushu and Jiang Yu became strange faces, and said with pride, "I bought these for a lot of money. I have already tried it before. You can open any lock. Do n’t worry about it, uncle. If you find the right car, just drive with the big key. "

These keys were obtained by her through various channels, and she really spent a lot of money--

Well, before the end of the world, she borrowed campus loans from a dozen platforms with her ID card.

Strictly speaking, the loan she is carrying now has been profitable to two or three million, even if it no longer rises, according to her own ability, it will take more than ten years to pay off ... if those who lent her money If those people are still alive, unfortunately, there is not much hope. Even if they are alive, I can't find her based on an ID card.

A little smile appeared on the corner of Ji's lips.

"... How can you think of spending a lot of money on these?" Shen Tushu couldn't help asking.

Ji Ting was originally immersed in the joy of not paying back the money, and his strange eyes instantly drew ... She just proudly introduced her illegal tools, would she be misunderstood as a bad girl?

Just when she didn't know how to explain, there was a fluttering voice: "She has a collection habit."

"The key is also a collection habit?" Shen Tushu was even more puzzled. "No, if it is only a collection habit, why should you try the key specifically ... Is this illegal?"

"I don't want people to take their own door to try? Why do you care so much, go quickly, and then it will be dark." Jiang Yu said, pushing Shen Tu number impatiently to go out.

When approaching the door, Shen Tuchuan said quietly, "Stop, I will go too."

Jiang Yu froze a bit, but turned back helplessly: "What about listening to that season? You can't let her stay here?"

"Let's do it together," Ji Ting said immediately. "Shen Tuchuan can't let you two go alone. It's better to stay together than everyone else. This will save you from coming over to pick us up and leave the school door. "

Jiang Yu glanced anxiously outside: "But if we go together, in case of danger ..."

"Even if you passed alone and finally encountered danger, Shen Tuchuan will not leave. He will be like you before, even if he knows that there are many evils, he will find you," Ji listened with a shallow smile, "you are A family, shouldn't they know each other best? "

After Ji heard that, the family of three fell into silence, and half of Shen Tushu said, "Now it is a family of four."

Ji listened for a moment.

Jiang Yu smiled and held her hand: "But it's not, now is a family of four, no one is allowed to fall, life and death are together."

"Aunt ..." Ji listened for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Shen Tuchuan embraced the two most important women for him: "So there is no objection now? Let's go together?"

"Well, let's go together." Jiang Yu said, tears appeared in the corners of his eyes,

Shen Tuchuan chuckled, and then heard Shen Tushu's sinking voice: "There are more and more zombies outside, we are now out of town, I am afraid that there will be more bad luck."

His words directed everyone else's eyes out of the window, and he saw that the zombies had doubled suddenly, and all went silent. In the silence, Ji whispered, "I have a way."

After speaking, it turned out that their eyes had focused on her. Looking at the family of three with very similar eyebrows, Ji Ting couldn't hold back a chuckle: "There is really a way, in the box."

Talking, she unzipped the outer layer of the box again, revealing all kinds of things inside, and then started searching in this pile of things.

Jiang Yu's eyes widened in surprise: "How much stuff are you stuffing in this box?"

"No more, no more, compared with my old Qiankun bag ... Compared with my previous box, it's almost far away," Ji Ting said, pouting, after a pause, found what he wanted, and quickly shifted the topic, "I found it."

She said, took out a disc-sized drone, and put the drone's remote control next to it.

"Why is this used?" Jiang Yu was curious.

Ji Tingxian presented it to her like this: "This is what I picked specially. Don't look simple and cheap, but it is more useful than those that are more expensive. Look, auntie, there is a button on it ..."

Before the words fell, Jiang Yu quickly pressed the button, and a high-pitched symphony of fate sounded in the water room next few seconds, scaring the four people in the house at the same time.

Jiang Yu turned off the music in a hurry, but it was too late. The zombies were like a hyena hungry for three days, and suddenly snarled and ran towards this side.

"Ah, ah, what to do ..." Ji was so anxious that her hands trembled. Just as she was flustered, Shen Tuchuan took the drone without a word and re-directed the music with the remote control. The aircraft flew into the sky immediately.

