Give a Kiss to Paranoid Men

Chapter 165: Chapter 165

As soon as I heard that he had waited all night downstairs, Ji had no choice but to go out. He hurriedly put on a coat and was about to go out. As a result, after a few steps, he suddenly remembered that he was not wearing underwear, so he had to change the coat to thick Thick down jacket, sure to block tight before running downstairs.

She ran to the car in one breath, and the windows slowly fell in front of her when her breathing was not normal. Shen Tuchuan Qingjun's face appeared in front of her eyes. Ji heard swallowing and watching the dark circles under him reprimanded "Why not go home!"

"Reluctant." Shen Tuchuan answered calmly.

Ji Ting was a little bit angry. "How could you be willing when you didn't come to me before?" In her opinion, he was just making excuses for himself.

"I didn't see you at that time, so I don't think that I saw you yesterday, and I couldn't bear it." Shen Tuchuan was still calm, but she felt her anger more or less, so she relaxed a little more than before.

Because of his words, Ji Tian's anger was reduced, but he couldn't help being angry when he thought that he had dragged his injured leg in the car overnight. After thinking about it, it ca n’t be so, otherwise what should he do often in the future?

Thinking about this, she gritted her teeth and turned to leave. Just two steps later, she heard the panic door opening behind her, and then Shen Tuchuan got out of the car. "Don't leave ..."

Ji Ting stopped abruptly, turning his head to see that he was standing on one foot on the ground, and his heart was about to stop. She hurried over to hold the person, and asked with a dark face, "Don't you want this leg?"

"If you don't go, I will. If you go, let alone this leg, there is no meaning in life." Shen Tuchuan stood on one foot and leaned on the car to maintain balance.

In the face of him, Ji Ting really had no way. Glancing at the driver's seat in front of him, his expression could not help but pause. "Are you alone?"

"I asked the driver to go back first, and planned to ask the driver to pick up after you came down," Shen Tuchuan's gaze was flattering. "The car was spacious and I slept well yesterday."

"... Ghost, your dark circles are about to fall to the ground, and I'm sorry to say that you sleep well." Ji listened for a while.

Shen Tuchuan smiled. "I just want to see you as soon as you wake up."

"Crazy ..." Ji heard muttering, pushed him back into the car and sat down. "No need to call the driver, let me drive and take you home to rest."

"I don't want to go back," Shen Tuchuan said immediately.

Ji Tingmei frowned, "Where do you want to go?"

"I want to go to your house for tea." Shen Tuchuan looked upright.

Ji Ting couldn't help laughing and came out "Is it just drinking tea? I'll take it for you."

"You know my focus is on your home." Shen Tuchuan said helplessly.

Ji listened for a while, Zhouzhou that night owl should still be sleeping now, and she wo n’t be able to get up until one or two in the afternoon. She should n’t suddenly run to her house, so she nodded. Here you are. "

As she said, she opened the trunk, lifted the wheelchair out of it, pushed it in front of Shen Tuchuan, and carefully helped him sit on it. When everything was right, she pushed him to go home.

When she reached the door, she took out the key and opened the door before pushing him in. After Shen Tuchuan entered the living room, he moved his wheelchair forward and looked back and forth on the furnishings in the living room.

Ji listened to him and poured a cup of hot water. Shen Tuchuan took it and held it in his palm. He looked at the transparent water and asked, "Did you drink anything else?"

"... Do you really want to drink tea, or do you want to sleep?" Ji Ting gave him a sideways glance.

Shen Tu Chuanton asked "You let me sleep in your house?"

"Well, come all come, you just rest here, go to sleep in the bedroom after drinking water, when we have enough rest we will go out again." Ji listened to the instructions.

A smile flashed through Shen Tuchuan's eyes. "Is this not good?"

"What you pretend, I think your heart is broken." Ji listened and teased him, but her face turned red, and she hurriedly turned to pour a glass of cold water to herself, and then pressed the heat on her face .

Shen Tuchuan also quickly drank the water in his glass. After the glass was placed on the table, he sat upright and straightened his body. "I'm fine."

