Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 350: His love house and Wu

Chen Shen even threatened Ji Nuan in this situation.

   I asked her worriedly, "What will he do?"

   Ji Nuan said in his heart: "He has always known my handle and my heart is soft, but I don't want to give in to him like this."

   Ji Nuan let out a cold breath and said, "I will figure out a solution for this. I want him to know that I am no longer the soft persimmon that he used to hold! Let's go, let's go to the living room for dinner."

   I nodded and put my arm around her, knowing that she wanted to solve something by herself, so I didn't offer to help her!

   If she wants me to help her, she will not marry Young Master Lan.

   Ji Nuan has the dignity he wants to keep in his heart.

Ji Nuan stretched out his hand to take care of the snowflakes that fell on my body and said, "Young Master Lan is going to the city after dinner. I plan to accompany him on the walk. You and Xi Zhan will live here. We will be there tomorrow morning. Back to the wooden house, I'll take you to other places to play when the time comes... Forget it, you must have no intention of playing with me here, Xi Zhan."

   I said, "Go, leave us alone."

   "Look at the way you dislike me." she said.

   I smiled and said, "How can it be."

   Soon we arrived in the living room. Two men were playing chess. I leaned over and asked curiously: "Which one of you has better chess skills?"

   Young Master Lan asked, "Can you understand?"

   I nodded and said, "This is not something advanced. My dad used to play chess with my uncle. I can understand it."

   Hearing this, Master Lan Wenrun smiled and said, "Your man is slightly worse."

   slightly worse means that Xi Zhan's chess skills are not as good as that of Young Master Lan. I heard that Young Master Lan said that Xi Zhan directly pushed the board.

   Young Master Lan asked in surprise: "Are you angry?"

   I inexplicably think that Young Master Lan did it on purpose!

   Xi Zhan glanced at him, and Young Master Lan smiled without saying a word.

Ji Nuan on the side of    calmed down and said, "Let’s eat."

   The meals at Master Lan’s are exquisite and delicious. I have eaten a lot after a meal, and my stomach is a little supportive. On the other hand, Xi Zhan didn’t move his chopsticks much, and left the living room after eating.

   Ji Nuan carried a bowl and asked me curiously, "Where is he going?"

   I am not quite sure: "Maybe I went back to the room."

   "Oh, I thought he was angry because of that."

   I explained for Xi Zhan: "He can't, he rarely gets angry, how can he get angry when everyone is friends?"

   "Well, Xi Zhan treats me well."

   I was surprised and asked: "How?"

   "I have encountered several dangers, and Xi Zhan helped me out. I am grateful to him. He said that I am your best friend.

   I didn't expect Xi Zhan to help me like this in private!

   He has always loved the house and the black in his heart.

   It’s just that he never shows off to me what he has done to treat me well. If Ji Nuan doesn’t talk about it, I won’t know it forever.

   I smiled happily: "He never told me."

   There was a man on the dinner table, Mr. Lan, who listened endlessly to the two of us for two days without interrupting us.

   And at the moment, the blue son changed his suit.

   is the kind of deep sea blue with dark green tie.

   is still handsome and has no charm.

   After eating, I went back to the back room. Xi Zhan was not in the room. I was a little curious, but his cell phone was still here and I couldn't contact him. He simply wandered around in the courtyard!

   The color of snow covered the entire courtyard. I endured the cold weather and did not find Xi Zhan. At this moment, Assistant Yin's figure suddenly appeared from the front corner, and he was suddenly relieved when he saw me.

   "Miss Shi, I found you for almost twenty minutes."

   I wrapped my down jacket tightly and asked: "What are you looking for?"

   I asked, "Where is Xi Zhan?"

"Mr. Xi was waiting for you outside. He asked me to come to you, saying he was going to take you to a place, but I didn't expect you to be in the room! The courtyard house of Mr. Lan is too big, I found you enough Twenty minutes! Let's go, Mr. Xi has been waiting for a long time."

   I nodded and left with Assistant Yin and asked, "Where to go?"

   Assistant Yin said mysteriously: "I don't know."

  He is Xi Zhan's assistant. He must know where to go later, but he concealed me, which made me more curious!

   I couldn't help but ask: "Where is it?"

   Assistant Yin smiled and said, "Miss Shi, don't worry."

   I am not in a hurry, I am simply curious.

   I continued to ask: "Where are we going?"

   This time Assistant Yin pretended to be dead and kept silent. He was so courageous and fat. I threatened him: "Aren't you afraid that I will blow him a pillow?"

   "I told you to die faster, and, Miss Shi, are you embarrassing me? Where can I divulge the whereabouts of Mr. Xi?!"

   I don’t believe that he is so sincere.

   Knowing that I can’t ask anything, I’m too lazy to ask again. When I crossed the threshold, I accidentally received a call from Shangwei, "Where?"

   I guessed and asked: "Did you send Run'er back to China?"

   "Well, my mother likes Run'er, so I stayed for a few more days, but my mother felt that she shouldn't keep Run'er, so she kept urging me to send me back to Wucheng. I just arrived in Wucheng, where are you, I'll find you!"

   "I'm in Iceland, you give the baby to my parents."

   Shang Wei asked suspiciously: "Your parents?"

   "Well, my adoptive parents."

   There is a luxury car parked on the side of the road not far from the wooden house, and dozens of meters behind that car are parked more than a dozen cars.

   Those people are Xi Zhan's bodyguards.

   The door of that luxury car is open. I can't see the man's face, but I can see his straight and long legs!

   And those big long legs keep seducing me.

   I can even think of him walking with me in his arms.

   can even think of his appearance without clothes.

   Shang Wei asked in an unhappy voice: "Your parents?"

   I asked him in confusion, "What's the matter?"

   Shang Wei said domineeringly: "Your mother has only mother."


   I didn't expect him to care about this.

   I don’t know how to get back to him, so I changed the subject and said, “I’m not in the country, then you will give the child to my assistant.”

   He hung up my phone with a hum.

   I looked a little dazed, Assistant Yin noticed and asked, "What?"

   I shook my head and said, "Nothing."

   I suddenly felt that Shang Wei was not a good person.

   No, he has never been a good person.

   He is a good stubble and will not treat my kidneys...

I can’t even think of the word   .

   I feel sick when I think of this.

   I resisted the urge to vomit and quickly walked over to Xi Zhan. Seeing my hurried expression, the man frowned and asked, "What happened?"

   I shook my head and explained, "It's nothing, it just remembered that my kidney soaked by Shang Wei suddenly felt sick."

   Seeing that I mentioned that matter, Xi Zhan explained to me: "I have been properly handled by people, and I have never told you about it."

   I nodded and said, "It's okay."

   Seeing me in a daze, Xi Zhan held me in his arms since I got in the car, his brows were sad, and I said softly, "I'm fine."

   "Well, I just sighed suddenly."

   Xi Zhan will have some emotions too? !

   I was curious and asked him, "What are you feeling?"

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