The sound of music drew the attention of all zombies, they forgot the water room for a moment, and roared toward the drone. Shen Tuchuan stretched his face and drove the remote drone in the opposite direction of the parking lot. When the road in front of the water room was empty, he immediately looked at the others. Ji Ting packed the box and Jiang Yu opened the door. The family went towards the parking lot.

With the help of the drone, the road to the parking lot for four people can be said to be unobstructed, but the sound of the drone suddenly broke when the car was approaching the parking lot, and then the remote control issued a 'Location too far to search Signal 'warning.

A family of four who did not expect the remote control to speak: "..."

Stuck in place for three seconds, Shen Tuchuan threw the remote control like an electric shock. Unfortunately, it was too late. Those zombies who had only chased half of them just now, after hearing the sound of the remote control, roared towards them.

Too close, even if they are restrained from making a sound, zombies will hit them because of inertia, so there is currently only one way to survive-


With the order of Shen Tu, the family immediately rushed towards the parking lot. Ji Hean ran too fast. He also lost a snow boot halfway and bent down to pick it up. As a result, he reacted to himself How dangerous this move was, and when I got up, I heard a roar from behind.

"Ji listen!" Shen Tuchuan growled hoarsely.

Ji Ting knew that it was too late to hide. She shrank her neck in despair instantly. The next second, a fleshy head flew to her eyes. She turned subconsciously, and saw that the head of her zombie was separated, and she fell straight on Took my position just now.

"Dare to touch my daughter-in-law, and I'm impatient." Jiang Yu threw the snow boots to Ji Ting with a cold face, and retracted the foot that had smashed the zombie into two sections.

Ji Ting: "..." Is this aunt, the reincarnation of the tyrant of the last world? How could it be so easy to get rid of the zombie's head?

Without waiting for her to come up with an answer, Shen Tuchuan picked her up with one hand, holding her in one hand, holding her shoes in one hand, and dragging forward.

"Little bastard, married his daughter-in-law and forgot his mother!" Jiang Yu didn't help cursing at his wife's appearance.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at Jiang Yu in front of him and Ji Ting: "You can run faster than us."

"How can I have your father!" Jiang Yu glanced at him dissatisfied.

Of these four people, the number of Shen Tu runs is the fastest, there is no way, who asked the other person to take the key the most important task, so the remaining three can only watch him run further and further, until he ignores his side The car continued to move forward, only to gradually feel wrong.

Jiang Yu thought he had forgotten to drive, and was so annoyed that he suddenly said, "Car! Drive!"

Before the words fell, he saw that he steadily ran to a luxury off-road vehicle worth a million dollars, held the key and opened the door.

The three remaining: "..." OK, that's not stupid at all.

Seeing that the keys were useful, Shen Tu was relieved. The three actions of start, throttle, and brake were done quickly. After the three of them jumped into the car, they rushed out.

Ji Tan and Shen Tuchuan in the back seat quickly closed the door, but Jiang Yu on the co-pilot was almost thrown out by his actions. At the critical moment, she was dragged by the number of Shen Tu. She just clicked to close the door and pinched it. A zombie reached up and bit his neck.

The zombie's mouth was still open, his head murmured and fell on Jiang Yu's legs, and it wasn't until Shen Tushu bumped those zombies and rushed out, leaving them far behind, Jiang Yu opened the window and threw his head away Go out: "The body of these things is rotten, otherwise how could it be so easy to decapitate."

Ji Ting: "..." No, that's purely because you are more powerful.

"Are the socks wet?" The man suddenly asked.

Ji listened for a moment, and then turned around, and then saw that Shen Tuchuan had thin, angry eyes. She blinked, rushing to grab the shoes from his arms and put on: "Not wet or wet ..."

After speaking, I saw Shen Tuchuan not talking, and added a silverless sentence here: "On such a cold day, snow boots are as important as life, and you can't pick them up."

Shen Tuchuan looked at her lightly and didn't answer her, but Jiang Yu made a siege for her: "No, I like the shoes and I like them all. It ’s a pity that I lost them. of."

"What shoes?" The number of Shen Tu running on the front line just panted, listening to them talking in the clouds and fog.

Jiang Yu glanced at him: "Nothing, you drive."

"It's okay to drive, but now the question is where should we go?" Shen Tushu has a very good temper. "I only thought about receiving my son first anyway, but I didn't think about what happened afterwards."

