Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 306: Appropriate surprise

In her mother's mouth, she was referring to Xi Run.

   I asked her quietly, "Can you?"

   "Why Yuna instead of Yoona?"

   She still knew about Yoona's existence. It seemed that she knew everything about me all the time. Did she know that two years ago when I was about to die?

   If you know, why don’t you recognize me?

   I answered her truthfully: "Run'er is an elder brother. He will endure a lot of pressure and hardship in the future. The title is my compensation to him."

   Xi Zhan means that in the future, Yuner will be sent away from me to go out for training, and Yooner will always be by my side.

  The future Run'er will definitely swallow a lot of pain.

   This title is my only compensation for him.

   My mother returned to me, "Yooner Yu is not fair."

I looked at her calmly, and said my thoughts: "Even if you give me the title now, I will still choose a child to pass it on to them in the future. I will treat them when they get older... I can't say for the future. , I don’t know if they will be able to reconcile brothers and sisters in the future. If they are reconciled, they can be given to anyone. If they are not reconciled, I can’t give it to anyone.

Mother’s pale face smiled gracefully and luxuriously. She took my words and said, “In this case, I will give it to Run’er in my name. No matter what their relationship is in the future, whether Yun’er complains or not, she will only complain about my grandma. It has nothing to do with your mother."

   I was wrong and asked: "You agree?"

   Not only did she agree to put the pot on her body!

   "Well, I don't want to embarrass you very much. Besides, there is not much difference between giving Run'er and giving you, it's all my blood!"

"thank you."

   The mother specially explained: "I treat Yuner and Yoona with the same thoughts, because they are both your children, but I always feel that I owe Yoona and leave her nothing."

   "No, Yoona will have it."

  The title is just a title.

   Xi Zhan and I have more than this.

   "Well, you are a mother, and you have to learn many things, such as dealing with the relationship between brothers and sisters, not allowing either party to feel your partiality, and not allowing Xi Zhan to alienate the two children."

   Why did my mother suddenly mention Xi Zhan...

   And Xi Zhan is indeed alienating the children.

   I asked her gently, "What?"

"I understand Xi Zhan's character more or less. It is too cold and too cold to approach. I still can't imagine that he will be with you... I used to think he would live a lonely life, but now he has chosen to be with you. Since you are together, I wish you happiness, but Shenger, you have to build a bond for him, bond with the children, because your body... You know that you are not a perfectly healthy person, someday in the future I'm not sure... I am not cursing you. I just hope that when the accident comes, he will have other fetters in this world, which makes him not look so lonely. Do you know what I mean?"

   Mother's words poke heart every word.

   She is right, I am not a perfectly healthy person!

   I really want to think about Xi Zhan.

   Try to build a bond between him and the children!

   I agreed: "I will."

   The mother held Run'er and suddenly her eyes fell on Shang Wei's body. She whispered, "Wei'er, you should wait outside first. I will say a few words to Sheng'er, otherwise there will be no chance..."

   Shang Wei interrupted her quickly, "I will go out."

   Shang Wei hurriedly stepped, staggering a bit.

   His mother kept looking at his leaving figure, and said sadly after he closed the door: "Today this side is probably the last side of you and me in this life. Later, after you leave this door..."

   She paused and sighed: "I can't bear to leave this world, because I have just had a daughter and children and grandchildren, and only then realized the warmth of the world, but I can't survive the illness after all."

   I gave her illness.

  Because her kidney failure is because of me...

   I know her love for me from the bottom of my heart.

   But she and I are still very strange.

   I don’t know how to comfort her.

   can't even call her mother.

   My heart is also very sad.

   "Sheng'er, I only have one thing I need to ask you."

   I asked politely: "What's the matter?"

   The mother held Run'er in her arms. She teased him with her fingers, but the child never responded. The mother looked a little disappointed and said, "Wei'er is the person I worry about the most except you."


"He is withdrawn and loves trouble. The French royal family is his biggest shelter. I hope you can protect him in the future. No matter what mistakes he makes in the future, I hope you can forgive him with all your strength in my face... Sheng Son, his heart is kind, but he was lonely and sickly since he was young, plus he was abandoned by others..."

   She paused, looking sad.

   This is her biggest wish.

   I promised her: "I will."

   "Thank you, Shenger." She smiled.

   My mother gave Run'er back to me. I held it in my arms and heard her rushing to say: "Go home, I hope you will be happy and healthy in the future."

   I nodded, "Thank you."

   "You give Run'er to Wei'er, and I will give him the adoption of the knighthood in a few days. After everything is over, I will let Wei'er bring Run'er back to China."

   I obeyed: "Well, I listen to you."

   "I'm tired, you can go."

   I held Run'er and opened the door and walked out. I never called her mother from beginning to end. It seemed that I was particularly cold and unfeeling.

   I wanted to call her, but I couldn't open my mouth.

  Because of years of unfamiliarity, it is so clear.

   I gave Run'er to Shangwei, "Please take care of it."

   "Well, not staying overnight?" he asked.

   "Well, I want to go back to Wucheng."

   I am not used to this empty villa.

I bypassed the long corridor and entered the elevator. When the elevator door was about to close, somehow, I suddenly ran out and bypassed the corridor to open the door of the room, and shouted anxiously in front of Shang Wei. "mother."

   I red eyes and said, "Mother, thank you for your love for me in this life; thank you for your dedication to me in this life; thank you for giving birth to me back then; thank you for the kidney that you donated to me back then!"

   The mother lying on the bed smiled.

   smiled warmly.

   She responded, "Thank you for being my daughter."

   I nodded and turned and left, knowing that this separation is forever, an inexplicable sadness arose in my heart.

   I stunned out of the castle, the assistant quietly followed behind me, my eyes moist and said: "Before this, I blamed her, but after understanding her, I feel so sorry for her again."

   heartbroken that she came to France alone for me.

   still walks now with the weak power of a woman.

   "Shi always..."

  The assistant didn't know what to say.

   I took a deep breath and said, "Forget it."

   I walked to the car and opened the door. When I saw the handsome man coming out of the car, I was shocked, "Why are you in my car?"

   The man was cold: "Huh?"

   I was pleasantly surprised: "Er Gothic will pick me up in France?"

   "Well, give Yoona a pleasant surprise."

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