Chapter 345

The two “heroes of the new mankind” stood supporting each other, and the light of the fairies in Shanghai became extremely dim.

The godfather and Eunice fell in the ruins, and Tedrow and the mixed gods shed blood.

Not far away, Cloyi led the mermaid priest to try to break the shady barrier, but to no avail.

The ritual seemed to start violently, and the whole hall vibrated, and the black wind was overwhelmingly sucked into Devil’s body, where Su Ke remembered clearly that Tedrow had dug something out of the ground before and photographed Devil’s body.

Afterwards, Tedrow seemed to have activated some power and disappeared with Devil, and Chloe rushed in with the mermaids.

At this moment, the godfather, who seemed to be belching at any time, stood up very vigorously, used the scroll with teleportation effect, and disappeared.

This guy……

Really fishing depends on the true godfather.

The mermaids began to heal Eunice, and Su Ke slowly turned his gaze to look at the two corpses glowing dimly.

In a soft light, even when he was watching the fragments of memories, he felt a gentle embrace at this moment, and his soul floated up, as if he had passed a strange “road”.

In the darkness of Hengyuan.

“Su Ke” and “Xu Ling” lay there quietly, as if they were asleep.

A soft female voice sounded across the sky:

“If the souls gather here little by little, your best friend may have time to wake up.”

Afterwards, a hard-to-see phantom gently hugged Xu Ling on the ground.

Before Su Ke took a look, the flashing picture quickly disappeared, and the crystal in front of him turned into powder and dissipated.


A bitter smile came up from the corner of Su Ke’s mouth.

Just now his consciousness should be in the kingdom of the sea fairy, if there, a miracle might really happen.

Although I don’t know how long it will take, at least it is hope.

Eunice seemed to see his bitterness, her eyes sank, and she turned and took a step back.

“I went to recuperate too. You don’t have to force it until you heal, Chloe will definitely find a way.”

She left.

Su Ke sat there for a while, then opened the print interface.

The SAN value has returned to 67. Although my head is still a little dizzy, it is not an irreparable trauma.

The wounds on his body are all scabs, his clothes have been completely changed, and he is wearing a dark blue mermaid robe in a vacuum.

Getting up from the bed, he clenched his own fist.

Both the body and the spirituality have made considerable progress over the previous period, and the effect of “resonance of faith” has increased several times over the past.

Through the act of saving the mermaid, they not only gained their faith, but also seemed to perform the magical potion of the “missionary”.

Yes, after reconfirming, he confirmed that there is a sense of stability in the spirituality when it is fully deduced.

The “missionaries” in other people’s homes preach the doctrines of their own beliefs.

Su Ke is good, and he preaches his own doctrine.


No, for the mermaid, it should be the Kuluo religion…

This was a bit beyond his expectation.

Another unexpected thing is that the name of faith “Heroes of the New World” has also been interpreted, and Ascension has almost reached the same level as “Prometheus of Fire”.

The outside world should not be clear about what he did in the cave, that is to say, this is also performed by helping the mermaid.

They treat me as a hero?

Su Ke glanced at the serene instrument of faith placed by the bed. He originally planned to perform the “missionary” after taking this item back, but he didn’t expect it to be performed smoothly in the process.

He smiled bitterly, and even considered running away with this instrument of faith in his heart.

But think about it, forget it, the above breath cannot be eliminated, if it is not returned to the quiet church, there is a high probability that it will cause opposition between sects.

Compared with the quiet church with strong background, his Siyuan church can’t afford it.

Finally, there is one more thing to confirm.

Although he was unconscious at the time, he knew clearly that he saw it.

The blood prompt tells me that I have gained authority.

Tried it in the room, nothing happened.

He didn’t even have the real sense of authority.

Su Ke: “???”

Shouldn’t this be a very powerful force?

He didn’t think the blood word prompt would be joking about this kind of thing, that is to say, maybe there are still some conditions that have not been met.

Fortunately, in addition to the complete interpretation of the Sequence 6 potion, he also collected all the materials for the Sequence 5 potion. In addition, there are a lot of trophies obtained by slaying monsters in the mist.

After taking the potion for promotion, maybe it will make a difference if you try again.

Thinking of this, he put on the cleaned and repaired clothes on the bedside, took the faith instrument, and let the fish take him back to Havila at the insistent request.

He has an excellent place for promotion.

Emerging from the sea, Su Ke looked at the red and white city not far away, and it was no different from what he had seen before.

The vast majority of people in this city do not know what happened three days ago, or what impact the ceremony will have on the city if it is not prevented.

For them, a day was unremarkable, but the catastrophe caused by the gods almost destroyed everything.

Oh, is this the horrible truth hidden in ordinary daily life.