"It's better to find a mountain forest, there are more things you can use, and you don't have to worry about the day when the food is finished." Jiang Yu suggested.

Ji Henbu vetoed: "No, in case the animals in the mountains also become zombies, they must be more dangerous than human zombies, and they cannot drill into the mountains." In the original text, animal zombies are inevitable.

Jiang Yu frowned suddenly: "What should I do?"

There was a moment of silence in the carriage, and after a while Ji listened in a small voice: "If my uncle and aunt believe me, it is better for us to go to city A."

"A city?" Jiang Yu looked at her.

Ji listened to Gan Baba with a laugh: "Yes, I have a ... cousin, over there, others are very good and capable, if you can meet with him, then you can have a care when dealing with zombies Second, you do n’t have to worry about someone inserting a knife in the back, what do you think? "

When she said these words, Shen Tuchuan glanced at her, knowing that the ‘cousin’ she said should be the man she mentioned earlier, who could save the world in the future. If that person really has this ability, then they are no doubt the best way to rely on him.

Jiang Yu and Shen Tushu looked at each other and began to think about the feasibility of these things that Ji heard. But after thinking about it for a long time, they didn't think of a result. They had to ask someone in the car who had not spoken: "Xiaochuan, what do you think?"

Ji Ting immediately looked at him nervously, Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment, and turned to look out the window: "Then go."

Ji heard a sigh of relief. After hearing Jiang Yu's agreement, he knew that this matter was settled, and he could not help but secretly hold Shen Tuchuan's hand. Shen Tuchuan, who was still angry because she almost lost her life for a shoe, suddenly twitched her lip corners, and randomly reacted that she couldn't be so casual, so she forced her face up.

So the next time, keeping in mind the mission, no matter how funny Ji listened to him, he kept answering, just to let her learn a lesson. It was so noisy, it was dark in a blink of an eye, the car finally stopped at a gas station in the suburbs, and found an employee lounge to sleep.

Shen Tuchuan has been ignoring herself, and Ji Ting is a little embarrassed, so she tossed and turned on the bed, until Shen Tuchuan went out, she jumped up and followed secretly.

As soon as they left, Jiang Yu, who pretended to sleep, grinned, rolled over and hugged her husband, who had been tired for a whole day.

The sky was snowing again, and the surrounding world was full of dazzling white.

After Ji heard it, she saw Shen Tuchuan standing with her back to her, apparently waiting for her. She pursed her lips, walked carefully and hugged him from behind, whispered in a whisper: "Sorry, I will never make another mistake in the future."

"I'm really scared today ..." Shen Tuchuan's voice trembled a bit, and then there was no sound.

Ji Tingyi walked around in front of him, seeing his red eyes, panic acid in his heart: "I will not die, nor will I become a zombie, I will not leave you."

Shen Tuchuan's lips looked at her with stubborn eyes.

Ji heard a sigh and changed his style to coquettishly: "Shen Tuchuan, in fact, my socks have always been wet, and my feet are so cold."

Shen Tuchuan's attention was diverted. When she heard her say, she immediately took her to the next duty room and sat down, but she squatted to help her take off her shoes.

As soon as she touched her cold socks, Shen Tuchuan's brows frowned: "Don't you say it wasn't cold before?"

"... You were still angry at the time, how dare I tell the truth." Ji Ting skipped.

Shen Tuchuan gave her a stern look at her, lowered her head to help her take off her socks, and then carefully put her feet into her arms and put them on her stomach.

The cold feet got warm. Ji's first reaction was not to relax, but to crunch back a bit, but it was stopped by Shen Tuchuan.

"Don't move." Shen Tuchuan gave her a warning look.

Ji Ting didn't dare to move immediately, so he could only let himself squat on the ground to warm his feet. Looking at the scene in front of her, she laughed suddenly after a long time.

"What's laughing?" Although Shen Qichuan wasn't completely relieved, Shen Tuchuan couldn't help asking.

Ji listened to Han with a smile on his face, laboriously printed a kiss on his forehead, and then smiled and said, "Nothing, I just remembered the phrase 'cause and effect cycle, bad retribution'." No wonder someone was in the world When the tyrant kept her feet warm, she was really comfortable.


The author has something to say: Ji Ji listens: 100 reasons will have results, your retribution is me

Chuaner: ...

Who can think of warm feet, always have to pay back 2k novel reading network

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