Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 769: Mrs. Wu's Demon

They were indeed invited in my name, but Xi Zhan had already sent someone here to make arrangements, and I was half an hour ahead of the agreed time, so what's wrong?

She deliberately pricked me, thinking that my goal today is not her, so I didn’t bother to care about her. She didn’t say anything. Seeing that we were both silent, she continued to say: "Sister Gan, don’t you Because the Xi family has changed people, you are in a daze. Where is your arrogance before?"

Is nectar domineering? !

I think carefully about the nectar of the past.

She is indeed a little overbearing, and she can forcefully tell Xi Zhan, who she loves, that she doesn't like me, and wants Xi Nuo to be his wife.

Although she also compromised with Xi Zhan later, she was not a weak person from the point of view of her ability to prescribe Xi Zhan and make this request. But now she tolerates and even silently suffers grievances. Is it really because of loss? Xi's family?

Ke Xi's family has been here.

I suddenly understood that the Xi family is already my Xi family, and that the Xi family today is no longer the Xi family she thought.

The current Xi family is like a change of dynasty, except that the person who runs the Xi family is my father's biological daughter.

I paused and asked, "Which lady are you?"

Seeing me take the initiative to ask her, she smiled like a flower and said: "I am Mrs. Wu, Miss Shi... I should be the head of the Xi family. Your father had a good relationship with our brother Wu before he was alive, and he would think of my family when he met any benefits. Brother, it's a pity that your father left early. Since he left, Brother Wu in my family has lost an older brother who can speak his heart. It is really sad to think about it."

She said sad words but smiled.

The polite and hypocritical are too superficial.

The lady in front of me is not pretty long, but she is very delicate, but she can dress too much, and the pink on her face is too thick. I know the brand of clothes I wear, and I love to wear these clothes before, but The clothes in the house belonged to the little girl, and it looked a bit nondescript on this lady.

Of course, I can’t judge her from her appearance, but from her tone and words, I only felt falsehood and lied. My biological father rarely left the house because of his illness. In order for the Xi family to trap himself in a square inch, and seeing that his character is not an approachable person, this Wu family sounds very strange to me.

So why would my father listen to him telling his heart?

She was just trying to win the relationship with our Xi family. Thinking of this, I said: "My father rarely left the old house during his lifetime, but he mentioned to me that he has a close old friend, but I heard Said that the old friend did not have the last name Wu."

Mrs. Wu's face changed suddenly upon hearing this, "What did you girl say? I really thought that becoming the head of the Xi family would be lawless?"

She can't stretch it anymore? !

The combat effectiveness is so low?

I smiled and asked: "Have I ever been lawless?"

She scolded again: "No tutor."

Haha, she said I don't have a tutor? !

I suddenly understood that the lady in front of me was used to playing music. Even though she was afraid of the Xi family in her heart, she was not convinced at all when she saw that I was a little girl, and she would not think that as a junior, I would be cold-spoken because of her. And hit back, she thought I would swallow this breath because of ethics!

But she was wrong.

I am Shi Sheng.

Always believe that people do not offend me and I do not offend others.

I agreed with her: "You are right."

She was startled and asked: "What?"

"I really don't have a tutor, because I haven't lived in the Xi family since I was a child, and I can't learn the rules of the Xi family if I can't learn it."

The nectar beside me advised me, "Sheng'er forget it."

Ganlu looked embarrassed, she wanted to be calm and not want to cause trouble, but she forgot that we were here to make trouble today.

Otherwise, what is the meaning of this gathering?

Seeing Gan Lu beckoning me to forget it, Madam Wu's originally surprised expression became even more proud, "Sister Gan Lu, although this child was not raised by you, you still have to teach her more about the rules of the Xi family and at least respect the elders. is not it?!"

She called Mrs. Xi before.

Now it's sister Ganlu again...

People who knew Ganlu before knew that she was Ganshuang.

The matter that Ganshuang was Ganlu was exposed. After the news spread among these broad ladies, it became their gossip joke, and only Ganlu suffered.

I remember that Xi Zhan said last night that those women still complained about nectar and hadn't experienced the pleasure of love in these years.

This thing really doesn't respect people.

I chuckled and asked, "Ms. Wu, is it?"

She frowned, "Why is the yin and yang strange?"

"It's okay, let's go and sit down first."

Mrs. Wu walked in front, and Ganlu calmed me: "Don't worry about her, she is just a wall of grass. Seeing that I'm good, she will treat me and step on my feet when I'm bad. I'm used to this. Sheng'er, you can't be angry, let's go in first."

I smiled and said, "Mom, sit there first."

Gan Lu looked at me embarrassedly, and I told Jiang Chen: "Send Mrs. Wu's information to me later."

"Yes, Mr. Shi."

After I ordered Jiang Chen, I went in and sat next to Gan Lu. They were all the celebrity wives and daughters from Tongcheng. Gan Lu must have sat in the middle of them before, and all the wives must have favored her, but now most of the women don’t. Paying attention to her, Ganlu only sat in the most lateral position. After they sat there, everyone asked me about my situation.

Asking me is nothing more than asking my Xi family.

After all, the Xi family didn't fall.

The Xi family is still that powerful Xi family.

Two minutes later, Jiang Chen sent me Mrs. Wu's information. I quietly took the mobile phone and quickly browsed. When a wife saw it, she smiled and asked, "What is the head of the family looking at?"

I put away my phone and said: "Nothing."

Seeing that I didn't want to say, she didn't follow up, but the Mrs. Wu just now said: "The new owner of the Xi family has a very tight mouth. He didn't respect me at all at the door."

A wife followed up and asked: "Why? I see that the owner is still very easy-going, and she was very polite to ask everything just now."

Mrs. Wu sneered and asked, "Polite?!"

The lady followed up and asked, "Sister Wu, what are you laughing at?"

"She even admitted that she has no tutor. You said she knows politeness. In my heart, the Xi family has always been a respectful and polite family. I didn't expect this junior to..."

She was half talking, but everyone present knew what she meant, and the lady asked, "What's wrong with this child?"

Not all of the wives present are as ignorant as Mrs. Wu. Some came out and said roundly, "This is the first time we have seen this child. You should be more tolerant of the elders."

"I'm not tolerant? Just now, she obviously said nonsense, saying that the Wu family is not worthy of their Xi family."

So what did I just say? !

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