Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 132: My father mother

She said: "What Xi Zhan said does not mean the Xi family!"

Shi Nuo turned pale when he heard what I said, and the always gentle woman said angrily: "Miss Shi, I didn't come here to fight with you. I just want to meet you. If you don't know what to do I can't live with you."

  Xinuo’s words are so funny, as if she was giving me alms, I also put it down and said: "I am not as pedantic as you, I would rather not marry him or share him with other women!"

   Xi Nuo closed his eyes and restrained his emotions. After a long time of relaxation, he calmly said: "Goodbye Miss Shi."

   Xi Nuo was ran away by me. This woman seemed to be self-reliant and noble for a long time and hadn't quarreled with others. When I met someone like me, there would be nothing wrong, maintaining her own gold and leaving like a gust of wind.

   I stood there and spit out for several times before I convinced myself not to be angry. On the way to the company, I sent Yuanyou a message, "Do you know that Xi Zhan has a fiancee?"

   Yuanyou doesn't matter what he said back to me, "I know, it has nothing to do with the second brother. It is all arranged by the Xi family, so don't worry about it."

   Yuanyou said don't take it to heart, but that is Xi Zhan's fiancée anyway, how could I not respond in my heart! !

   Besides, he didn't contact me for many days.

   Did that man forget that he still has a woman? !

   I turned off my phone in desperation and went to the company. I flipped through the documents in the company for a long time without seeing a word. I was always aggrieved to death. After my grievance, I felt helpless to reality.

   He has a fiancee next.

   is mainly his indifference to me.

   makes me feel terrible.

   feel even more desperate!

   When I was about to get off work, I mentioned the words written by the old housekeeper to the assistant, and he immediately asked: "Does the word Su refer to the family named Su in Ning Town?"

   "Go and check if there is a Su in the town."

   The assistant went to investigate, and soon he came back and said, "There is only one family in the town with the surname Su."

   "Does the old butler want me to find them?"

  The assistant echoed: "Maybe it is."

   "How far is Ningzhen from here?"

   "Three hours, I don't know the road conditions over there."

   I hesitated to ask: "Jiang Chen, should we go there?"

   I really want to figure out what the old housekeeper's words mean, and why am I not from the Shi family! !

   "Well, I will prepare the car."

  The assistant drove the car, and we arrived at Ningzhen at nine o'clock in the evening, which is a remote mountain town!

   My assistant and I found the Su's house based on the address. The door we knocked on for a long time was no one opened, and the surroundings were so gloomy and terrifying.

   I asked nervously: "Will it rain tonight?"

   Assistant explained: "It has been raining lately. The road conditions were not good when we came, and the weather forecast said it would rain at night. If it rains, we will be trapped here."

   The Su's house has not opened the door. When my assistant and I were about to give up, a slightly vicissitudes of voice suddenly came from inside and asked: "Who are you?"

   I glanced at the assistant in the dark, and he quickly replied: "We are passing people. I want to come in and borrow a place to stay."

  The assistant did not directly state our purpose.

   The sound of unlocking the door came from behind. The moment the door was pushed open, when I saw the person standing at the door, I couldn't say a word, and tears were like springs of tears.

   I plunged into his arms.

   "Dad, I miss you so much."

   I suddenly understood what the old butler said, "Actually, the master and" mean! !

   He wants to tell my parents that they are still alive!

   I hugged the middle-aged man in front of me tightly, not daring to let go for a moment, for fear that the mist would disappear in front of me after letting go.

   A shocked voice came from behind, "Sheng'er."

   I raised my head in shock and shouted, "Mom."

   "Let's go, go in and sit down."


   The living room is very tidy, and there is an old-fashioned piano in the corner. I imagine the scene where my mother plays every day.

   I held my mother's rough palm tightly, and heard her calmly say: "Sorry, we left you."

   I asked depressedly: "Why do you want this?"

   Why did they leave behind the fourteen-year-old me and disappear? !

   "Your father and I have long been tired of the business in the mall, plus someone warned us... Shenger, mom, I'm sorry."

   For nine years, they avoided me for nine years!

   Who on earth warned them behind the scenes? !

   My mother hugged me and kept crying. My father came over and patted her on the shoulder, soothing her, "I should be happy to see the child."

   I hugged my mother and asked, "Who threatened you?"

   Who in the Shi family dared to threaten? !

My tears kept streaming, my mother stretched out her hand to wipe my cheeks, and said in a gentle voice: "Sheng'er, you've grown up, and my mother doesn't want to hide many things from you anymore, and since you found this place, you must listen What gossip has come!"

   I am greedy for my mother's tenderness and want her to heal my inner wounds. I hold her tightly for a moment and refuse to let go, relying on her tightly as I did when I was a child.

   "Sheng'er, you are not our biological daughter."

   I looked at my father in shock, "You are lying to me!"

   I hope he lied to me, but the old butler’s words are vivid, and my parents did not intend to hide it from me.

My father patted my head and said with red eyes: "Your biological mother sent you to us 23 years ago, and let us raise you up! Me and your mother had no children at that time. We... have no fertility, so when a child was placed in front of us we readily agreed! We never even thought about the true identity of this child!"

   I was so shocked that I couldn't say a word, and looked at the assistant at the door with some bewilderment.

   I was about to die with cramps, and I tightly grasped my mother's arm with my fingers, trying to borrow some strength.

   Father looked at me with compassionate eyes and said: "Your biological mother found us nine years ago, let us leave Shijia, let us pass Shijia to you, and this departure... She wants us to disappear completely."

   "So you pretended to be killed on the plane that crashed?"

   My father nodded helplessly, and I asked with difficulty: "Who is my biological mother? Why did she let you leave you and leave?"

   "Sheng'er, she has power, but she is also the poorest woman in the world. She was forced to pass you to us too!"

   I asked with tears, "Who is she?"

   "This is her contact information."

   My father didn't tell me who she was, he just gave me a note, and I held it tightly in the palm of my hand.

   My father hurried me away suddenly, "Sheng'er, wherever you go back and forth, as if you have never seen me and your mother! Remember, my name is Suning now, and your mother changed my name.

   I asked with grief: "Why do you want this!"

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