Ji listened and smiled, pushing him to the bedroom.

The moment the door opened, a scent of lemon smelt, Shen Tuchuan's eyes moved slightly, and his fingertips couldn't control the armrest of the wheelchair.

After Ji Ting pushed the person into the room, he saw that he was staring at the perfume on the table, and took the perfume over. "Do you like it?"

"Very familiar taste." Shen Tuchuan raised his lips.

Ji listened for a moment, then a little surprised, "Did you smell it in the novel world?"

"Um." Shen Tuchuan nodded.

"It's really ..." Ji Ting suddenly became poor, and he cried with laughter for a long time. "It's amazing."

Shen Tuchuan took the perfume out of her hand, sniffed it under her nose, and shook her head gently. "This smell will only smell good when it's on you."

If he smelled the perfume alone, it would be nothing else except to give him a sense of familiarity.

Ji listened embarrassingly at him, "It's all the same perfume, what's different."

"Come here." Shen Tuchuan beckoned to her.

Ji listened for a moment, still took two steps forward, but as soon as he arrived in front of him, he was suddenly pulled to his lap to sit down. She moved uncomfortably, and as soon as she got down, she was arrested by Shen Tuchuan.

The tip of his nose suddenly approached, and the faint breath was lingering around her neck. She couldn't help shrinking her neck, only to feel half of her body numb.

"Not the same. The smell on your body is the best smell." Shen Tuchuan's eyes showed a fascination.

The temperature in the room suddenly rose, Ji heard his throat dry, and whispered, "You ... can't you speak in this tone." It's strange.

"What's wrong? Don't you like it?" Shen Tuchuan heard a smile in his eyes, and his voice became deeper.

Ji Ting's face flushed, and he was a little embarrassed and said, "Favorite ..."

Although shy, although he felt that he would be in danger again, when he asked himself, he couldn't help telling his true thoughts.

Shen Tuchuan liked her inadvertent frankness, and after putting a kiss on her neck, she did not embarrass her any more. Ji Ting noticed a loose hand around his waist, and he jumped out of his arms. He coughed and said, "Go to bed."

"You help me." Shen Tuchuan stretched out her hand and asked for a hug again.

Ji Ting had already been surprised at his action. She came forward and hugged the man. When she pulled up the carrot, Shen Tuchuan stood up with no injuries to her left foot. Ji Ting put his arm on his shoulder, and his arm was leaning against his waist, and the two of them moved to the bed side by side.

This action was so intimate. When Ji Ting was doing it, he was full of tension. He was relieved until he reached the bedside. When he was about to release the person, he realized that he was holding her shoulders and refused to let go.

"Hey." Ji Ting narrowed his eyes.

Shen Tuchuan paused. "Strange places, I'm afraid I can't sleep."

"Then I will send you home to sleep." Ji Ting didn't plan to take his word.

Shen Tuchuan continued his words firmly, "But if you stay with me, I should be able to sleep soon."

"I do not want……"

Before the rest of the words were spoken, Ji Ting met his dark eyes, and she had no feelings, but she saw a pity for life. For a long while, she nodded silently.

Shen Tuchuan's lip angle floated a little shallow. In the end, he didn't dare to express his happiness too arrogantly, otherwise Ji Ting estimated that he would regret it.

In order not to make her too shy, Shen Tuchuan deliberately turned his back, took off his jacket and unbuttoned two shirts, pulled off his belt by the way, and then climbed to the bed himself, lying down orderly and waiting With.

Ji heard a funny look at him and took off his down jacket. Shen Tuchuan stunned for a moment, a flash of surprise flashed under his eyes, but soon this surprise was like a stone falling into the center of the lake, and after a little ripple, it returned to calm.

Ji Ting hanged their clothes on a hanger, and then got into the quilt and lay beside him. The two separated by a fist, and no one was hit.

Half a while Shen Tuchuan moved in the direction of her silently, the two arms finally stuck together, Ji Ting scanned him and ignored him. The consequence of not paying attention is that he becomes more and more unscrupulous, and the next second his arm passes through the gap between her neck and the pillow, letting her arm replace her pillow.

