Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 771: Mrs. Wu was targeted

Seeing that I was really angry, all the wives pretended to persuade Mrs. Wu, the ugly tightness between the words was nothing but to push me up and belittle her, for example, "Mrs. Wu, even if she is really a junior, she is also the head of the Xi family. , This is a fact that no one can change. Even if she doesn’t respect us, we have nothing to do with her. After all, the husbands of our wives have to rely on the Xi family. Moreover, the owner of the family has just been reasoning with you. You’re so uncultivated, there should be a limit to your mischief, don’t trouble the Patriarch, don’t you?"

The wives who had always helped themselves suddenly began to criticize her. Mrs. Wu's complexion was very ugly but she didn't dare to make another mistake. Sitting obediently, everyone started chatting again. After I just maintained the nectar, they took a bite. A sister Ganlu or Mrs. Xi called it very natural intimacy, and their wise appearance made me stunned.

I also understand in my heart that the circle of noble ladies is like this. They are accustomed to exquisite life, accustomed to walking and comparing with money, and more accustomed to holding high and stepping on the bottom and being a timely wall grass. The mood of the people who ridicule and run, let alone how they are in this situation, they only care about who is the most beautiful right now.

I'm tired of this circle, and feel even more distressed that the nectar pretends to calmly cater to them, so I retracted my eyes and got up to go to the bathroom.

I randomly sent a message to Xi Zhan in the cubicle, “Mrs. Song and Mrs. Xie have not arrived yet. It is estimated that they have specially given off your mother... No, I invited them in my own name today, so they want to give I'm getting off the hook."

Only a few minutes later did Xi Zhan return to me, "It's okay, you don't have to put them in your eyes, and go home early after the matter is over."

It is now half past four, and if they delay for a while, I will go home late, and I feel very depressed at the thought of spending so much time with them.

After all, staying with Xi Zhan is the most enjoyable.

I replied to Xi Zhan, "Well, I love you~"

Xi Zhan didn't reply to me again. I was playing a mobile phone game in the cubicle, thinking about taking a few breaths and waiting for a few minutes before going out.

After touching it for about five minutes, there was a strange voice from outside, "It turns out that Mrs. Wu is a junior high!"

Another voice asked: "You don't know about this?"

"I don't know, I just heard what the Patriarch said."

This voice is yin and yang strange, full of mockery.

She is not unclear, but just wants to gossip and gossip with the people around her, and then taunts a few more words.

"Yes, haven't you ever wondered that she is the youngest among the many ladies? Although Mrs. Wu is not very good, she can't bear other people's means. He forced him away from the palace, and even coaxed Mr. Wu to be with himself. If the family broke, she had to marry her into the Wu family. There was a lot of trouble in Tongcheng back then. I don’t believe you don’t know, but this woman is not smart. Since Mrs. Wu entered the Wu family, she has been flaunting her strength. I hate her. You see, Miss Wu Jia didn’t follow her to this party today. Fortunately, she didn’t follow her, or she had to be humiliated with her just now. The story of her being attacked by the Patriarch of the Xi family will spread throughout the circle, even if Mr. Wu Spoil her again, after her trouble, she will definitely restrict her words and deeds."

Another voice continued, "You are right, and who can guarantee that this new owner is not a stingy person? If she has to take Mrs. Wu's matter, it will be no different from Wu Jia's care about Wu's family. Everyone at home will blame Mrs. Wu."

The voices outside are eloquent, but they are actually just a woman who loves gossip. I am not interested in listening, but I can’t bear the outside voices into my ears: “She didn’t say much just now. Excessive words are just facts that everyone knows clearly. Originally, the nectar was humiliated by Mrs. Song and Mrs. Xie yesterday, and the status of the nectar fell among us. Every lady did not put nectar in his eyes, but after her harassing everyone. Everyone knows her position in the heart of the Patriarch of the Xi family. Who would dare to mess with her again in the future? Today's matter is not worth the gain. It is all because Mrs. Wu is too stupid. What kind of thing is she stumbling in front of the Patriarch of the Xi family? That was a little girl movie. No matter how hard she is, she is the Patriarch of the Xi family. How can she tolerate insults and lessons from the little third-ranked woman?

Yes, even if I don't help, I'm the Patriarch of the Xi family.

These women are a little smarter than Mrs. Wu. They are just a few. After all, it is easy to get caught here and in this public place when discussing the right and wrong of others. When I was thinking about this issue, Mrs. Wu’s voice came from outside, "You are here. What nonsense are you talking about? Yes, you are right, no matter how bad she is, she is the head of the Xi family, and no matter how bad I am, I am also the wife of the Wu family. What are you people from small families?"

The voice was stunned, "What are we?!"

There was a quarrel outside, and I didn’t bother to listen to it anymore. I didn’t expect a few people outside to fight, and the restroom was lively. I sneered at the corners of my mouth and continued to brush the headlines of Weibo entertainment, although it was all boring information. , But it's easy to pass the time. It stopped outside within a minute, and the two people who had just started cursing and left the bathroom.

I guess Mrs. Wu should only be left here.

Thinking of this, I opened the cubicle door and went to the sink to patch up the lipstick. Mrs. Wu was applying makeup. The moment she raised her eyes to see me, she was shocked and terrified. It took a long time to regain her composure. I heard us..."

Her hair was messy, and there were nail scratches on her neck. I glanced at her contemptuously and said: "You are my mother-in-law yesterday. You feel so uncomfortable at this moment as my mother-in-law was yesterday. Uncomfortable, even worse than you, because I didn't say anything too unpleasant to you. You just heard them say those unpleasant words! You are doing it yourself now, and I hope you can respect my mother-in-law next time."

"I... am I..."

Most of the powder on Mrs. Wu’s face was lost because of the fight. Her face was ashamed and regretful. I interrupted her and said: "You don’t have to apologize to me, and I don’t need to accept it, but my mother-in-law needs this apology. Should understand what I mean."

Mrs. Wu said: "I think..."

I dropped her and turned and left the bathroom.

I am not interested in what she wants to say.

I just went out and ran into Ganlu, she was luxurious and beautiful in a purple dress. I smiled and asked, "Are they here?"

"Not yet, just called and said it was still on the way."

Since it is on the road, it should be almost there.

"I'll go and sit down first." I said.

Gan Lu nodded and entered the bathroom. I glanced at the bathroom and muttered to myself with a smile: "Xi Zhan's mother will more or less be comforted by Madam Wu's apology, right?"

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