Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 504: Damn possessive

Because of my words, I was pressed there by Xi Zhan, but the pleasure of this matter is twofold, but I am still ashamed to mention it, because I have done a lot of postures that I have never done before, I am afraid to remember, Afterwards, he returned to the wooden house and hid in the bedding, while the man had been lying lazily outside to enjoy the sun.

Seeing that I had been hiding in the room, Xi Zhan got up and came in and lay on my side. I took advantage of the opportunity to lie in his arms and played with his fingers and said tiredly: "I'm tired, I want to sleep."

"Well, go to sleep, I am here to accompany you."

I closed my sleepy eyes and fell asleep as I was lying on Xi Zhan. When I woke up, I saw that he was still in the same posture as before. I placed my cheek in his palm and asked softly, "Second brother is numb. How long have I slept?"

"It's not numb, but half an hour."

"Then I will sleep for a while." I said.

I was afraid that after pressing Xi Zhan's body numb, I didn't lie on him again, but turned over and slept on the innermost one.

To the ear is the sound of the waves outside the window.

I curled up and asked, "Are you happy just now?"

Xi Zhan understood what I was asking.

He replied: "The world is the ultimate."

He has a lot of rhetoric now.

"Do you think the first twenty-seven years were a waste?"

Xi Zhan answered me indifferently, "never."

I chuckled and asked, "Why?"

"I haven't tasted it, naturally there is no desire."

I deliberately asked, "Is that liberating nature now?"

He criticized me: "The more we talk, the more foul language we get."

Obviously I am embarrassed, but I was the one who got the chat. Seeing Xi Zhan said about me, I quickly closed my eyes and went to sleep.

It was dusk when I woke up.

The setting sun falling on the sea level in the distance was reflected into the wooden house through the water surface. I was lying on the window and saw Xi Zhan sitting in the corridor looking into the distance, enjoying the scenery in front of him, while the corners of his white shirt followed the sea breeze. Shake gently.

There is also a bottle of red wine and a wine glass beside him.

There is a little red wine in the transparent glass.

I picked up my phone and secretly took a small video and posted it to the group. Tan Yang bubbling up: "The best in the world!"

Yi Leng also bubbled, "Xi Zhan is really the best in the world. When I first saw it, I was still very heartbroken. It's a pity that I am not the same person. Fortunately, I am more intelligent and interesting than Hull, and I will not chase Xi Zhan like her. Running in vain for so many years!"

Hull immediately exploded, "Huanhuan, can you shut up?"

Tan Yang admired again: "It's really the best."

He Ming, who has never paid much attention to Tan Yang, reminded: "Tan Yang, please be more reserved, Gu Lanzhi is still in this group!!"

Tan Yang quickly withdrew, "I forgot."

Gu Lanzhi on the background wall sent a message, "I saw it."

Tan Yang: "..."

I put away my phone and got out of bed and walked to Xi Zhan's side. I intimately put my arm around his neck and said, "I just showed you."

He was puzzled: "Huh?"

"I posted your handsome video in the group."

Xi Zhan disapproved and said, "Yes."

He never blames what I do.

I greedily kissed his cheek, he took me into his arms and gave a mouthful of red wine, which was slightly sweet and not intoxicating at all.

When Xi Zhan lowered his head and was about to kiss me, my cell phone rang. I saw that the note was Tan Yang, and I connected and asked her, "Why? Is it possible that Gu Lan is troubled by you?"

Xi Zhan's breath wandered across his face, and I felt itchy and pushed his head away. Tan Yang said bitterly, "Gu Lanzhi just called me and he asked me to go home immediately. I was afraid."

Tan Yang just praised someone else’s husband in the group. His husband would definitely be angry when he looked at him, and even though Gu Lanzhi looked gentle on the surface, he was actually a cold man. When angry, he was even more terrifying, especially challenging his man’s dignity .

I laughed at her, "Who asked you to pull him into the group?"

"Hey, going home must... he won't do anything excessive, but he must do something that will memorize me deeply."

What do men have to remember memorably?

After hanging up the phone, I asked Xi Zhan this question, and told about Tan Yang and Gu Lanzhi. After hearing that Xi Zhan was silent for a while before faintly spit out a word, "Do."

I subconsciously asked: "What to do?"

It took a long time for me to react and say, "Love."

Xi Zhan was silent, I lowered my head and kissed him on the cheek, changing the subject and asked, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"It's still early in the evening, let's go to relax."

Xi Zhan wanted to take me to relax again.

I dare not go back to the place just now.

I quickly said: "I'm hungry."

Xi Zhan forced me to get up, and I buckled his fingers around the long corridor to the white sandy beach.

He led me under the coconut tree. I approached and found that there were seven or eight coconuts piled under the tree. I took one in my arms and asked, "Second brother, did you pick these for me?"

"You can call me Xi Zhan when there are no others."

After a pause, he said, "Don't you want to drink it?"

I also asked casually before.

And he said he was incapable.

But he suddenly asked me to call his name.

"Didn't you say that I called your name?"

"It's okay, as you like when no one is."

Xi Zhan took out a knife and squatted to cut the coconut for me. I took a sip and said, "People also want to call you."

Xi Zhan ignored me and ignored me directly.

Thinking that I can't be too tight, I changed the subject and asked him, "Did you climb to the top of the tree this afternoon?"


Gu Lanzhi looked at the two nondescript words on the phone, the best in the world, and the best in the world really felt particularly dazzling.

Xi Zhan is indeed handsome, he admits.

But Gu Lan is not bad at all.

Moreover, his body is smooth, without a trace of scars, he has been working out all year round, and his abdominal muscles are not lacking. How can he not be called the best? !

The best in the world...

The two words "excellent" are really hurtful.

"Mr. Gu, the concert is about to begin."

Gu Lanzhi ordered: "Well, book a ticket for me."

The assistant was surprised, "Mr. Gu wants to return to China early?"

"Well, Wucheng, book the nearest trip."

"Mr. Gu, there will be one in an hour."

Gu Lanzhi asked: "How far is it from the airport?"

"It's very close, twenty minutes."

"Then I will play two pieces."

After Gu Lanzhi's performance, he hurried to the airport to wait. He didn't even change his tuxedo. The tourists passing by saw him stop, and couldn't help but put their eyes on him. Suddenly he started to like these eyes a little.

This is an appreciation for him.

But that kid didn't know what was good or bad.

The best in the world...

Damn, the word keeps popping up in my head!

He was suddenly agitated.

He should be the only one in the eyes of his children.

Why is this damned possessiveness so strong?

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