Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 780: game rules

Perhaps the warning was not in place. Some people were still trying to resist. At this time, many strong men in black suits appeared around the hall and surrounded the area.

And these strong people are foreigners.

Everyone started to hand over their mobile phones. Tan Yang asked me if I wanted to. I told her not to act rashly. After all, the people here are foreigners, and they don't know us, let alone fear us.

Tan Yang and I both handed over mobile phones. The faces of the others were horrified, but Se'er and Tuo didn't think it mattered, and even with some expectations, looking forward to the game that will start soon.

I asked Tan Yang, "Are you good at gaming?"

Tan Yang replied softly: "Don't worry, I can't be troubled by intelligence related, let's just watch the changes first."

About three or four minutes later, a man similar to the core figure stood on the second floor. He was wearing a pair of old-fashioned sunglasses that were not very popular, with a beard and gray hair, looking coldly at us downstairs like a lamb. , Tan Yang asked Se'er who was beside her. Se'er said she was a famous game player in the game circle. Tan Yang asked strangely: "I also play games a lot. Since I am a famous game player in the circle, why don't I know?"

"You haven't met him, but you must know him, Eisman, Unreal Life is a hot game under his name."

Tan Yang suddenly realized: "It turned out to be him!"

I asked Tan Yang, "Who is Eisman?"

“It’s normal if you don’t like to play games. Unreal Life is a big hit game at the moment. You can start your life again according to the attributes chosen by the player. This game is especially fair, because no one can open it. Eisman once promised However, if anyone finds an opening in Unreal Life, he will give all players 10,000 yuan in cash compensation, and each round of game levels is a combination of combat games and intellectual games."

I had a headache and said: "I'm not good at these."

"It's okay, you won't lose if I am."

Tan Yang vowed, I believe her especially.

After all, this is a girl with high IQ.

I looked at Eisman on the second floor. He waited until the people below were quiet before speaking. He spoke in pure Chinese, "Everyone here is a player of Unreal Life. Of course, I think so, because of my admission. The coupons are given to players of Unreal Life, but it has not been said that they cannot be given away! But whether they are players of Unreal Life or pure newcomers, since it is fate to come here! I have been thinking about how to give back to Unreal for the past two years. Every player in life, I don’t have a clue when I think about it. Three months ago, my daughter randomly mentioned a few words and asked me to make a big game now. I thought it was a good idea and invited everyone! Nonsense. Now let’s get to the point, I asked them to develop a new game..."

Someone in the lobby answered and asked: "What game?"

"Don't worry, I will tell you more slowly."

Then he asked: "Have you played rock, paper, scissors?"

"I've played it. It's simple. Of course, the gameplay is definitely not that simple. Mr. Eisman, what are the specific rules?"

Eisman smiled, "Everyone is smart, the gameplay is definitely not that simple." He paused, and then said the rules of the game: "The rules of the game are 3 stars and 12 rock paper scissors playing cards. The time is 5 hours. At the end of the game, you must have 3 stars and 0 poker cards in your hand to be considered a winner. If there are no stars, you will be out early and be pulled into the small black room. When the game is over, your hand will have less than three stars. Out of the game, of course, there are 3 stars in the hand but there are playing cards also considered as a failure. In the game, the winner wins one star, the loser's playing cards are recycled, and the two draws are both The number of recovered stars remains the same. The specific rules will be in the manual. I will send them to you later. The game will officially start in five minutes."

The crowd below was crowded with people. Someone asked him what he did when he pulled into the black house. Eisman said mildly: “Pulling into the black house naturally loses the right to freedom and will be trafficked to other small countries. Now the cruise ship is going to On the high seas, don’t try to run away, if my people find that there is only a dead end."

After hearing this, everyone panicked!

They didn't expect such a result at all! !

Tan Yang squeezed my palm and said: "We can't get in touch with the outside right now, but you can rest assured that these people will not act in the country, and there are still a few hours away from the open sea."

"It just happens to be time for games."

The game time is five hours.

It happened that I ordered the bodyguard to be five hours later.

Tan Yang said: "Don't be afraid, I am good at games."

"No, this is illegal in nature, he will never let us go so easily, so as not to leave anything behind!"

Tan Yang pursed his lips, thinking about the problem.

Eisman left the second floor, and there were only people in black and people who came to participate in the game in the huge hall. Tan Yang sat next to me and said, "This game refers to the animal world in the movie. It is a niche movie. Few people know, the rules are complicated, and there are fewer people who can remember, and this game has a little bit of change, which is more difficult than the animal world.

Tan Yang must remember how to play after watching a movie.

I asked Tan Yang, "Where is the difficulty?"

"The details are not clear, but they will not refer to the animal world intact. They will send us the manual after a while, and we will know when we read it. Let's wait two more minutes."

It was about five minutes later that someone gave us the rule book. At the front end of the hall, there are still the number of cards and the number of people.

Tan Yang took the manual and browsed it over and over and said: "The rules of this game are more cruel, because if we want to win, we must cooperate with three people to pass the game. Everyone knows about this, because there is a reminder above that we must cooperate to have the hope of winning. , But it also says that a team can only win by one person, that is, only one of us can stay here, but there are two opportunities to change partners in the middle, I want you to win, I have to let you in the first two games There are three stars and zero playing cards."

Tan Yang has figured out the rules of the game.

"I probably understand, but I don't know how to play yet. I just have to play with you, but who should we cooperate with."

"According to the rules of the game, three people are the most suitable, but Se'er and Tuo should not be separated. The four of us work together, so that I will push you to another team when I change partners for the first time, otherwise we will both I can’t win, and I can’t guarantee that Ser and Tuo will betray us. If they embezzle the stars we won, the outcome will be difficult to control."

"You think there should be a countermeasure."

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