As he was about to get closer, Ji Tinghe said, "Hey."

Shen Tuchuan laughed a little. She didn't sneak up anymore, and took the person directly into her arms. She refused to let go of her even if she protested.

After Ji Ting pushed twice and did not push, he laughed directly. "Should I not lead the wolf into the room?"

"Um ..." Shen Tuchuan responded vaguely.

Ji Tingwu said "You spread me."

"I don't, you seduce me first." Shen Tuchuan's two arms were the same as those of iron, and he held the person and remained motionless.

Ji Ting stared. "Why did I seduce you?"

Shen Tuchuan glanced down and said vaguely, "It was you who started first."

Ji Ting felt that he was the most unreasonable man he had ever seen. She was about to whisper a few more words and heard his voice go down. "Sleep, I am so sleepy."

Ji listened to a soft heart. This guy just said that he slept well in the car. If he slept really well, how could he be so fast? She whispered, didn't want to disturb him any more, and lay quietly in his arms, silently staying with him.

She slept early last night, but she was not sleepy, but looking at his quiet sleeping face, somehow she seemed to be sleepy, and closed her eyes after thinking about it.

Her breathing gradually became uniform, and she soon fell into a black sweet dreamland. Soon after she fell asleep, the man next to her opened her eyes suddenly, and her dark pupil stared at her face motionlessly. It took a long time to hold the person tighter, and she slept with her eyes closed.

Ji sounded pretty good at first, but it didn't take long before she felt a little out of breath. She seemed to be trapped in a large net, and the whole person couldn't move. She seemed to be stunned by dreams. The whole person's consciousness was clear and she knew that she was dreaming, but she couldn't control her body and control herself to wake up as soon as possible.

She knew Shen Tuchuan was asleep on her side. She wanted to ask him to help herself, but she couldn't say a word. I don't know how long after that, she opened her eyes sharply, and she was able to breathe smoothly in the moment of soberness, but the feeling of being choked didn't decrease.

She lowered her head subconsciously, and saw that Shen Tuchuan was almost entangled with her, and his hand was placed on ... Ji listened in surprise, and pushed away his hand, holding the pillow in front of him. .

Shen Tuchuan was awakened by her. She opened her eyes and slowly eased. Then she asked, "What's wrong?"

"You, where did you put your hands just now!" Ji Ting's face turned slightly red.

There was a hint of real confusion in Shen Tuchuan's eyes. "Where did I put it?"

"You ... how can you!" When Ji heard that, he lowered his head subconsciously, then looked at him angrily. When she got up in the morning, when she heard Shen Tuchuan was downstairs, she was so anxious that she didn't wear any underwear. She ran out with a down jacket, and forgot about it when she returned.

… No wonder Shen Tuchuan said that she hooked him first!

Ji listened more and more, and finally couldn't help saying "Don't you remind me?"

Shen Tuchuan is very innocent. "I don't know if you did it on purpose."

"... how could I be intentional," Ji Ting's face keeps rising, "Moreover, even if I don't wear it, you can't get started directly ..." The rest of the words, she really couldn't say .

Shen Tuchuan glanced at his hand, and said after a moment of silence, "I didn't mean it."

"Bluff who?" Ji Ting said he didn't believe a punctuation mark now.

Shen Tuchuan was helpless. "I didn't do it on purpose, it may be a habit left over before ..."

"Enough, don't say more!" Ji Ting busy interrupted him, not wanting to hear why he left this habit.

A smile flashed under Shen Tuchuan's eyes, "Don't you like it?"

"... Yes, I don't like it." Ji glanced at him with little confidence when he heard it, jumped off the bed barefoot, and hurriedly took his clothes to hide in the bathroom.

Shen Tuchuan sat up, glanced at the plaster on his right leg, and regretfully gave up the thoughts of the past. For a long while, Ji Ting came out neatly, stared at him and asked, "Are you ready to sleep?"

"Okay." Shen Tuchuan saw that she was on the verge of frizzling, and thought about it, or don't anger her.

Ji Tinghuan said, "Let's get up, I'll take you to dinner."

