
Before starting:

Just wanted to thanks PassingDaoist as he was the one who gave new keywords. If there's still readers there, thanks him in comment!

This chapter is not long at all, but that's because it's kinda like a prologue.

That's all!

What is luck?

The answer people give to these questions are often such as these:

That's totally random, some would say…

That's one of the worst logic and law-breaking thing in the universe, another would say.

That's just a question of karma, one would say.

But in reality, what is luck?

Did someone decide that luck must be like that?

Did someone decide that luck must be so random?

Or did someone decide you had a certain chance of dying of cancer, of having a wife or of winning a LOTO?

Does world work with karma? Does your luck turn later if you are unlucky?

These were questions I was asking myself all my life.

And this, until I discovered what was really luck…

Luck is like magic!

Being the heir of a royal family of wizards, I always knew magic wasn't like in stories…

It was closer from a veil closely tied to reality, that you can move as you want as long as you know where to catch it.

Wizards are just able to see this veil, allowing them to easily find the good spots.

And once, while I was watching the veil, I saw a second one through the first.

After tearing through the first, I saw a second.

And after manipulating it a bit, I knew it was something special.

It was linked to everyone, every single thing…

This veil was the veil of destiny, the veil of luck! @@
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