Giving You Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 783: Xi Zhan's father

"Divided into three levels, the first to be eliminated is thrown into the sea to feed the sharks, then a glass of poisoned alcohol, and the last eliminated will be sold to other small countries, everyone, cheer for your own lives!"

As soon as Eisman's words came out of the hall, they were all messed up, and I didn't expect that just playing a game would have such a serious price waiting for them. Even Se'er and Tuo, who had been following us, looked complacent and changed their faces. After the change, I began to feel worried. I stared at Mo Yuanlian, and didn't care how deep the danger was, because I felt that he was...inexplicably at ease.

He is a powerful person, and a powerful person will give people around him a sense of security, but I never thought that he also needs to be guarded!

Yes, Mo Yuanlian also needs to be guarded!

I shouldn't always be greedy for him.

I asked Mo Yuanlian, "Do you want to form a team?"

Mo Yuanlian stared at me calmly, and it took a long time to spit out a few words from her thin lips, "Yes, before Xi Zhan arrives here, I need to guard you, and I can't let you be caught before he arrives. I won’t allow the game to be eliminated.”

I was shocked and asked: "Xi Zhan knows that I am here?"

Mo Yuanlian shook his head and said: "Xi Zhan doesn't know that you are here for the time being, but our goals are the same. He will come here to face Eisman in person. Miss, you will follow me later, even in the third round. Don't leave when the game is over."

Xi Zhan left Xi's house because of Eisman.

Mo Yuanlian just said that Eisman had been forced to a desperate situation.

It should be Xi Zhan and Mo Yuanlian who pushed him to a desperate situation.

But why did he come to Tongcheng to play games? !

There are many mysteries because of the sudden appearance of Mo Yuanlian. Tan Yang and I left Seer and Tuo and Mo Yuanlian in the second round.

Soon after the second round, Se'er found us and asked us to ask for a star, because each of them only had the last one left. Tan Yang was unwilling to give it, but thinking about the neighbors, he gave them one of his own. , I saw that their faces were too scared, so I gave them one of my many stars.

I also told them: "Try to delay as much as possible at this time, don't find someone to PK, you will be safe in the end."

The game time is five hours, and he will send someone to rescue me after five hours when talking about Wen, and Xi Zhan is also on the way here, so after these five hours, he will be safe!

Cere forced to calm down: "Well, we listen to you, if we can live out from here, we will repay you."

I shook my head and said, "Protect yourself."

Mo Yuanlian did not find anyone to play PK games since the second round. Tan Yang and I strolled around in the hall. I was not as smart as Tan Yang and couldn't study their probability. Tan Yang looked passionate. I have been looking for someone to PK several times. She always wins. No one dared to play with her anymore, but she still has two playing cards and seven stars in her hand. She needs to offset the playing cards and give four stars out. It is very simple for her. The problem is that no one wants to PK her now! !

She simply gave the stars to Se'er and Tuo.

She now needs to solve two poker cards in her hand.

I let her play with me, but she found it boring and unchallenging. We all sat in the corner of the hall with Mo Yuanlian. The man was also silent. During the period, I was talking with Tan Yang, and Tan Yang was still emotional. Said: "I just wanted to play a game, but I didn't expect to be in trouble. I brought you here. If you let Xi Zhan know, I will criticize me later!"

As soon as Xi Zhan left, I was in danger.

And it's still passive.

Tan Yang and I did not expect to encounter this kind of thing just for ordinary play. Xi Zhan would be surprised to see me here, he should also blame me for acting recklessly...

But Tan Yang and I really made a mistake! !

Mo Yuanlian suddenly said: "You are here by accident and inevitable. Even if your friends don't lead you here, they will use other methods to bring you... Bringing the young lady to this cruise ship is a blessing or a curse. , There is no disaster."

I smiled optimistically and said: "Or I am tired of you! Tan Yang, do you think Gu Lanzhi would blame me for knowing this?"

I asked her the same thing.

"Gu Lanzhi is not so unreasonable."

I looked at Mo Yuanlian and asked, "They took me on this cruise ship to target Xi Zhan. What is their purpose?"

Is their purpose to hurt Xi Zhan? !

"Eisman wants to live, but some people want you to die."

Mo Yuanlian's tone was faint, and I asked him who wanted me to die, and he replied, "Xi Zhan's biological father, Zhao Jin."

I was a little unbelievable and panicked.

"You're talking about Zhao Jin who dealt with Xi Zhan in Country M? Xi Zhan is his biological son, why is he doing this..."

And Xi Zhan has always known this!

But Xi Zhan never told me!

I was at a loss for how sad Xi Zhan should have been when my biological father dealt with him, and I couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Miss, the blood relationship looks the most unbreakable and is actually the most vulnerable. In Zhao Jin's heart, Xi Zhan is indeed his own son, but in his heart there are more important things than Xi Zhan, such as hatred for you. Hate for your father."

Zhao Jin hates me because of my father? !

Was he not for Ganshuang?

But these are old things!

Is it necessary to deal with his own son because of Gan Shuang?

I asked him, "Where is Zhao Jin?"

"He is here," he said.

I felt very depressed in my heart. I got up and left the hall and went to the deck outside the cruise ship. The night sky was deep and quiet, and the stars were bright. I took a deep breath against the sea breeze and heard the voice of an old man behind me asking: "Mrs. Xi, you are here. What to look at?"

I suddenly turned around, "It's you!"

This is the old man I met at night.

The old man holding an umbrella without raining!

Always remind me to pay attention to the old man with the flower basket under my feet!

I restrained my emotions and asked: "Why are you here?"

He smiled slightly, "Everyone is here."

His smile was very grotesque.

I asked indifferently: "Who are you?"

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself to Mrs. Xi. I am Zhao Jin, Xi Zhan's biological...father, your father-in-law."

I denied: "No, you are not!"

Xi Zhan's biological father will not hurt him!

The father who hurt his son is a father! !

"Blood relationship cannot be denied."

I was not nervous, but instead laughed and said, "Even if there is blood relationship? What if Xi Zhan doesn't introduce you to me, you are nothing in my eyes, and you don't deserve to appear in front of me!"

He hurt Xi Zhan.

So I won't give him any face.

"Mrs. Xi is clever!"

He slammed towards me and stretched out his hand to pin me against the railing of the cruise ship. I knew that as long as he tried hard I would fall into the sea.

But I am not afraid! !

I stimulated him: "Do you dare?"

Zhao Jin was shocked, "Why didn't I dare?"

"If you wanted to kill me as easily as it is now, you would have already started it. You won't wait until now. I guess you are waiting for Xi Zhan!"

I look fearless and I don't want to let myself be afraid of him!

I don't want to be afraid of this man who hurt Xi Zhan!

And this man is Xi Zhan's father! !

"Smart kids are easy to suffer!"

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