"it is good."

Shen Tuchuan cooperated to get out of bed. Ji Ting pushed the wheelchair to the bed, and just when he was going to help him, he heard the knock at the door. Those who can knock on the door with this intensity hardly need to think about anyone else. After hearing a moment of surprise, Ji Tingxuan pressed Shen Tuchuan to the bed and anxiously exhorted "Don't come out, I'll go and send her away. You must not come out." "

After speaking, she was afraid that Shen Tuchuan would make her own claim, and she pushed the wheelchair into the bathroom on purpose, and closed the bedroom door when she went out. Shen Tuchuan sat on the bed, his eyes darkened.

Ji Ting hurriedly ran out to open the door. When Ji Zhouzhou outside saw her, she snorted, and Ji Ting suddenly became nervous. "What's wrong?"

"Are you going to go out?" Ji Zhouzhou looked at her neatly dressed.

Ji listened for a moment and sneered, "Yeah."

"I just need to go shopping, let's eat together and eat directly." Ji Zhouzhou laughed.

Ji listened busy and said, "No, I have an appointment with other people."

"I know all of your friends, just fine together," Ji Zhouzhou said a moment, and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Unless you want to see your boyfriend, I won't be able to follow."

"... no boyfriend," Ji Ting opened her eyes wide, and tried to launch a sincere light wave on her. "Ah, but I did meet a guy, and I have a good opinion of him."

Ji Zhouzhou froze for a moment, "What? Why didn't you tell me?"

Before she became emotional, Ji Ting immediately said, "I just met yesterday. You didn't come back when I came back, so I didn't have time to tell you, I was going to tell you before I went out."

"It's pretty much the same." Ji Zhouzhou snorted softly, not considering her.

Ji listened with a sigh of relief, glanced at the time on the mobile phone, and was about to say something to send her away. Ji Zhouzhou had expressed understandingly, "It's almost noon, you are going to have dinner, I won't It's been a delay for you. Just come back and talk to me in detail. "

"Okay," Ji Ting was quite moved. "Then I will come back to you at night to tell you that if you are all right today, you can read the novel first."

"How can I do that? I haven't finished the outline yet." Ji Zhouzhou snorted and turned back to his home.

Ji Ting watched her leave, and her heart felt a sense of guilt to deceive her, but there was no way, her own relationship with Shen Tuchuan was too abnormal in the eyes of normal people. She can't tell the truth directly, she must create a gradual process to make Ji Zhouzhou better accepted.

She took a deep breath to relieve her emotions, turned around and went back to Shen Tuchuan. After seeing Shen Tuchuan sitting honestly on the bed, she was relieved. "She is gone, we are ready to go out."

"In your eyes, I don't see anyone like this?" Shen Tuchuan looked at her unhappyly.

Ji listened for a moment, but explained to him helplessly. Shen Tuchuan's face was slightly slow, but he was still not very happy. Ji Ting couldn't help but sighed. "I and Zhou Zhou are the only relatives of each other. Although they are not related, they have always looked at each other as relatives and sisters. So her identification is important to me. "

"If she doesn't accept it, you will break up with me?" Shen Tuchuan covered the slightest discomfort in his eyes.

Ji He lost laughter. "How could she accept it?" As long as the two of them don't say what the world knows in the novel world, Ji Zhouzhou won't treat them as a neurosis, and they always support each other unconditionally. That kind of, so she will definitely accept Shen Tuchuan.

Shen Tuchuan heard his words silent, and Ji Ting blinked. "Don't worry, I'll introduce you to her in a few days."

"Um." Shen Tuchuan saw that she suddenly became careful and didn't want to embarrass her any more, and replied lazily.

Ji heard a sigh of relief and smiled. "I invite you to dinner."

"What to eat?" Shen Tuchuan's expression slowly eased.

Ji listened and thought, "Go for hot pot? Or Western food, you can do whatever you like."

Shen Tuchuan squinted his eyes to see her "You make a decision."

Ji Ting immediately replied, "Go for hot pot, clean it up, and I'll take you there." She spoke, handed his jacket over, and went to the bathroom to make up herself.