It is not known how many similar incidents have occurred in history. Between ignorance and confronting the terrifying truth, Su Ke is willing to choose the latter frankly.

If you don’t know anything, you don’t even know why when the disaster strikes, it would be too passive.

With the help of ocean currents, he quickly reached the narrow coast at the exit of Beigang Cave.

The passage in front of them was completely blocked. Soon after Tedro and Devil left, the ritual of losing even the main body caused a collapse and buried everything under the ground.

Su Ke found the corresponding location on the shore along the vague memory.

There, a fuzzy-faced stone statue was sitting on the edge of the stone wall, with a wreath made of shells hanging around its neck.

That’s where he ignites himself and illuminates the way for the mermaid.

It seems that they have also repaired stone statues for themselves…There are even human sacrifices beside them.

He shook his head and smiled. There was an open space just next to him. He took out the material from the print and began to make the Sequence 5 “Philosopher” potion.

It is much simpler for the new humans with seals to deploy according to alchemy functions than for the old people without seals to deploy according to complex rituals and rigid steps.

First take out a container that is clean and hard enough, and throw in the dark sage’s complete soul crystal. The purple-black diamond-shaped crystal has a vague red light in the center, staring like a pair of eyes in it.

Afterwards, a pair of red eyes with knights and a cross of the nail bearer were added. The three solids were incompatible with each other in the container, but they had the same spiritual aura.

Put the main and auxiliary materials together, and then pay a little attention.

Su Ke took out a bottle from the imprint, and at the same time led out spirituality with his left hand, and emptied it on the top of the container.

This is 500ml of the blood of the Soul Eater. He used his spirituality to draw out 300ml, and poured it in under the confirmation of the print. The blood that touched the three objects began to boil, volatilizing into a cloud of red gas.

The role of the left hand is to use spirituality to prevent these gases from volatilizing out of the container. It is best not to lose ingredients in the process of formulating the potion, otherwise the finished product may fail.

The printed information shows that errors can be avoided. If you take out 300ml of blood, it will be 300ml, and 9g of powder will be 9g. As for whether there are errors in countless places after the decimal point in the microscopic view, this is not something Su Ke needs to worry about. problem.

The potion can be blended successfully.

After the gas filled the container evenly, Su Ke took out 13g of Seven Eyed Grass powder with one hand and dragged it into it with spirituality.

When the powder came into contact with the red smoke, it immediately dyed it to magenta blue. At this time, the three materials at the bottom still did not dissolve.

Next, pour in 100ml of hemolytic flower juice and a flower bone, a violent reaction began in the container, and Su Ke controlled it with spirituality to prevent it from suddenly exploding or flying into the sea due to impact.

It was too late to cry.

The knight’s eyes in the container melted and heated up with other viscous liquids, turning into gas transpiring inside the container, and then the cross of the nail bearer was affected. It was the first time Su Ke saw the wood melting. Like being corroded by sulfuric acid carbonization, it turned into a pool of black mud sedimentation bottom.

The color in the entire container began to become colorful under the influence of Seven Eyes.

According to the steps recorded in the alchemy formula, Su Ke knew that the time was up.

He took out the last piece of material from the imprint, the nerve grass blade with complete veins, and gently dragged it in with spirituality.

The blades were constantly lifted in the steam, and finally fell to the bottom and touched the black mud. At this time, the soul crystal, which had been stubborn and unwilling to melt, finally began to succumb and sink slowly in the black mud.

The reaction in the container was more violent than ever before, and Su Ke could even feel that his spirituality was affected.

But he didn’t think about anything, he only used his spirituality to control the reaction in the container, and didn’t let anything inside go outside.

After about 5 minutes, the reaction gradually stopped, and the churning gas became able to start to dissolve in the mixture and mix together.

Su Ke tried to shake it, and the solid inside was dissolved.

The print also displays information at this time.

[Sequence 5, Philosopher: A bottle of potion, only after drinking it will I know its effect. 】

It’s a success!

Su Ke breathed a sigh of relief.

He put the potion whose properties were restored to stability into a glass bottle, and the finished potion showed its characteristic of not hanging on the wall, and a drop of it fell into the glass bottle.

Su Ke held the bottle of potion, and he was a little lost in seeing it for a while.

Prior to this, he had used tranquilizer potions to restore the SAN value to 83.

For promotion after Sequence 6, every time a potion is taken, a promotion ritual is required.

And his promotion ceremony…

Su Ke glanced at the stone statue with a garland hanging on its side.

The scene three days ago is still vivid, and to him it seems to have happened in the last minute.

No longer hesitating, Su Ke lifted the glass bottle and drank the potion in the bottle.

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