"Alright! Alright! We believe that you love your Snowy the most," Ruoshan said with a chuckle as he softly patted her head.

"Little One, you should sleep now. It's too late and you will need your energy to work," Lord Yueliang said as he softly pushed Li Ming to lie down and covered her with the blanket.

Except for the face, her entire body was covered with the blanket but not for too long as Li Ming immediately sat up and tossed the blanket away.

This time both of her shoulders were bare and since her hair was tied in a bun there was nothing hiding her pure white skin from the eyes of the two Immortals.

Without thinking Lord Yueliang immediately pulled her sweatshirt up to her shoulders, hiding the skin but unfortunately, that didn't end up with a better result.

Since the neckline was too big, it ended up making a deep V and suddenly a very large part of her collarbone was visible.

If the two Immortals were panicking before because of her bare legs and shoulders then they were about to lose their souls now.

Without wasting a single second both the Immortals immediately pulled her shirt down her shoulder on either side, fixing the problem of her collarbone but again ending up with the bare shoulders.

Li Ming was so confused and frustrated with their stupid acts that she pushed both their hands away.

"What's wrong? Don't you like this shirt? I can take it off if you have any problem with it!" Her hand went to grip the hem of her sweatshirt and just as she began to lift it up, two pairs of hands stopped her.


"No. Don't!"

Li Ming looked at both men who appeared panicked and overly flushed at that moment, in confusion.

"We-we...y-you don't have to take it off. We like it and you are looking too pretty in it," Lord Yueliang finally pulled some words out of his dry throat and Ruoshan immediately nodded his head in agreement.

"Is that so? Then okay!" Li Ming giggled as she softly patted her sweatshirt.

"I'm going to prepare some soup for her. You should keep her company and don't let her out of your sight," Lord Yueliang said as he patted Li Ming softly and stood up to leave as soon as possible.  

"Wait. Look you can't...!" But before Ruoshan could complete his sentence, the Moon Deity already disappeared from the room, leaving Ruoshan and a drunk Li Ming alone.

Before Ruoshan could even realize what was happening, a giggling Li Ming climbed up on his lap, straddling him as she put her arms around his neck.

"W-what are you doing?" Ruoshan asked in a breathy voice as he grabbed the blankets in his fists and tried to move a little backward.

"I wanna cuddle and you will be a perfect sweet soft teddy bear for it," Li Ming replied with a giggle.

"Xingan, you are not sober right now. Let's put you to bed so that you can sleep." Ruoshan tried to make her let go of him but she only tightened her arms around his shoulders and snuggled her face into his chest.

"I don't wanna sleep!" Li Ming whined as she hugged Ruoshan more tightly.

A sigh left Ruoshan's lips and he finally placed his own arms around her to stop her wiggling on his lap. 

"What do you want then?" He softly asked her.

Li Ming looked at him with her dove-like eyes and then tilted her head while looking like she was thinking about what she wanted.

Finally, her eyes sparkled as she said in a cute voice, "I want you." And with that, she nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck.

"Xingan...!" Ruoshan gasped as he felt Li Ming's lips on his throat. At first, they only brushed his skin lightly, and just when he thought that it was an accident, Li Ming pressed her lips tightly on his neck's skin once more.

Another gasp left Ruoshan's lips as his eyes started gleaming light purple. His hands reached out to stop Li Ming but before he could do anything, her next movement left him and his soul writhing in want and desire.

Li Ming placed soft kisses on the right side of his jaw and dragged her kisses down to his shoulders. She repeated the same process on the left side.

Ruoshan's hands were gripping her shoulders but he was no more in any condition to either think rationally or act.

At some moment she had loosened Ruoshan's robes which bared his shoulders and collarbone. Her lips traced every inch of skin that it could find and after a long period of torture, she stopped at the juncture of his neck and shoulder.

Ruoshan was already panting as he tried to get his mind under his control. He needed to stop the girl. He didn't even realize that at some point he had ended up lying on the bed underneath Li Ming.

"Xing-Xingan...y-you...you need t-to...stop!" Ruoshan finally said through clenched teeth as he felt her lips moving against his neck once more.

Li Ming only moaned as her tongue darted out to lick the addicting skin that's making her lose her sanity.

If Ruoshan had succeeded in somehow getting a hold on the situation and himself, all of it disappeared as he felt her warm and wet tongue licking his throat.

Both of them were moaning as Ruoshan tucked her more closely. One of his hands was circling her waist and the other one was placed on her nape as she continued the torture with her lips and tongue.

He was no longer at a thinking phase, his mind, soul, and heart, all were busy in seeking as much of the pleasure from his mate, as they could. 

Li Ming gave another lick before her teeth bit into his skin tightly. She heard another gasp from him and this one was the loudest of all.

She sucked on the skin tightly as she bit hard. The next second, her tongue darted out to lick that spot, soothing the skin that was starting to turn bright red.

Ruoshan's hands were grabbing the bedsheets so tightly that his knuckles had turned white. An emotion of ecstasy took over his expressions.

His Xingan was marking him, claiming him as her mate. Though it was not exactly the mark of a soulmate but it was still a very intimate gesture between mates.

Who knew how many marks she left on his nape as time continued to pass.

Ruoshan was in no state to do or say anything. He was completely at her mercy as he let his mate overtook his body and soul. His eyes a dark shade of purple as they glowed in the darkness.

Li Ming was no better. Not only she was heavily drunk because of the magical wine that she drank but because of her drunkness, she lost her control too.

Her soul which was screaming to feel the closeness of her mates finally found the chance to mark one of them.

She was still in a body that was yet to turn eighteen, therefore it was impossible for the mate bond to completely settle between them but since the soul was already much older, marking them won't be too much of a struggle.

On the other hand, four other Immortals were suddenly attacked by an emotion that left them breathless and surprised to their very core.

Their souls were suddenly yearning for someone and at the very same time, all of them felt some kind of happiness seep into their souls. 

Zhang Yong too felt the sudden change as he too experienced a very little amount of happiness and content that Li Ming was feeling. But unlike others, rather than getting shocked a smile appeared on his lips. 

Lord Yueliang who was on his way towards the guest-chamber with a bowl of hot soup in his hands, immediately stopped in his tracks when he felt those sudden emotions. 

The next second he was inside the guest chamber. With a flick of his sleeves, Li Ming was snuggled into his arms safely.

"Are you alright?" Lord Yueliang asked Ruoshan, there was a worried edge in his voice.


Ruoshan was unable to utter any coherent words at that moment. His body was barely able to move as he kept laying there in his disheveled and content state. He looked as drunk as Li Ming at that moment.

"Don't worry. I'll take her back to her mansion. Calm down first and then you can visit her in the morning," Lord Yueliang instructed the Ever Night Lord, as the latter slightly nodded his head in agreement.

Five minutes later, the Moon Deity was feeding Li Ming the hot soup as she rested in her warm bed inside her room in the magical mansion.

"Good. Now sleep. I know you are tired," Lord Yueliang said in a soft tone after Li Ming finally finished the entire soup.

This time the girl didn't object as she snuggled into his warm embrace and closed her eyes, barely in a minute, she was deep in her sleep.

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