Shen Tuchuan waited patiently after changing his clothes, and the two set off after half an hour.

The hot pot restaurant she took him to was not far from the house. It was a well-established brand that had been in business for more than 20 years. At noon, when there were the most people, they could only line up outside when they arrived. The waiter gave them a menu and asked them to order first.

After listening to the menu, Ji pushed Shen Tuchuan to the corner and sat down. After glancing at his expression, he couldn't help asking, "Will you get used to this environment?"

"It's okay." He had it all the time when he was poorer in the world of fiction. This really wasn't much.

Ji Ting also seemed to think of that time, and his eyes couldn't help but smile. "In the first world, you also had bad legs. At that time, we were too poor, and there was not much money left after buying the prosthetic. I can't make it through. "

"Even so, you bought the best for me." Shen Tuchuan raised his lips.

Ji Tingxiaoxiao "No way, you were so cute at that time, I can't help it."

The corner of Shen Tuchuan's mouth dropped quickly, and after a long silence, he slowly asked, "Do you miss me at that time?"

"I just think of it occasionally." Ji heard that he was wrong.

Shen Tuchuan looked down "don't think about it in the future."

"Huh?" Ji Ting looked up at him.

Shen Tuchuan quietly stared at her for a moment, and then said faintly, "You just need to like me now, those illusive people are not allowed to like it."

Ji heard seeing the strong possessiveness in his eyes, and subconsciously hesitated. After looking back, he saw a faint smile under his eyes, as if everything just was just her illusion.

"Just kidding, I also like you in every world." Shen Tuchuan Han smiled.

Ji didn't know why he was relieved, but he felt vaguely wrong. When he was thinking about it, he suddenly said slowly, "Hungry, show me the menu."

"Oh, here you are. I've already ordered what I want to eat, and I'll also ask you for something else. See if you have anything to add." Ji Ting left the wrong in his head and passed the menu. After showing him, he looked closely with his head.

She didn't realize that she was inadvertently accustomed to intimate contact with him, but Shen Tuchuan was aware of her changes and added two dishes in a good mood. When they handed the menu to the waiter, their order was also their turn. The two followed the waiter to the store and sat down at the corner.

Shen Tuchuan glanced at the store's environment "It's lively here."

"Yeah, I especially like to come here for dinner. I came here five times a week before, but later I found that it is too easy to be fat after eating this, so I dare not come again." Ji Tingxiao laughed and shared his previous events.

Shen Tuchuan did not see the happy face "Do you like it so much?"

"Well, you'll know when you taste it." Ji listened seriously.

Shen Tuchuan didn't say a word. After the waiter brought the bottom of the pot, he said, "This kind of pot looks very unsafe."

"It's been here for a long time. Many things are from the past. I haven't seen the boss update, but fortunately, there is nothing for adults without children." Ji heard that, and began to wait for the pot. Boiled.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her calmly, and there was a dark shade under his eyes, and he didn't say a word for a long time. Ji Ting, when he was hungry for a long time, waited until the pot was opened, then went down inside.

She didn't have breakfast in the morning, and she was too hungry at this moment. After the contents of the pot were cooked, she was clipped by Shen Tuchuan. Then she started to concentrate on eating. Shen Tuchuan watched her completely indulged in the hot pot, her expression gradually becoming cold.

Ji listened to a wave of feeling less hungry before realizing that the two hadn't spoken. She glanced at his plate and noticed that the contents were almost unchanged. Then why didn't you eat?

"I don't think the things here are too clean." Shen Tuchuan said slowly.

Ji Tingning Meimei "No, this house is very tightly controlled. I think their house is quite clean."

"Really?" Shen Tuchuan looked faint. "That's weird. Why does my stomach hurt a bit after eating it? Usually I can eat spicy food too, it should not be the reason for taste."

"Your stomach hurts," Ji Ting's attention immediately focused on him. "It's not serious, I'll accompany you to the hospital."

"No need, you can bear it, you eat slowly." Shen Tuchuan said slowly.

Ji listened to what was still going on, and put down his chopsticks and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the hospital."

