Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 195: Belly sinister heart of a gentleman

The doctor’s suggestion to let me have an excretion is his advice from the perspective of other doctors. Besides, basically every pregnant woman will have an excretion for more than 20 weeks. Moreover, if I do an excretion to prove that the child is OK It's a great thing for me.

   But my heart is worried and fearful.

   I am afraid that the child has a problem.

   I am afraid that the only light that ignites in my heart goes out.

   I didn't answer the doctor's words but followed Jing Ye back to the apartment.

   My stomach disappeared a lot after taking the medicine. I lay in bed with insomnia for a long time before going to sleep. The next day I drove to S city.

When I arrived in S city, I didn’t contact Chu Xing and my sister-in-law. Instead, I went directly to the hospital where Song Yiran was. When I arrived, I saw her sitting on the corridor of the hospital with red eyes. I used to hold her arm and asked in a worried tone: "Jiu'er Is it in the operating room?"

   There was a light on in an operating room not far from Song Yiran. She nodded and said, "Jiu'er kept throwing up last night."

   I sat beside her to comfort her and said, "It's okay."

As if supported, Song Yiran, who has always been strong, hugged me crying heartbreakingly, "Miss Shi, I can't hold it anymore. The child's torture in the past six months is like being imprinted on me! My heart hurts terribly. , I regret giving birth to her! If I hadn't been so selfish at the time, she wouldn't have suffered this pain in the world!"

   Song Yiran's body trembled so much, I stretched out my hand to hug her shoulder and said distressed: "You are not wrong, you just hope Jiu'er can see this world, and Jiu'er is now..."

   I can't say if Jiu'er is safe and healthy now, I sighed deeply and continued: "Jiu'er's condition will definitely be better!"

   Song Yiran couldn't cry and kept crying on my shoulder until the light in the operating room went out. She didn't get up.

   Although her body is still so delicate, she stood up without the sorrow and pain of just now, but looked firmly at the child who was pushed out of the operating room by the doctor!

   She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and lay on the bedside and called Jiu'er. The doctor told her, "The child is not in danger for the time being."

   She gratefully said: "Thank you doctor."

   "She is still in the early stage of the disease. If the bone marrow transplantation can be done as soon as possible, the bone marrow transplantation can not be delayed, otherwise it will be late...Miss Song, you should understand the worries in my words."

   Song Yiran's expression suddenly said: "I know."

   After Song Yiran went back to the ward with the child, I went to the office with the doctor, and I asked him, "How is Jiu'er's illness?"

   The doctor frowned impatiently and asked, "Who are you?"

   I blurted out: "I am the child's aunt."

Doctor Wen Yan explained: "Because it is a premature baby, the body has been in a weak state with complications. At first, there were no serious illnesses. The leukemia was only detected yesterday. I still recommend surgery to eradicate it as soon as possible. The possibility of recurrence will be very small, which is good for the child! The bone marrow transplantation hospital does not have a match for the time being. As the child’s aunt, please contact your relatives. After all, the match between family members is the most successful."

   "Thank you doctor, I have another question."

   He lowered his voice and asked, "What?"

   "Is Jiu'er's disease caused by premature birth?"

   If Jiu'er's illness was caused by premature birth, then the baby in my stomach...for the first time, I began to hesitate in my heart.

   The doctor shook his head and explained: "There are many premature children, but most of them are healthy. Nothing can be said."

   "Well, thank you doctor."

   I turned around and left the doctor's office to let Jing Yi handle the hospitalization procedures for me. For the next seven months, I only adjusted for health.

   I went back to Jiu'er's ward and saw Song Yiran stroking the child's head. I sat next to her and raised my hand to hold Jiu'er's palm and said, "I plan to live here until the child gives birth."

   Song Yiran raised his eyes in surprise and asked: "Are you pregnant?"

   "Well, your body is worse than you were at the time."

   Song Yiran reached out and held my hand as if it gave me the strength to support and said: "Alright, I can take care of you and Jiu'er together."

   "It's okay, I have Jing Yi them."

   Song Yiran looked at the bodyguard behind me and said with a smile: "They are men after all, and I am a person with experience."

   She was really sincere, and I was moved: "Thank you."

   "Well, take care of Jiu'er for me. I will go back to the company to take care of something, mainly to find a suitable bone marrow transplant for Jiu'er."

   "Okay, I will also send someone to inquire!"

   Song Yiran got up and bent over and kissed Jiu'er on the cheek before leaving. After he left, I called Shi Cheng.

   However, the display over there is temporarily unavailable.

   I hung up and sent a text message to Shicheng, "Where?"

   Shicheng hasn't returned to me yet, and soon the person in charge of the Xi family called me, "Patriarch, Hull paid a ransom."

   I asked, "Where is Jiang Chen?"

   "Still familiar with the affairs of the Xi family."

"Well, you can teach him more for me, so that he can familiarize himself with everything about the Xi family as soon as possible! Talking about it, you know that the Patriarch of the Xi family has always had a right-hand man by his side. Jiang Chen is the one I chose, but he doesn't It will threaten your current status. I just need someone to deal with Xi's house and handle some of my private matters for me."

   Tan Wen is the person in charge of the Xi family. He is currently in charge of everything in the Xi family. His position is only below me. Suddenly, a Jiang Chen division will definitely make the balance in his heart lose some balance.

   And he is from the Xi family, I need to comfort him.

Wen did not have the slightest complaint about what I said. He smiled and explained with a gentle smile: "The Patriarch's words are serious. Talk to Wen clearly about what should be done and what should not be done. Since Mr. Xi Wei left me in the Xi family, everything I have made it clear to me. He mentioned that Jiang Chen would come to Xi's house before, so I tried my best to teach him!"

After a pause, Wen Biao said faithfully: "The Patriarch still doesn't know the rules of the Xi family for a hundred years. The Xi family can maintain the glory of the Xi family for hundreds of years in the changing world. It will never be just a big family as it seems now! Especially! People in the bottom will never fight for power and power because of the unfair distribution of power! Patriarch, if you want to go in the long term, if you want to understand the Xi family, you should trust it and trust the Xi family left to you by the old Patriarch, You should rest assured that Tan Wen has no objection to any arrangements and decisions made by the Patriarch."

   Talking about Wen makes my face hot.

   is that I treat the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

   But I just want to comfort him.

   My original intention is correct.

   I calmly said on the phone: "Well, I understand what you mean, and is the Xi family still suppressing Xi Zhan?"

   "Never." He replied.

   This has never been exactly the same as Xi Zhan's tone.

   I heard Tan Wen explain: "All the previous decisions made by Mr. Xi Wei expired after he left Xi's house."

   "Well, the people below are forbidden to suppress Xi Zhan."

   Chen Shen reminded me not to help Xi Zhan.

   The only thing I can do now is to give him peace.

   "Patriarch, I have one more thing to tell you."

   Tan Wen's tone seems to be a bad thing.

   I asked him, "About whom?"

   "Mr. Xi."

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