

They got too many rules and regulations. It's just a fun-killer… It kills that moment you discover you got some super strong powers. It's like someone told superman he can use his power, as long as no one knows of it, that he doesn't injure anyone, that he only use it if asked to or in case of extreme emergency, to report everyday etc.

To make it short, I don't want to stay with them.

But I also don't want to die. So I started to think about a way to wipe my memories.



Now I found out about the truth, I decided resume my novel. I was in hiatus for quite a while now. I had to write a character for the midnight channel today, one of their responsibility, so I didn't have the time to write. Glory to the stockpile I made before going in hiatus.

Still didn't find any way.



Sometimes solutions are where you expect them the least.

Today, I was watching Doctor Who (I'm a huge fan of the series [1]) and I had a flash of inspiration:

What if an author writes a character of the Doctor Who universe to rewind the universe and leave a message to the channel to not contact me? Wasn't there quite a lot of similar plot thanks to Moffat (RIP we'll miss you)?

This is explained (a bit) in the series, and it is coherent with the universe.

Ok, gotta admit it, it is a shitty idea as this doesn't solve the author own understanding problem.

I'm going to walk a bit to calm my mind.


A little paper on the desk:




















They just informed me they had a way to erase my memories… I just feel like they read my logbook and felt my death and its disappearance would be suspicious. And as they didn't want to trust me, they decided to erase my memories instead.

I suppose this logbook will lose a few pages…



I woke up this morning and was again surprised at how time flies by. I though clearly remember of that last month, but it went so fast… That's because I did nothing special… I even didn't write in my diary.

Diary just made me think about diarrhea… These words are quite different though… Maybe I'm still a bit sleepy.



After coming back from school, I found a note on my desk. It is my writing, but it is quite particular.

Instead of ink, it isn't really written strictly speaking. This is just… cut. I don't know when I made this, but my author's mind is very interested in this. It feels like mystery.

I'll take care of that tomorrow.



[1] Me too (but I didn't watch any in the past month, I just keep thinking about it all the time)! My favorite doctor is Math Smith (sorry for the Tennant fans), Amy Pond best companion (sorry for all Donna and Rose fans) and River Song best waifu (I'll never ever apologize to anyone this is a statement).

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