"Really don't need it," Shen Tuchuan said after a pause. "But if you want, we can change to a different restaurant. If you don't eat anything here, I should be fine."

"So, let's go." Ji heard that his statement was strange, but seeing his serious look, he couldn't help but believe him, and got up after a moment of entanglement.

It took less than 20 minutes for the two to enter the restaurant to eat out. Ji Ting's stomach was still hungry, and Shen Tuchuan ate only a little and didn't say anything.

They slowly walked down the street. After a while, Shen Tuchuan told her to stop and "go and have some porridge."

Ji Ting looked up at the store, which is a health restaurant. Although she didn't like these light taste things, she immediately agreed that Shen Tuchuan was still uncomfortable.

The two arrived at the store and asked for something to eat. They drank the porridge head to head. Qing porridge is far worse than hot pot. Ji Ting has lost the kind of enthusiasm for eating just now, and he has been poring on porridge for a while, his eyes are always on Shen Tuchuan.

Under her gaze, Shen Tuchuan slowly tasted a mouthful of porridge, dull and tasteless.

"How?" Ji asked.

Shen Tuchuan nodded, "It's delicious."

"Does your stomach hurt?" Ji Ting asked.

Shen Tuchuan raised the corners of his lips, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"... It seems that the store is really not clean, otherwise you will be fine if you eat other ones. It is estimated that I usually have a strong spleen and stomach tolerance, so I don't feel much." I ca n’t eat hot pot today, and Ji feels uncomfortable. It was just some disappointment that could not be shared with him.

Shen Tuchuan squeezed his spoon's finger tightly, and looked at her calmly, "You can accept it, it doesn't mean that there is no influence at all, promise me not to go again in the future?"

"... Okay." It should be okay to eat once in a while, but don't let him know, Ji laughed.

Shen Tuchuan heard her promised herself, and her mood gradually improved. After a pause, she asked, "Do you think I'm interfering with you?"

"How come, you are also good for me." Ji heard immediately.

Shen Tuchuan was silent, and his emotions fell again. "Do you think so?"

"Isn't it?" Ji heard a laugh.

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a longer time this time. After hearing Ji Ji forgotten the conversation between the two people, he began to eat seriously, and then he slowly said "No."

"Huh?" Ji Ting looked up at him.

Shen Tuchuan pushed his bowl forward "Do you want to taste me?"

"Oh ..." Ji Ting always felt that he didn't want to say this, but he didn't care. He took a spoon and scooped it in his bowl. After tasting it, it tasted good. He simply drank two more sips.

Shen Tuchuan's eyes widened with a smile. "This kind of thing that doesn't like too much is not good to eat."

"It's okay." Ji Ting replied.

Shen Tuchuan stared at her for a long time and clipped an egg pie to her. "I will eat more of those I don't like after that."

"Why don't you like it?" Ji heard his words strange.

Shen Tu Chuanton paused, and looked straight into her eyes. "I only like it if I like it too much. If you want to eat, I can give it to you."

Ji listened for a moment, and his face turned red after he reacted, and he looked around anxiously, confirming that no one heard it and whispered "Who will let you open the yellow cavity!"

Shen Tuchuan was silent for a moment. "I don't mean that."

"Then what do you mean ?!" Ji Ting stared.

Shen Tuchuan pursed his lips, and he couldn't help laughing. This was the first time he laughed so loudly, showing a neat row of white teeth.

The handsome guy smiled, and the whole shop was on. He did n’t pay much attention to the people on their side. If he had watched it, Ji Ting ’s anger disappeared as soon as he laughed, afraid he would say it If something frightens people, he hurries the unfinished cake into his mouth.

Shen Tuchuan smiled, and obediently ate the food she fed. Ji Ting stared at him for a while and thought it was quite interesting, so he fed him another piece, and Shen Tuchuan accepted it as usual. After waiting for a meal, Ji Ting found that they hadn't touched the chopsticks in the second half of the journey, and they all did it for themselves.

"Full." After finishing the last quiche, Shen Tuchuan said gently.

