Global Adventure: The Strongest Anchorman in History

Chapter 158 363 is defeated! The poisonous red dragon

Chapter 158 363 was knocked down! Highly poisonous red dragon

The exposed pair of legs were hook-shaped.

There were poison glands at the end of the hook.

More legs emerged from the rotten meat.

Its body was a red centipede as thick as a thumb!

Ye Xing took a step back.

Give a close-up.

[Damn it! What I fear most is multi-legged creatures, take the camera away! (Roar)]

[It's over! The picture is frozen in my mind! ]

[With so many legs, it's really useless for the technician to do a foot massage, right? ]

[I think centipedes are the most disgusting things. My scalp will explode just by looking at them! (Lion's roar)]

[You scared your friend, pay me! 】

"I didn't mean to scare you."

"I just want you to know what it looks like."

"It's a red dragon centipede that's 30 cm long and 1 cm wide."

"Its head is dark red, with a pair of tentacles and a pair of poisonous horns."

"The back is gray-black, as if it were pieced together piece by piece."

"The abdomen is yellow, with tight wrinkles."

"The body has 51 pairs of curved legs."

"It's a typical centipede."

"The toxins of ordinary centipedes are unlikely to cause much harm to humans."

"The dangerous ones are poisonous centipedes."

"For example, the Hajime centipede, the giant centipede, the red-headed centipede, etc. If you are bitten by them, you will experience life-threatening symptoms such as vomiting, fainting, local swelling, and difficulty breathing."

"But if you seek medical attention in time, you can still be cured. ”

“But the poison of the red dragon centipede is not within the scope of medical treatment.”

“The toxins it secretes quickly destroy the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems of other animals, causing great pain to people.”

“After being bitten by it, you will collapse in endless torture until you die.”

“No matter how hard a person’s bones are, they can only cry bitterly when they encounter a red dragon centipede.”

“In the Song Dynasty, there were three brothers who were known as the most courageous people in the world.”

“The eldest is Long Zhantian, the second is Long Potian, and the third is Long Aotian.”

"The three brothers failed to assassinate Qin Hui and were arrested."

"Because they had served in Yue Fei's army, Qin Hui wanted them to give false evidence to accuse Yue Fei of assassinating an important official of the court."

"The three brothers refused and directly said that they would be killed or cut at will."

"Qin Hui used various tortures including pinching fingers, cramps, and scalping, but the three brothers held on."

"Until they got a red dragon centipede."

"Let the red dragon bite them."

"Old Dragon Zhantian cried loudly after being invaded by the poison, unable to bear the kind of The pain was unbearable for humans, and he hit his head and died when no one was paying attention. "

"After being bitten, the second child, Long Potian, cried for his parents and was willing to be Qin Hui's dog, licking his ass, begging for relief."

"Only the third child, Long Aotian, did not say a word and was tortured to death by the poison."

"From then on, Long Aotian became the exclusive synonym for awesome!"

"Apart from Long Aotian, I'm afraid there will be no other human who can resist the poison of the red dragon in this world."

As he said,

Ye Xing caught the red dragon centipede with his bare hands.

Using its tooth-like centipede as a comb,

combed a handsome middle.

With a last flick of his finger, he cut it off.

[Using a red dragon as a comb, you are the best as the successor of socialism!]

[This middle comb is quite life-threatening! ]

[Except Long Aotian, there is probably no other human being in this world who can resist the poison of the Red Dragon. (The host's implication is that I am not a human)]

[Of course not a human, the host is a god! ]

[Red Dragon Centipede: I was killed after only two minutes on the stage? ]

[Long Aotian: It's not that I don't say anything, I'm a deaf-mute, how can I say anything? If you want to understand what Qin Hui said, you want to be a man of steel! ]

[Does such a cool centipede have a natural enemy? If you are bitten by it, are you waiting to die? 】

"The centipede's biggest natural enemy is the common rooster."

"Even a centipede with a stronger toxicity than a bald head will kneel when it sees a rooster."

"The rooster will kill the centipede as soon as it sees it. There is also a very interesting mythological story behind this."

"In ancient times, in order to facilitate the recording of years, the Yellow Emperor summoned all the animals in the world to select the twelve zodiac animals."

"The dragon is the most majestic of all animals, with silver beards and golden whiskers, tiger hooves and eagle feet, and it is very handsome."

"The only flaw is that there are two bald spots on its head."

"It accidentally discovered that the rooster had a pair of very beautiful horns on its head, and wanted to borrow them to wear when it participated in the selection of the twelve zodiac animals, but it was not familiar with the chicken."

"So, the dragon found the chicken's good friend, the centipede, and invited it to have a beer barbecue and made a set of Men's massage project. "

"The centipede, who was unwilling to return the horns, acted as a guarantor and borrowed the pair of horns from his good brother, the rooster. "

"After borrowing the horns, the dragon felt that they were very suitable for him, just like a bad friend who ate your money, and kept dragging his feet and not returning them. "

"In the end, he even put the centipede on the blacklist. "

"The centipede was also very bad. He found a cockscomb and pinched it into the shape of a horn and gave it to the rooster to make it look real. "

"By the time the rooster reacted, the cockscomb had grown together with its head and turned into an ugly cockscomb. "

"From then on, the rooster hated the centipede, and the brothers turned against each other and killed one when they saw one! "

"For this reason, it also specially evolved a chicken with a very thick cuticle and a crop that is immune to all centipede toxins, becoming the centipede's natural enemy! "

"If you are bitten by a red dragon centipede, drink the rooster's blood within ten minutes, and half of the toxin will be eliminated. The remaining toxin can be cured by receiving treatment in the hospital." Ye Xing said with emotion.

[It turns out that the horn on the dragon's head is "borrowed" (I pretended to believe it). ]

[I have a chicken at home, and it was poisoned by the centipede. Drinking her blood should also detoxify it, right? ]

[The person above, I suggest that you forget it, don't fail to detoxify, but instead get infected with other viruses (you know). ]

[So why is there rotten meat on the ground? ? ? 】


"Rotten meat is a centipede!"

"If I'm not mistaken, the floor of this containment room is actually the corpse of a super giant centipede!"

"The so-called protruding spikes are its limbs."

"And where I stand is its abdomen."

"The mountain ghost said that this containment room was once the place where He Man was sealed."

"Later, Dr. Lin brought another guy in."

"The guy the mountain ghost mentioned is the giant centipede under my feet!"

"SCP-XXX should refer to the number of the centipede."

"It's SCP-XXX. -363- is not a centipede.

"363 looks very similar to the Amazonian giant centipede, and their eating habits are exactly the same."

"But 363's size can keep changing in a specific environment, and can grow to dozens of meters long!"

"For some reason, it died, or it was knocked over!"

"The huge body rolled on the ground in circles, and after the precipitation of time, it merged together and became the 'ground'."

"At present, 363 has maintained this form for a long time."

Ye Xing changed his position and cut another piece of rotten meat.

The terrifying red dragon centipede is still hidden inside.

The appearance of the red dragon centipede means that He Man is still alive.........

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