Yi Leng stopped talking when we complained about it, and Tan Yang Aite apologized to her: "In fact, you still have something to do with you."

Yi Leng quickly asked, "What are the advantages?"

"Catch up with my idol."

Easy to cold: "..."

Tan Yang urged: "Hurry up and pull him into the group."

Tan Yang, the little girl is too smart.

Yi Leng asked strangely: "How do you know?"

"You are in Europe, and Ting Ziyu is playing games for you again. If you two are not tricky, I won't believe it at all!!"

Easy to cold: "..."

Ji Nuan asked curiously: "Really together?"

Yi Leng said with difficulty, "Yes."

"Can you speak for the teahouse?"

Easy to cold: "..."

Ji Nuan was joking. After all, she didn't open a teahouse purely for making money. If Ting Ziyu was the endorsement, then her teahouse would not be peaceful and would lose the original intention of the beginning.

Tan Yang continued to urge: "Pull him into the group, now you don't have a background wall in the group, don't you feel embarrassed in your heart?"

Xi Zhan, Gu Lanzhi, and Young Master Lan have never spoken in the group. The three of them are really background walls. I think so in my heart, but they didn't say it directly like Tan Yang!

Yi Leng was silent for a long time, Tan Yang had been crazy about Ai Te, Ji Nuan followed Ai Te, and Yi Leng was finally defeated.

She tremblingly pulled the court into the group.

As soon as Ting Ziyu entered the group, Tan Yang asked him exaggeratedly: "Idol, when did you guys be together? Idol, I especially like your movies and TV series. I even used your photos as a mobile screensaver. Well, I really admire you!!"

Tan Yang is younger than Ting Ziyu, and it is normal to pay attention to Ting Ziyu. This kind of attention has nothing to do with likes. He simply appreciates his achievements in a certain field. For example, she wears it when I first met her. Listening to Gu Lanzhi's piano music with headphones. She likes Gu Lanzhi's piano music, but it doesn't mean that she likes Gu Lanzhi, so Gu Lanzhi only got it two years after her!

Gu Lanzhi on the background wall: "..."

Ji Nuan smiled and said, "Gu Lanzhi is reminding you to be reserved."

Ting Ziyu's polite reply Tan Yang said: "Thank you, call me Ting Ziyu, please take care of you in the future."

Tan Yang stopped speaking in the group.

It is estimated that Gu Lanzhi rectified the Fa on the spot.

The group became quiet for a moment.

As soon as Ting Ziyu came in, it seemed a bit embarrassing to be quiet. I sent a red envelope to the group, and Yi Leng snatched it and complained: "It's only nine yuan, and Ji Nuan grabbed one hundred. What kind of luck is this for me?"

Ji Nuan replied: "I am the poorest of you all."

Ting Ziyu sent a red envelope.

It is an ordinary red envelope.

Two hundred yuan per person.

After I snatched it, I put down my phone and took Xi Zhan's phone to log in to WeChat and grabbed the red envelope. When Xi Zhan saw it, he didn't understand and asked, "You need to grab two hundred dollars so much?"

I explained: "Be happy."

Hearing that Xi Zhan took his mobile phone from my hand and clicked into another group to send a red envelope, which was also two hundred yuan per person.

But after he entered the password, the balance was insufficient.

He suddenly woke up and said: "No bank card is bound."

Xi Zhan rarely uses WeChat, almost a display.

I hesitated to ask him, "Should I send you two thousand?"

Xi Zhan refused: "No need."

Immediately he issued a red envelope totaling two hundred.

This red envelope is still courtesy.

Yuan You and the others immediately bubbling when they saw Xi Zhan’s red envelopes. After grabbing the red envelopes, they still complained: "Is the second brother so poor?"

I explained in the group: "He didn't bind a bank card. Ting Zi Yugang sent us the two hundred dollars in the group."

Wen Yan Yuanyou gossiping and said: "Do you still have groups in private?"

Listening to Yuanyou means wanting to join the group.

At this moment, I didn't remember that there was still Yi Zheng in the group, and explained it in one to five to ten: "Well, we have a group of girlfriends, with our own men, you are not suitable for this group."

Yi Zheng bubbled up suddenly, "Whose man is Ting Ziyu?"

I looked at Xi Zhan fiercely, "Did I say that I missed it? Yi Zheng can surely guess it! It's over, I'm causing her trouble!"

Xi Zhan disapproved: "Sooner or later, I will pass this level, and Ting Ziyu... I have investigated in private. Although he is a popular star on the face, he is the heir of the warlord family in private. He hides deeper than Yi. , There is no need to worry about them."

"You have always known the identity of Ting Ziyu?"