Ji took a look at him and pushed him out after checking out. "I'll take you home. Your legs are still not good. It's better not to run around or go back to rest."

"Will you stay with me?" Shen Tuchuan asked.

Ji listened for a moment, "I'll accompany you until seven or eight in the evening, and it will be dark at home, otherwise Zhouzhou will be worried."

It was Ji Zhouzhou again, and Shen Tuchuan's fingertips moved, and his voice couldn't hear the emotion "Oh."

Ji heard that he was no longer entangled, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, pushed him back to the car, and the two went towards the house.

Back to this house again, although this is only the second time, she feels that she is already familiar with this place. The two returned home and had nothing to do. Ji Ting pushed Shen Tuchuan back to the room and helped him to sit down on the bed.

"Why must be in bed." Shen Tuchuan frowned.

Ji Ting glanced at him. "The more you rest, the better your legs will be. If you are bored, I can stay with you."

"Then you come up." Shen Tuchuan patted the position around him.

Ji Ting took a step back in an instant, "Can't do it." After the morning, she had a psychological shadow.

"Not to be with me?" Shen Tuchuan was upset.

Ji Ting tilted him a look. "It's the same with me under the bed."

Shen Tuchuan thought about it, and seemed to compromise. "Okay, then you can sit on the sofa and bring me a glass of water first. I'm thirsty."

"... Aren't you trying to play tricks?" Ji Ting has become immune to his cold appearance, and will never trust him easily.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her helplessly. "I'm really thirsty, otherwise you can ask the servant to come in and give me a drink."

Ji Ting stared at him for a moment, seeing that he really looked sincere, and finally shook it. He poured a glass of water one step at a time, and handed it to him from afar.

Shen Tuchuan looked at her with a tearful smile, took a sip and drank after taking the cup, and she looked really thirsty. The last bit of vigilance in Ji Ting disappeared with the gradual reduction of the water in the glass. After moving two steps forward, he whispered "Don't drink too fast, I'll pour it out for you."

When the water in the glass was about to bottom, Shen Tuchuan looked up at her, "Are you thirsty?"

Ji listened for a moment. "I wasn't thirsty, but when I saw you drink water, I wanted to drink it." She also thought that Shen Tuchuan was childish. Why did she become a scholar? She was helpless.

Shen Tuchuan nodded, drank the last bit of water in the cup, and then raised the cup towards her. Ji heard it and put the cup in his hand. As soon as he grasped it, he suddenly grabbed it and pulled it down. Into his arms. She exclaimed, and her lips were blocked in the next second, and a warmth was crossed into her mouth.

Ji Ting slowly opened his eyes and forgot about his resistance for a while. After Shen Tuchuan fed her all the water, she let go of her contentedly, sipped the remaining water on her lips, and asked her again, "Are you still thirsty now?"

Ji listened to "..."

She pushed him silently, but was hugged more tightly by him. Ji Ting laughed directly. As soon as she was about to speak, she noticed the wall in front of her. After a pause, she wondered, "What about that picture?"

Shen Tuchuan paused, and let go of her "What painting?"

"Just the one I said yesterday, why isn't it hanging here?" Ji Ting was curious.

Shen Tuchuan raised his lips. "When the housekeeper came back yesterday, I asked him to take it to the painting and calligraphy shop and re-frame it."

"That's it." Ji listened and glanced at the empty wall, and didn't ask any more.

She stayed here at Shen Tuchuan before leaving for dinner. When she left, she was afraid that Shen Tuchuan would wait one night downstairs, and she would not let him go. Shen Tuchuan had no choice but to let the driver go.

After Ji Ting waited for him to enter the house, he turned around and left, and went out. When passing the garden, she saw someone picking up garbage. She glanced casually, then set her eyes on a pile of paper in the garbage.

She stopped abruptly, staring at the pile of paper for a long time. If she hadn't observed the painting several times yesterday, I'm afraid she wouldn't recognize it at a glance. ,, everyone remember the collection URL or keep in mind the URL, the URL is free and the fastest update without anti-theft without anti-theft error reporting chapters to find books and book friends chat books 2k novel reading network

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