Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 327: Xi Zhan is nowhere to be seen

Hull's expression was stern. I was tightly imprisoned and unable to struggle. At this moment, many people in black appeared around the villa. I thought it was theirs, but I clearly saw the one holding the medical kit. The faces of several people suddenly panicked, and they didn't expect someone to guard around the villa. They put their guns at my temple.

   "Disperse, let us go!"

Hull came over with a sneer and said sarcastically: "Fool, don't you look at where this is, Xi Zhan's base camp, can he not stay behind? I don't know which power you are from, but you should not be famous. How else could you do such a stupid thing?"

   I clearly sensed that the people behind me were completely flustered, and I calmly calmed them up in English: "You let me go, I let you go, rest assured, I am not interested in the lives of you and your partner!"

   The people behind him seemed to be persuaded. He knew that he could not escape and simply gambled his life to let me go. I ran to the black man in a few strides and heard Hull's command: "Take them away!"

deal with…

   To deal with means to kill!

   I hurriedly stopped and said: "Let them go."

   Hull looked at me with a shocked expression, "Are you a stupid like them? They want to kill you, and you let them go?"

  Hull always has a staring look.

   I glared at her and said, "You are not a fool."

   "I said let them go, let them go, let them go, and I won't forgive you next time, right?"

   They must have kidnapped the doctor He Ming sent over and disguised their identities. Sure enough, they pointed to the black car behind and ran away. I asked the man in black to rescue them.

   A few people in black went to rescue the doctor. Hull, who was wearing a black motorcycle suit, laughed at me and said: "They are enemies. Are you afraid of raising tigers if you let them go? Are you a Virgin's heart bursting?"

I gave her a blank look, "Being a person and doing things has to talk and count. I can't guarantee that I will not be in a dangerous situation like today. Then when I want to negotiate with people again, people will hear that I am a contradictory person. How can you trust me? Hull, stay on the sidelines and meet each other in the future. You certainly don't understand this!"

   The people in black around dispersed, and the villa fell into silence again. Hull rolled his eyes and said, "Do whatever you want!"

  Hell seemed to want to enter the villa, and I reminded her in a cold voice: "Xi Zhan said that you are not allowed to come here. If you dare to step here, I will let the two dogs bite you! I can do it!"

  Hull's face paled after hearing that, "People are fighting dogs."

  Hull is afraid of dogs, because she did not go any further, but dropped a sentence: "I hope you can have such good luck next time!"

   Looking at her leaving back, I suddenly thought, she is Yi Leng's best friend, and Yi Leng is the Yi Huan in the Maomao Teahouse.

   Yi Huan has a good personality, at least I think I can deal with it, but where can Hull, who can be a girlfriend with Yi Huan, go so far?

   Maybe Hull is not too bad-hearted, she is naturally domineering and does not care about the consequences, but this is also annoying!

   At least I am bored!

   Because she is always targeting me!

   I went into the yard and let go of the two German shepherds. They started to play in the yard. Even if the door of the villa is open, they won't run around. Seeing them like this, I don't think I need to tie them again.

   Several doctors came in and I arranged for them to sit in the living room and poured water for them personally. They stood up flattered, and I quickly asked them to sit down and ask, "Do you need anything from me?"

   They shook their heads and explained: "Mr. He described on the phone that they are all minor injuries, and the wounds need to be treated, mainly disinfection, etc., to avoid infection, and there will be no big problems."

   I was relieved when I heard that it hurt slightly!

   Several doctors and I waited in the villa for several hours without seeing Xi Zhan and the others. I finally couldn't help but call He Ming, but the busy tone kept showing, and no one answered at all!

   I was worried about what happened to them, and I was busy finding Yi Zheng’s WeChat plus in the group, and then sent him a voice video! !

   Seeing me asking about Xi Zhan, Yi Zheng was also in a daze.

   He hung up and said, "Wait for three minutes."

   I waited patiently, these three minutes suddenly became extremely long, I was fidgeting and walking around the room!

   Within three minutes, Yi Zheng called me, "Second brother and He Ming were attacked on their way back to the villa. He Ming was seriously injured and lying in the intensive care unit at the moment, and the second brother is still missing!"

   I was shocked and asked: "What does it mean to be missing?"

   "None of us can find the second brother."

   I quickly sent a message to Tan Wen and asked him to turn on the GPS, and then I rushed to the place where Xi Zhan and the others happened!

   There is blood everywhere, but there is no such man!

   There is no news from Tan Wen.

   As time goes by, I worry more and more about that man. Suddenly, I don’t know what to do as if I don’t have a backbone!

   I was sitting at the door of the villa when Tan Wen arrived in Finland. At that time, Finland was already snowing heavily. He told me that he hadn't found Xi Zhan for the time being. I nodded and asked him to accompany me to the hospital.

   I am very scared in my heart, especially scared, but I must not mess around now, first go to the hospital to find Heming before talking!

He Ming was in the intensive care unit, and the person was still in a coma. Not long after Hull arrived at the hospital, she saw me taking a look at me and then went into the intensive care unit. Then Tan Wen, who asked the doctor, came over and said next to me: "Mr. He is very seriously injured. I am afraid that he cannot be sober today. Has the family chief been here waiting for him?"

   "Wait, wait for him to wake up."

   Heming is now the person who knows where Xi Zhan is going.

   While waiting patiently, I sent a message to Yi Zheng and asked him where Xi Zhan and He Ming had left early in the morning! !

  He frankly said: "Sorry, I don't know."

   He is the person beside Xi Zhan without knowing?

   Maybe Yi Zheng doesn't want to talk to me.

   After all, I am not really Mrs. Xi in name.

When I thought about this, I didn’t ask him again, but sent a message to Yuan You, who frankly said: “I’m in Wucheng and I don’t know what my second brother is doing. I asked Yi Zheng, he I don’t know. It was about five o’clock in the morning that the second brother suddenly called He Ming to leave, and then there was no news!"

   It seems that Yi Zheng didn't lie to me!

   I think even if he knew he wouldn’t say it! !

   There is no trace of Xi Zhan's whereabouts at all. There is no sign of Xi Zhan here. Even if the GPS is turned on, there is no appearance of Xi Zhan, as if he had disappeared in this world!

   Just when I was irritated, I forced myself to calm down and I was suddenly startled by Hull's voice, "He Ming just woke up, he is looking for you!"

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