Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 175: I think she is alive

Xi Wei's expression was serious, I quickly pulled his sleeves and said, "Don't! Don't move Xi Zhan!"

   "Miss, you don't have to be so kind!"

Xi Wei's face was firm, and I anxiously said, "I am a lover with Xi Zhan, and I was pregnant with his child! So is there any difference between the Xi family's mine or hiss? Doesn't it mean you destroy my future by destroying him? Is it the child? Xi Wei, this matter will stop here, you must not move Xi Zhan, this is my order to you."

After a pause, tears in my heart cramped and said: "Don't target him, I'm afraid... I take his Xi family now, I don't know how to explain it to him later, I'm afraid he blames me... "

   Although Xi Zhan is not a child of the Xi family, what did he do wrong?

   He doesn't know these things at all.

   It seems that when he went to Norway, he knew that he was not from Xi's family. No wonder he was always upset during that time.

   No wonder he said his mother is not worthy of being a mother.

   "Miss, I am the owner of the old family."

Xi Wei took my arm and pulled away my hand that was pulling his sleeves and said lowly: "I said last night that when the power of the Xi family is completely in the hands of one person, I can truly achieve success and retreat. The last order the old family master gave me was to destroy Xi Zhan at the right time. Whether you agree with me or not, this is my last mission in the Xi family!"

   He said too much last night!

   is coaxing me to hand in this document in person!

   They can make it, but they want me to do it myself!

   I know that they want me and Xi Zhan to turn against each other!

   I shook my body, as if I was about to fall down in the next moment, Xi Wei hurriedly helped me sit down, and I slammed him away!

   I looked down and saw the paternity test.

   I don’t know when this was done.

   Maybe before I saw the old man.

   I asked him, "When did the paternity test be done?"

   "From the first time you arrived at the old house, the owner of the old house was suspicious, so I took the toothbrush you used after you left."

   At that time he knew that I was his biological daughter.

   He didn't recognize me on the night of his death. He said a lot to me. I thought it was for Xi Zhan. No wonder Xi Zhan took me to the auditorium to be filial!

   He knew the truth at that time and wanted me to send his father personally.

   That man, he has been protecting me with his self-thinking tenderness, and I feel so sad when I think of this.

   I was sobbing sobbing: "Xi Wei, I beg you not to do this, Xi Zhan and I... you will ruin me like this!"

   I would be ruined without Xi Zhan!

   "Miss, this is my last mission at Xi's house."

   Xi Wei collected those documents and ordered them to be archived and said: "Now these documents are still going through the process, and the Xi family will really come into your hands next month. You can't use the power of the Xi family before then."

   "So you are going to suppress Xi Zhan?"

   I stood up abruptly and felt dizzy.

   Xi Wei bowed to me and said, "Goodbye, Patriarch."

   Xi Wei decisively left the estate notary office, feeling sad, and quickly took out the phone to call Yuanyou.

   I said in a particularly hasty tone: "Brother, the Xi family has to deal with Xi Zhan, you quickly find a way to preserve his influence in the Xi family."

   Yuanyou puzzled and asked: "Isn't the Xi family second brother?"

   "Brother, he is not the son of the Xi family."

   Wen Yan Yuanyou also noticed the seriousness of the matter. He didn't ask me why I knew about it, but patiently calmed me and said, "Don't worry, I will find a way!"

   I was anxious, so I hurried to take a taxi to find Yuanyou.

   In the next two days, Xi Zhan's forces distributed in the Xi family were defeated like a mountain before the Shi family!

   Even the Junior Class was disbanded.

   As long as it is Xi Zhan's forces--

   Either conform or eliminate.

   Not only that, Xi Wei also ordered the people in Italy to put pressure on the government. Within a few days, Xi Zhan was extradited back to Finland.

  Extradition to Finland will be convicted of Xi Zhan.

   Yuanyou said that it will start in at least five years.

   Because of what the second brother did...

   He said, it's not that clean.

   On December 22, the person in charge of the Xi family came forward to announce the name of the new owner of the Xi family-Shi Sheng.

   When Yuanyou heard my name, he stared at me incredulously, "You did this?"

   I shook my head and denied, "It's not me."

   As soon as I finished saying that it was not me, the Xi family posted a video on the Internet. It was a scene of me holding a yellow paper document into the estate notary office, and my condition at the time was still talking and laughing with Xi Wei.

