Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 221: Yu Luoluo intends to get married

I went to bed early last night, and the main reason was that Xi Zhan was so tossed, so I fell asleep in bed afterwards.

   When I woke up early in the morning, the sky outside was slightly bright, and there was a slight morning light on the border of the distant mountains. It is estimated that the morning sun will rise later.

   I lowered my eyes and saw Xi Zhan's eyebrows were slightly raised, as if hidden sadness, I stretched out my hand to smooth him, as if I knew I was beside him, and his vigilance was very relaxed at this moment.

   If this were normal, he would have opened his eyes!

   I got up and got out of bed, put on clothes and opened the door of the cabin. The daffodils at the door were blowing in the wind. I knelt down and rubbed the petals with my thumbs and said to myself: "It's beautiful."

   There was a sound of birds in my ears. I got up and followed the chirping sounds and saw a few little sparrows. They shuttled through the woods, and soon there was another strong crow.

   I smiled and said, "It's really an early bird that has worms."

   I was holding back and was about to return to the cabin when I inadvertently saw an old stone monument on the grass in the distance.

   I ran over curiously and saw that a lot of block letters were written densely on it, and the names of two people were written at the end.

   Xifu, Lao Nian.

   Xi Fu is the name of my biological father.

  娆年 should be my biological mother.

   And Wushan Yomo is their place of determination!

   My biological father kept telling his love for my biological mother on the night of his death, but how a man with countless aunts and wives can be called infatuation is just self-moving!

Of course, we are not clear about what happened between them, so I can’t make any comments. I squatted on the lawn and read the block letters on the inscription carefully, "The king is born, I am not born, I am old, and I am just born. When I knew the king, he was married and raising children. Although my heart was clear, and my worry was burned, but I was finally desperate with the king, and I hoped that the king was beautiful, and the king should not forget the past love. When the fate rises, Xijun is dead."

This passage is very simple. I can see the affection of my biological mother to him, but it can also be seen her determination when she knew that he had a family, especially the last sentence, she hoped when she said that she had fate with him again He is dead, vaguely revealing a vicious touch.

   My biological mother hates him, right?

   Otherwise, they won't send me back to Xi's house.

   Although I was sent to Shi's house by my mistress.

   But she definitely didn't want me because she resented him, otherwise she wouldn't marry a Frenchman so quickly!

   But these are my guesses.

   I sighed and said, "He is dead."

   Xi Fu, the old patriarch of the Xi family, my biological father, he has lived at the pinnacle of power all his life, but after all he can’t love it.

   can't love...

   How many people love and get something in the world?

   Yu Luoluo, Gu Lanzhi, He Ming, Gu Tingchen, Xiao Wu, Song Yiran, Shi Cheng, etc. are all in love!

   I squatted on the ground for a long time before I got up sadly, turned around and saw the man staring at me in front of the cabin. I smiled and asked, "Why are you up?"

   He replied in a low voice: "Appreciate the sunshine and the sun."

   At this time, the horizon is orange and red, and the sun is slowly rising. It is estimated that the top of the mountain will be exposed in a few minutes.

   And standing in front of the orange and red is the tall and straight figure of Xi Zhan, the man behind it is dreamlike and not real.

   I ran over and took his arm for fear that he would disappear. He looked down and asked me, "What are you looking at there?"

   "My biological mother is called Luo Nian."

   I blinked and said, "This is the first time I know."

   Xi Zhan asked me with difficulty, "Do you blame her?"

   blame her?

   I thought about this before.

   But since I took over the Xi family, I never thought about it.

Because I was harassed by Xi Zhan’s mother for a while. At that time, I was sad for a while because she was devoted to her son, but after knowing that my biological mother was not her, I was relieved and never again. Never thought of her deliberately.

   is like letting go of her.

I shook my head and said, "Everyone has their own choice. Her choice back then was to abandon me. In addition, I hadn't met her, so it was not a complaint. Besides, she gave me a kidney. She gave me every second of my life."

   So what right do I have to blame her?

   And by my age, I can figure out a lot of things, especially since I have had children myself. To a large extent, I can understand her and think about her.

   is understandable, I don’t want to recognize her no matter how righteous I am, because until now she has never thought of contacting me.

   In her heart, I was never her daughter.

   Maybe she just can't bear to donate a kidney to save me.

   It doesn't matter anymore.

   Xi Zhan commented: "You look pretty transparent."

   I laughed and said nothing. The morning sun had completely risen. I took his arm and sat down on the swing chair in front to admire the rare morning light in Wucheng. I curiously asked him, "Do you like it here?"

   Everywhere is exquisite, Xi Zhan obviously spent his thoughts.

   "Well, it's a quiet place."

   Is there any other reason besides this?

   I think it's not just that!

I nestled my head on his shoulders and remembered that I had a dream last night. I shared with Xi Zhan: "I had a dream last night. There were two lovely children and Jiu Er in the dream. In the villa, my parents and grandchildren are happy and happy."

   But that dream is very strange. There are my children, my parents, Shi Cheng and Jiu'er, including Xiao Wu. We all live in Shi's villa, except for Xi Zhan and Song Yiran.

   Only without me and Shi Cheng’s lover.

   Seeing that I mentioned that my child Xi Zhan was silent, he might not know how to comfort me, and after a while he got up and said, "Let's go down the mountain."

  I was exhausted on the way back again. Later, I softened and didn't want to say a word on the co-pilot. When I passed the villa, I saw Xi Wei bending over and cleaning the fallen sycamore leaves in the courtyard.

Seeing my gaze outside the window, Xi Zhan's faint voice reminded me: "That is the property of the Xi family. He is not guarding this villa for your father, but for you. If you like it here, you can Go to Wushan Xiaoju anytime, especially in winter."

   I went back to him and asked: "Why is it winter?"

   "Wushan is the most beautiful in winter."

   I said oh, Xi Zhan saw my depression and was simply silent, but my heart began to feel agitated.

   That dream is very scary, because I can't see the faces of my two children, but the inexplicable determination in my heart is my child!

   Just when I was sad, Yu Luoluo sent me a WeChat message, "Sister Shi Sheng, I want to get married on New Year's Day."

   The news of Yu Luoluo fell on me like a thunderstorm. I sent a message and asked her, "Why do you suddenly remember that you are getting married?"

   "I just wanted to get married suddenly."

   The gloomy tone was not so willing, as if someone was forcing her.

   She asked me again, "Can you be my bridesmaid?"

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