"Mallow, pass me the RZ-100 boxes." 

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Li Ming found dozens of crystal balls tumbling across the table where she had been sitting for the past four hours, trying to merge the essence of the magical and the RZ crystals.

"Any progress?" Ruoshan asked as he entered the science lab and placed the boxes of shurikens that he just brought from the academy.

"Almost there." She replied before quickly looking in the direction of the boxes.

"This is the new batch that the sirens have wielded this morning. They said that these particular weapons are charmed by them in the process." 

Even Ruoshan had no idea what his words meant. He was just a messenger between the two parties.

Li Ming noticed the confusion in his alluring purple eyes as she explained with a soft smile playing on her lips, "What they meant to say is that the charm is not cast over the weapon but is installed inside the weapon. It will be handier in the war compared to the former ones as their magic will last longer."

Ruoshan nodded his head in understanding as he watched his mate once again returning her attention to the crystals she had been working on. 

Three months had passed since the five of them, he and his brothers, found her soulless body laying on the floor over a weird magical circle while Kara was sitting beside her with closed eyes as she kept the magic of the spell alive.

If not for Snowy who stopped them at the right moment, they would have killed the banshee that day and would probably have lost their mate forever.

The next few hours, as they waited for her to return to them, were one of the worst experiences that they went through. But eventually, she did return.

The first thing that he found himself doing was sweeping the girl in his arms as he hugged her tightly against his heart, making sure that she was alright.

And soon enough the rest of his brothers had also surrounded them as they all shared a group hug. 

That night they all took their time to make her realize exactly how stupid and impulsive she reacted. Even though her plan worked without any complications but it did nothing to hide the fact that she could have easily lost her life if anything would have gone wrong.

By the time night came to an end, she had successfully made their anger dissipate as she promised to never do anything like that again. 

However, Ruoshan along with the rest of his brothers were aware that there was no guarantee that she would keep her promise, especially since the promise was related to her own safety. The fact was that they could not leave her alone ever again and they did not plan to.


"Here! It's finally done!" 

The happy and excited shout of his mate pulled Ruoshan out of his thoughts. He looked at the girl who was cheering happily as she stood up to test her invention.

After all, she had been working on this for more than two months, constantly failing but still not giving up because she knew that she could do it.

He watched in amazement as a bright silvery light started surrounding her. His eyes could separate each molecule that was made of the pure essence of magic.

All the light disappeared from the room and it took him some time to realize that the outside world of the magical mansion had also turned pitch black even though a few moments ago it was filled with the bright sunlight.

A few more seconds passed before everything was back to normal. The darkness disappeared and the sunlight once again grazed the magical world.

"I wish we could make the darkness of the outside world disappear just like this, within a few blinks and without any casualties." Li Ming murmured as she looked at the crystal ball that she was being in her hands.

Ruoshan moved closer to his mate as he pulled her against his side before patting her head with soft and affectionate strokes.

"It will."

She looked up at the familiar eyes that hold so much love for her. A smile bloomed on her lips as she slowly nodded her head.

Everything was prepared. They were prepared. The army was prepared and so was the battleground.

They had spent the past three months preparing for the ultimate battle against the evil that was planning to destroy the Immortal World.

What she never anticipated was to receive the support of so many people from around the Immortal World for the upcoming battle. The first one to join her and her mates for the war was her own people - Dongji village, Xi Qiu City, Ming Academy, Supernaturals, Pixies, her friends from the Han and Wang Empire, and General Wei with his military forces along with the Crown Prince who came with an Imperial edict that stated the support of the Emperor towards the upcoming battle.

Heaven Realm sent a troop of five hundred thousand elite soldiers with five deities and the Heaven Emperor himself. 

Guixian Academy was also there with a team of three thousand elite cultivators along with Master Lu and Wen Guiying.

The Demon Realm was also prepared with its own army.

But she got the biggest surprise when the Central Empire send a letter to tell her that a team of two hundred cultivators would be joining the battle, out of which three were Divine ranked cultivators, seven were Prime Cultivators while the rest were on different levels of the Overlord rank.

In addition to these, the old man from the Snowfields would also be joining the battle with the hundreds of sacred spiritual beasts that had been sleeping in the depths of the ice cave.

But even though they were fully prepared for the battle.......was it enough for them to win?

Or would she need to use the ultimate weapon to save the world from the chaos or darkness?

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