"Are you sure that everyone from your clan is present here?" Li Ming asked after the silence of the next few seconds.

Her eyes were still busy roaming over her surroundings as if they were searching for someone.

The elders were quiet for a few moments as they hurriedly looked around the groups as if to make sure that indeed everyone from their clan was present.

"All those with potential and good cultivation bases are present here, Immortal Ming." One of the Elders replied after they completed their survey.

A sigh left Li Ming's lips as she tried to stop herself from shaking her head.

"Elder Chen, can you call everyone from your clan here. No matter whether they can cultivate or not. Their status in the clan also doesn't matter." The Heaven Emperor spoke as he put forward his request in front of the Elder who looked a little bit confused and taken aback.

But no one dared to question the mighty Heaven Emperor, they did not dare to.

It took around five minutes before around thirty people walked out from the cave and stood separately in a group of their own.

The contrast between this new batch of people and the rest of the clan was clearly visible, whether it was regarding their appearance, clothes, physical state, or cultivation levels.

Li Ming's eyes landed on a particular girl who was hiding behind a tall boy as she peeked from behind him to see what was happening.

She looked to be around thirteen or fourteen years old. Her long black hair was scattered around her face but it gave her already cute appearance another boost.

Li Ming felt the crystal ball turning a little warmer in her hand as she started walking closer to the group where that girl was hiding.

Everyone watched in confusion as she stopped a few feet away in front of the group of the servants of the Dragon Clan.

"That girl in the dark green dress, can you please step forward?" Li Ming softly called the girl and her eyes noticed how the boy, who was around fifteen probably, immediately moved his body to shield the girl as he stared back at her (Li Ming) with suspicious eyes.

A small smile appeared on her lips as she watched the defensive body language of the boy.

Li Ming pulled her hand in front of her and opened her palm to let everyone see the spirit ball that was shining brightly at the moment.

The gasps of surprise that she heard from the Elders and others who knew exactly what she was holding in her hand, made her smile broaden as she kept her eyes on the young girl who was still peeking from behind the boy.

"Is it her?" 

Ruoshan asked in a small voice as he came forward to stand next to her.

"That's what I want to confirm. If it is really meant for her then it will pull her towards it." Li Ming answered in a similarly low voice as she spared a quick look at her mate who gave her a quick nod.

It felt like hours kept passing by as all of them stood there in silence, waiting for some kind of miracle to happen.

And finally...that little girl stepped out from her hiding place and started walking towards Li Ming. Her eyes were fixed on the spirit ball that was glowing like a beautiful firefly.

"Do you want to touch it?" Li Ming asked softly as the girl finally approached her. She was standing right in front of her, looking down at the glowing spirit ball.

The girl looked up at Li Ming with her eyes full of curiosity, amazement, and a little bit of confusion - probably because she was unable to understand exactly what was happening.

Li Ming smiled softly at the girl as she brushed a few of the loose strands of her hair away from her face.

"It's a precious gift that your late Lord left with me. He wanted me to gift it to someone who's just as pure and kind as the spirit inside this ball. Do you want it?" She asked the girl in a soft tone as she looked at her with warm eyes.

"C-can.....I-I have....it?"

The girl asked in a small voice as she looked at the spirit ball with sparkles in her obsidian eyes.


"Immortal Ming, it's not like we don't want someone from the lower class to end up with the sacred spirit in their possession. If that person will have the capability of ruling this clan, none of us will oppose it. But this little girl here, she can't even change her form. Her dragon spirit is no longer connected with her. You can't expect us to let a little girl become the heir of our dragon clan when she can't even change into her dragon form. We will become a laughing stock for this entire mainland." 

One of the Elders immediately spoke, stopping linking from answering the girl's question.

This time, Li Ming didn't control the sigh of disappointment that escaped her lips. She stepped back a little from the girl and turned towards the group of Elders who were keenly looking at her.

"Elder Quan, I can understand your worries and I know that you wish for the happiness and prosperity of your clan. But trust me....., I know exactly what I'm doing. Sometimes, it's necessary to step away from the rules and laws to see a miracle taking place in front of your very eyes. Because miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your faiths as you do to your fears."

Her tone was soft but it was loud enough to be heard by every single person present there.

"Do you believe that this girl is the right choice?" Elder Shen finally asked after a few long moments of silence.

Another small smile appeared on Li Ming's face as she answered, "I do.....because I can feel the acceptance of the spirit that I'm currently holding in my hands."

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