"Well, I once investigated an incident. It happened to be a warlord in the Imperial Capital. Later, I found Ting Zi Yu here."

Ting Zi Yu is deeply hidden.

But Xi Zhan is even more powerful, in control of everything.

I simply didn't have any reason for Yizheng, and Yi Chong ate me in another group, "Shi Sheng, I am going to suffer."

I returned to her, "I thought you wanted me to be like this."

She still said the wrong thing in the group yesterday, Xi Zhan said that she did it on purpose, and that I am doing this is just adding to the flames.

And I didn't add to the flames on purpose.

Tan Yang asked in the group: "What are you afraid of?"


Yi Leng was melancholy again.

She lay motionless on the sofa, Ting Ziyu turned off WeChat and lay sideways on the sofa and hugged her into her arms. He asked in a sweet voice: "Huanhuan, why did you suffer?"

Ting Ziyu is a relatively introverted character, but he still has to talk in front of his girlfriend and care about people who care about him.

"It's nothing, but my brother doesn't agree with me talking about boyfriends. I might follow you back to Wucheng to avoid him in advance."

Yi Leng immediately decided: "I will call my parents later, they must be very happy to hear that I have a boyfriend."

Naturally, they are happy. In the eyes of Yi’s parents, as long as the person is not Yi Zheng, they will happily raise their hands in favor, because Yi Leng has been away from home for two years, and they dare not ask her any more, as long as she is willing to go home, everything is fine. discuss!

Ting Ziyu rubbed her head, put her chin on her head, and said with a magnetic tone: "Well, let's go back to Wucheng together, no matter whether it will be exposed in the future, I will take your wishes first! Huanhuan , I have never been in a relationship. If there is something wrong with me in the future, please communicate with me and we will solve the problem together. Don’t get sulking. I am most afraid of my girlfriend sulking.”

Yi Leng turned over and said, "I said you used to have many girlfriends?"

Ting Zi Yu was startled, then smiled slightly.

The public knows whether he has a girlfriend.

After all, there is no secret to being an idol.

He rubbed her head and kissed her cheek gently. Ting Ziyu seemed to be unable to control himself. Maybe he hadn't experienced that aspect before, so he was very sensitive to this aspect. He was almost out of control if he was a little bit provocative. Live yourself.

He took a long breath and tightened her body.

It seems that this will solve the heat in him.

Yi Leng noticed something was wrong and asked, "What?"

Tingzi's dull voice came, "It's okay."

"I feel you are pushing me."

Ting Ziyu: "..."

He closed his eyes and said, "It's okay, stay with me for a while."

"Ting Ziyu, do you want me?"

This terrible little thing is not shy at all.

He denied: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Ting Ziyu, actually I would..."

This sentence seemed to be the last fuse that crushed Ting Ziyu. He stretched his palm into her clothes like a boy impatiently. He didn't know what to do. He just kissed indiscriminately, and the two beat them. The entanglement in a noisy entanglement is finally tired.

But Ting Zi Yu is still interested.

Never experienced before, nature is full of mystery.

He has never looked at a girl's body.

Never seen it.

Ting Zi Yuhao did not easily take off Yi Leng's clothes, and Yi Leng was also reserved. After all, he couldn't be too bold for the first time.

Her shy appearance makes Ting Zi Yu feel happy.

But she was too reserved, so Tingzi was at a loss.

Because it is the first time for both parties.

It ended in failure.

But Ting Ziyu still tasted the sweetness.

He hugged her body tightly and said, "I don't understand, try again later, Huanhuan, we will explore together later."

The man said so rightly.

Yi sneered and stood up from his arms and said: "You are given the opportunity, but you are not sure about it. Anyway, I am afraid of pain. Just a little bit of it hurts me. I don't dare to try now."

Yi Leng said this with grievances.

Ting Zi Yu's heart moved by the girl's aggrieved appearance.

He lay sideways on the bed and stared at her fixedly. Although the boy's body was still a bit weak, it was already in shape.

Yi Leng took the phone and squatted by his side and flipped through the hot searches on Weibo. It was all boring things. She suddenly searched for Ting Ziyu's name, and the Weibo was full of beautiful pictures of Ting Ziyu.

Ting Ziyu is really good-looking, the whole person is gentle and gentle and has the unique temperament of a man. The main reason is that he is too introverted. Every time the reporter asks him anything, he laughs without saying a word, or says a few words monotonously. Over time, everyone thinks that he is the most introverted in the entertainment industry, but his business ability is extremely strong.

Because it is everyone's dream lover, fans dare not blaspheme, looking at it is quite abstinence, looking deserted and lonely.

This is what I am most afraid of being attractive.

Yi Leng loved his character at the beginning.