   In Yuanyou's eyes, I took the initiative to take away Xi Zhan's momentum.

   And it was still stabbed in the back when Xi Zhan was detained!

   "Shi Sheng, I can't tell that you have a big appetite!"

   Yuanyou was so angry that he called my name.

   The person in charge of the Xi family did not say that I was the biological daughter of the old family owner of the Xi family, but simply declared that I was the new owner.

   I know that Xi Wei did it on purpose!

   He wants to make the person next to Xi Zhan misunderstand me!

   He wants a real break between me and Xi Zhan.

   I kept explaining to Yuan You, but he didn't believe me at all. I anxiously said, "I'll call Chen Shen."

   Until now, I can only ask Chen Shen.

   beg him to let Xi Zhan go!

  If Xi Zhan is free, maybe he can still control Xi Wei!

   This way the loss will be smaller.

   But Xi Zhan is weak and Chen Shen should like to hear about it.

   So why does he help me? !

   Thinking of this, I feel too naive.

   Yuanyou suddenly asked me, "Do you know Chen Shen?"

   "Well, I know." I said.

   "So the second brother is locked up for you..."

   I hurriedly explained: "It's not me!"

   Yuanyou did not believe me at all. He left me and left the company. Before leaving, he said, "This broken company will be given to you!"


   I made a decision on December 23, I will go to Finland to meet Xi Zhan, because tomorrow is his 27th birthday!

   No one can believe me!

   Anyone can misunderstand me!

   Don't be Xi Zhan!

   It was nine o'clock in the evening when I arrived in Finland, and there were three hours before Xi Zhan’s birthday.

   I clung to the birthday gift I prepared for him and called Heming, but he directly refused to accept it!

   Did he misunderstand me like Yuanyou?

   I stood in the Finnish wind and snow with red eyes and suddenly felt inexplicable despair, as if I had encountered a big gap with Xi Zhan.

   And this gap is my fault.

   I can't get past at all!

   When I was lost, my family no longer had any power to rely on, so I couldn't find the exact location of Xi Zhan.

   As a last resort, I called Ji Nuan and asked her, "Are you still in touch with Chen Shen?"

   "Well, I am in touch."

   "Can you let his people take me to see Xi Zhan?"

   Ji Nuan didn't understand what I meant, but she relayed my words to Chen Shen intact, and the man agreed!


   On the other side, Chen Shen hung up the phone and looked deeply at the cold-looking man sitting in front of him and asked, "Guess who it is?"

   Xi Zhan raised his eyes and stared at him lightly.

   "The woman I like keeps talking about you."

   Xi Zhan asked in a cold voice, "Who do you like?"

   "Ji Nuan, do you know him?" Chen Shen said.

   "Shi Sheng told me before."

   Hearing that, Chen Shen curled his lips and said in a deep voice: "I thought she liked you, so I ordered someone to detain you in Italy."

   Xi Zhan squinted his eyes and asked: "Are you jealous of me?"

   Chen Shenshi smiled and said: "A misunderstanding."

   "Speaking of which I have eaten your vinegar."


  Chen Shen raised his eyebrows and asked clearly: "It wasn't that I sent you a woman to your side some time ago. You misunderstood the relationship between me and her, right?"

   The relationship between Xi Zhan and Chen Shen is very complicated. There is sympathy between heroes and rivalry between enemies!

   Xi Zhan closed his eyes and did not answer.

   Chen Shen reminded: "She will come to you later."

   Xi Zhan was silent, Chen Shen got up and said: "I promised my Nuan, so I will send her here safely."

   Xi Zhan, who has always had his own opinions and decision-making, suddenly asked the man in front of him melancholy, "Her body is not suitable for pregnancy, how can I let her knock out the child in her belly?"

   "Would you like to marry an infertile woman?"

   Chen Shen’s problem is fatal, but Xi Zhan said without hesitation: "Nothing is more important to me than her."

Chen Shen squinted her eyes and said without a doubt: "She will definitely not kill the child, because I heard about her physical condition. She once thought that she could not be a mother, when she had this opportunity I will never give up."

   Xi Zhan sighed: "I know."

   "Xi Zhan, what are you afraid of?"

   Chen Shen asked a question he was afraid of.

   "I think she is alive."

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