Global Adventure: The Strongest Anchorman in History

Chapter 148 A very friendly cartoon, recommended for late night viewing

Chapter 148 A very friendly animation, I recommend you watch it late at night

The last four characters look neat and tidy.

But it feels more ‘distorted’ than all the previous words put together.

Just like an addict who has been struggling for 20 days, he gives up on the 21st day.

Halfway on the way to the world,

Return to hell again.

Ye Xing's heart tightened,

Was shocked.

Just like you are in love.

Your first girlfriend said you were also her first boyfriend.

And keep the first night on the wedding night.

Ah~how pure.

Later, you got married.

Every day before marriage,

You thought she was perfect.

On the wedding night,

You suddenly realize,

It turned out to be worship and beheading!


Ye Xing's 'shock' was this kind of 'shock'.

[The first few thousand sentences of ‘I don’t regret’ are all foreshadowing, and the last sentence of ‘I regret’ is the finishing touch. 】

[I can feel the mental state of the owner of the note. My online girlfriend spent her birthday yesterday. I sent her a 200 red ticket. After she accepted it, she said I was not sincere. I had no choice but to send it to 520 again. Morning I knew that if I transferred her 520 directly, I could save 200깊. I said I didn’t regret it, but I regretted it very much in my heart! 】

[If I’m not mistaken, your online girlfriend either sells tea and red wine, or plays futures and stocks. If she asks you to meet after only one day of meeting her, she will be a 100% supporter! 】

[Brother knows so much, you can tell he is someone who has been through this as soon as he hears it. 】

[I don’t regret that I once loved ~ It’s just that I will be lonely at the end of the world ~]

【You only talk about love when you are lonely~Why are you so bad~】

[Some words become 깊 (speechless) as you type them! 】

Regarding the meaning of the content in the notes,

Ye Xing didn't have any clue.


Harsh noise interrupted 깊Ye Xing's thoughts.

Looking back.

The screen of the old-fashioned TV flickered inexplicably.

깊꺶꿧꺶꿧snowflake-like ripples appear.

Is there a fault?

꺶approximately eight seconds passed 깊궝,

The screen suddenly returned to normal.

But the scene in the animation has changed.

Originally, the broadcast was episode 113 of "Cat and Mouse" - Cat's Fishing Story.

But now it seems to jump directly to another episode.

The cheerful music becomes low and weird,

It's like the horror accompaniment in the movie "The Grudge".

There is a touch of strange green in the black and white screen.

In the animation, Tom Cat has his back to the camera.

Body stiffness.


It turned its head behind its neck without moving its body.

I don't know when a human skin mask appeared on its face.

The upper part of the mask has disproportionate eyes, nose and eyebrows.

How can I put it...his expression looks a little painful.

The lower part of the mask is painted with realistic teeth that extend from the base of the ears.

Appeared very excited.

Then he burst out into breathtaking laughter.

It sounds like an asthma attack.

There is absolutely no sense of humor in the past.

There is only something eerie and eerie that makes people cringe.

[Looking back and smiling, give me half my life away 깊! 】

[Is this the same Tom cat I know? I don’t remember this episode at all! 】

[There are several episodes of Tom and Jerry that are particularly scary, but they have been removed from the shelves a long time ago. This must be one of the scenes, right? 】

[No, no, no, no, I have watched the scary episodes, but I have never heard this kind of laughter that kills people. And where did this mask come from? 】

[I think I bought it in the canyon. Full name: Mask of Pain, + Magic + Blood + Speed, Passive Effect - Torment! 】

[Tom: I'm standing in front of you. How much do you think I look like before? 】

"There's something wrong with this cat."

Ye Xing frowned.

놌Netizens don’t 땢,

He was less than two meters away from the screen.

It can be clearly felt that this cat has left the category of animated characters.

To put it bluntly,

It's like a real living thing!

Under Ye Xing's gaze.

The masked Tom cat fell back,

All limbs facing the ground.

Belly up and back down,

The neck turns like a twist in a small half circle.

He tilted his head towards the screen.

The next second,

Its limbs moved quickly,

Crawling backwards like a spider.

Climb to the screen and pause. After a second or two,

Poke your head forward.

Actually stretched out of the screen? !

Immediately afterwards,

Its whole body crawled out of the TV...

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