But who would have thought that the male **** in everyone's mind was lying on her bed at the moment, and he failed for the first time.

And let the fans know that their male **** lying on her bed in such a posture can't all go crazy? !

Thinking of this Yi Leng couldn't help but laugh.

Ting Ziyu held her ankle and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Her ankles are cold and it is very comfortable to play.

"Looking at your photos, they are all handsome."

After that, Yi Leng glanced at the man who was actually lying on her bed. She was even more handsome. She hung her head and kissed his lips and said, "I can't even imagine between you and me..."

"I'm not a god, don't be so surprised."

Tsk [August One Chinese Network www.zw-du.me] Tsk, the boy is also very handsome when he says this.

She quickly changed her mind and threw down her phone and lowered her head to kiss him, feeling her passionate Ting Zi Yu turning over and pressing her under her body. This time she was more experienced than last time and quickly found the trick.

At the moment when he was about to enter, Ting Ziyu said in a low voice, full of magnetism, "I have done it, I will get married in the future."

Men value love very much.

He believed in his first feeling.

He believed he could hold her.

the other side……

Tan Yang sent a message in the group simply admiring, but the old man was not happy, and he held her tightly in his arms and grabbed her mobile phone and warned: "Be cautious in speaking and deeds in the future."

Tan Yang frowned, "How tired is that?"

Tan Yang has many faces, but they are different.

She is best at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

"Don't worship any man, let alone think other men are good-looking. Kid, I have been working out for you."

Tan Yang pierced him and said: "You have been exercising for more than ten years, and it was not because of me that you started exercising!!"

Gu Lanzhi has strong self-control. He has always had the habit of fitness and maintenance. Maintenance has emerged in the past two years.

The main reason is not to grow old too fast.

Although he was only twenty-seven and eighteen, he was handsome at his age, but Tan Yang was too young and he was afraid that she would not be able to catch up with him.

And after having a wife, it’s even more different. Girls are good at caring for, and there are a lot of face masks and skin care products. Tan Yang always pulls on him every time he puts on the mask. She sticks it to him personally, so he doesn’t need to do it himself. The days are very moist.

Not only Gu Lanzhi is like this, Shi Sheng did the same. Xi Zhan didn’t use facial masks before, but Shi Sheng would give Xi Zhan a sticker when he applied it. A man doesn’t have to refuse this thing, but enjoys his wife’s treatment of himself. Gentleness.

Let's talk about Young Master Lan. Although he didn't practice fighting like Xi Zhan, he usually paid great attention to physical exercise.

Tan Yang knew that men were jealous. She put her arms around his neck and explained: "I just worship it, just like when I didn't know you, I listened to your piano all day."

After hearing this, Gu Lanzhi asked her curiously, "My child, why don't you like me if you like my piano music? Isn't it bad to take me home every day someone will play it for you?"

Tan Yang woke up and said: "What you said makes sense, why didn't I think about it? I used to think that you were a little older, so I kept rejecting it. I didn't take the other tests..."

Seeing the man’s gloomy expression, Tan Yang understood that what he cared about most was his age. She changed her words: "I care about age most, but I still lose under your suit pants! Gu Lanzhi Uncle Gu, what do you think? Can it be so attractive? I really like you so much. I am fortunate to be your wife!"

The child now speaks more and more sweetly.

Gu Lanzhi smiled pleasantly, and asked her, "Is there a song you want to listen to? I will play it for you. It is said that I have worked with Ting Ziyu and played piano together. He is not professional but he is good enough to excel. He is a very good boy."

"On the Internet, Ting Ziyu is reticent."

"Well, I'm very shy. I don't speak much, that is, I will talk a little more when I am in business. Other times I am very closed. I never thought that he would be with Yi Leng."

"Huanhuan is like fire, and it is suitable to match the court. Just like the two of us, you are quiet, but I prefer to lively."

Gu Lanzhi pierced her and said: "You are good at acting."

"It is real in front of you."

"When I first met, who pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger? I obviously disliked me for giving you a red envelope of five thousand yuan, but still thanked me all the time! Thanks to me, forget it, secretly complaining about me everywhere."

Tan Yang smiled awkwardly: "You are really picky."

Gu Lanzhi also meant it at the time.

Where do you think she cares about money so much?

I had already given her a bank card.

"I will give you all the cards in a while."

Tan Yang quickly refused and said: "Don't, it's tiring to manage the accounts."

Besides, she was so poor that she couldn't manage the money.

Taking care of the money will make her float.

She was afraid that she would spend it without holding back.

After all, Gu Lanzhi didn't make money faster than starting a company. It was all hard money. As a wife, he shouldn't waste his money.

Gu Lanzhi asked, "Then who do I give to?"

Then he said: "I only have you as a wife."

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