Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 316: Faith in life

By eight o'clock in the evening, Xi Zhan hadn't returned home. It happened that Tan Yang asked me to watch a concert. She said that Gu Lanzhi would be playing in the evening.

   I went back to her, "Didn’t you say that Gu Lanzhi was on vacation?"

   "He was temporarily supporting his friend!"

   I agreed to Tan Yang when I was bored at home.

When I arrived at the concert hall, I passed by the cat tea house and saw Yi Huan sitting at the table by the window with his arm propped on his head, looking at the busy traffic outside the window. She didn’t even see me not far from her. I don’t know what God is thinking!

   I used to stand in front of her, she grinned, showing two small white tiger teeth and pointed me to the teahouse!

   It is now at night, and there are only a few tiny lights on in the teahouse, all of them are ancient style lampshades, which makes the teahouse dim and warm.

   I shook my head and asked her, "Are you listening to a concert?"

   Through a layer of glass, she did not hear what I said clearly, I increased the volume and asked her, "Are you going to the concert with me?"

   Yi Huan heard it this time!

   She shook her head and replied loudly, "No, I'll stay here, and I will go upstairs to rest and sleep at nine o'clock!"

   Yi Huan didn't want to go, so I left the Maomao Teahouse. When I was about to turn around, I looked back at her, and my expression was silent.

   It seems that this little girl is a person with a story!

   "Shisheng, here!"

   Someone called me behind me. I turned around and saw Tan Yang alone. She was only wearing a thin long-sleeved dress.

   I sigh in my heart, the young man is so angry!

   I went over and asked her, "Where is Gu Lanzhi?"

   Tan Yang said with a smile: "We are preparing in the background."

   Tan Yang and I entered the concert hall together. Tan Yang said that the concert was halfway through, and Gu Lanzhi's performance was ten minutes later!

   She knows Gu Lanzhi's itinerary well now.

   Five minutes later, Gu Lanzhi came to my side, and Tan Yang and I were both surprised because Gu Lanzhi would be on stage to play soon!

   He whispered to me, "Little girl."

   I asked in doubt: "What happened?"

   Gu Lanzhi called me to the backstage and gave me a few scores. I took it up and asked him, "What are you doing for me?"

"My right hand was just hit, and I can’t raise my hand now, but I will have a few pieces to play later. There is no other good pianist here, so I would like to ask you to help me complete these pieces. There is a street where the wind lives. You are very familiar with this song, and you should be familiar with it when you play it!"

   I used to play the street where the wind lived with Gu Lanzhi, and I have never forgotten it for so many years, so I am very familiar with this song, like my life!

   But I know that the story of the street where the wind lives has ended, and my nine-year obsession with Gu Lanzhi has also ended!

   I was quite curious and asked him, "Gu Lanzhi, why do you keep playing this piece? Don't you be afraid of Tan Yang thinking more?"

Gu Lanzhi said with a warm smile: "I used to play it because I missed you, and it accidentally became my famous song. I still play this song now because of my original intention, and maybe I don't like it anymore. , I have a crush, but there are some things I want to keep. Keep this obsession and pay tribute to the... friendship between us!"

   Gu Lanzhi suddenly stopped, he and Gu Tingchen had exactly the same face, but now I will never admit him wrong again!

"Little girl, we have not achieved a good result, but fortunately, we all have love now. I bless you, and you bless me. Isn’t that bad? Besides, getting a relationship does not mean abandoning the past. The key to the people and things you know is your mentality. Who can misunderstand if you behave properly? You won’t, I won’t, Tan Yang won’t, even Xi Zhan won’t!”

   I clenched my lips and heard him say again: "It is not easy for a person to have a close friend in this life. I hope we can cherish each other's friendship!"

   Among all the people I know, the one who saw the most thoroughly is Gu Lanzhi in front of me and his current wife Tan Yang!

   These two are really a natural match!

   He was right. I shouldn’t ask him why he still plays this song. In fact, I’m afraid that Tan Yang will feel uncomfortable!

   How can someone who sees so thoroughly as Tan Yang misunderstand?

   After all, I'm just annoying myself!

   Besides, the song is correct.

   I like the streets where the wind lives. It does have an important meaning to me, but it does not mean that I still miss that love!

   is also true for Gu Lan!

   I said back to him: "Thank you."

   Thank him for being a teacher and friend, always enlighten me when I can't figure out the detours, thank him for his fearless atmosphere!

   Such a man is the man I have loved!

   Gentle, gentle and warm and know how to advance and retreat.

   and Gu Tingchen's viciousness is indeed a world of difference!

   Gu Tingchen...

   I remembered the text message he sent again.

  What the **** is he suffering? !

   I shook my head and warned myself not to think about it!

   "Little girl, change into a dress."

   I nodded, "Okay."

   I quickly put on a long aqua skirt, and after waiting for two minutes, Gu Lanzhi's assistant told me that it was about to start.

   I took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage. I walked to the stage and bent over to salute everyone. I saw a familiar face in the last row.

   I smiled slightly and sat at the piano.

   I put my hand in front of the piano and played the first note for a while, and then the sad tune slowly flowed out of my hands!

  The street where the wind lives.

   Actually the wind does not live here...

   It just passed by...

   When you and I were young...

   took nothing...

   A tune is four minutes and it ends soon.

I then played the other four songs. The whole process lasted only 20 minutes. There was a round of applause below. I got up and walked back to the stage to bend over. At this time, Gu Lanzhi and Tan Yang were sitting together. Two rows behind them sat a man as steady as a mountain!

   That man is so handsome...

   That man is so powerful...

   That man is the love of my life...

   Amidst the bursts of applause, I suddenly remembered the obsession that I once had. So far, this is the only one in my life...

   I thought my nine-year persistence was...

   I did not expect to marry the wrong person from the beginning!

   My whole life so far, this one person was already a joke at that time, and it was a joke when I married Gu Tingchen!

   I gave Gu Tingchen my love for Gu Lanzhi.

   This love is real, but also wrong!

   Only for him, the affection in my heart is so clear!

   I never recognized the wrong person again this time.

   In this life, I can no longer do this life, only one person, but what I learned from him is "this life, the only one."

   Thank him for teaching me how to love someone.

   Thank him for being with me over the past two years.

   Thank him for his pampering and pampering me.

   Xi Zhan, I understand that you are the only one in this life.

   In this life I will use my life to believe in these four words!

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