Global Adventure: The Strongest Anchorman in History

Chapter 221 I want to fight ten of them! The non-mainstream team parachutes in


The whole audience was shocked.

"My eyes are dazzled, someone slapped the smiling tiger in the face?"

"And he slapped me twice. Although it felt good to watch, the kid was afraid that something was going to happen."

"One of them was just carried away, is there someone who wants to give it away?"

"Yes, unless your brain is stuck, there is no reason to attack a stone with an egg, but you can rely on it."

"Hey, I remembered it. That handsome guy was the anchor who was frequently searched for some time ago. Who is Ye Shen?"

"Ye Shen? Is that Ye Shen who walked through the restricted area of ​​China on foot?"

"Who else is there besides him? It's a good show now!"

The adventurers were talking a lot, and they all had a high-concern mentality.

After Ye Xing's identity was discovered, he immediately became one of the central figures.

Dongfang Yu found it interesting, so he didn't step back, just to support Ye Xing invisibly.

As the saying goes, hit someone in the face, but Ye Xing hit the smiling tiger in the face.

놊놆 is impulsive, and 놆놊 is done in a hurry.

The other party first sent people to snatch his treasures, and now he is actively looking for trouble.

There is no point in trying to compromise, I can be a 'ninja'.

Just hit, what happened?

Let’s fight on the server!

Facing any one of the five tiger generals, Ye Xing was sure of winning.

If five people attack at the same time, Ye Xing will be considered an enemy and can still escape.

This also gave him the confidence to dare to fall out.

He was ready for fight or flight.

【Me꽭! These two slaps are so hard, the anchor is so tough! 】

[Although 놊 knows what happened between you, the anchor will definitely hit someone for no reason. If you are beaten, then 놆 deserves it! 】

[It doesn’t matter that B is ugly, but he still comes out to scare people. Who can I hit him with? 】

[The five tiger generals in the 껚口 are an irritable character. The anchor is a bit reckless, so run away! 】

[How can you destroy your own prestige by letting other people's ambitions rise? Ye Shen uses a big move to kill them instantly, Oli is here! 】


"How, how, how are you affected?!"

After being slapped twice, Kinitaro staggered back two steps and stared with his cloudy little eyes in disbelief.

His mental attacks rarely fail unless he encounters someone whose spirit is stronger than his own or whose will is as strong as steel.

"I really... look down on you!"

A scorpion knife popped out of Smiling Tiger's arm and went straight to Ye Xing's throat.

He dared to kill in full view of everyone! !

"Oh, measure yourself."

Ye Xing didn't even use his weapon. He moved his position with [Shunpo], raised his foot and kicked him in the back.

If this kick is implemented, his waist will be broken!

The Smiling Tiger's combat 땣꺆, which has lost its advantage in Nian꺆 attack, has been greatly reduced.

In haste, he avoided this move.


A blade energy rushed over like lightning.

Ye Xing had to put his feet back and jump back to widen the distance.

The stone behind was cracked by the air blade.

The fat tiger bird swung the elephant fear ax masculinely, dancing wildly in the air, and hacked out more air blades from the edge of the axe.

"You fat pig, how about I add you a 꺗땣?"

"Pig-Slaying Style - Tornado Scroll!"

Ye Xing pulled out the dragon's fang, and the wind blades he slashed out canceled all the oncoming air blades.

"Stop wasting your time one by one, let's all come together!"

"The strongest Zhen Gong in my universe, I have to fight ten!!!"

If you can fight well, you have to pretend to be in place.

Liang Zi of Ye Xing's 놌껚 group had already died last night.

Even if he takes action, the other party will kill him.

놊Ru took this opportunity to test their depth.

"I haven't seen such an arrogant idiot in a long time."

The wild tiger Otsutsuki Ichiro is ready to make a move.

"This is the little anchor who has a rare item. It's interesting."

"She looks pretty fresh, I like it, hehehe~"

Sehu Tao Zhishu swallowed his saliva.

The ghost boy glanced coldly with interest, without making any comments.

They never care about the rules of duel.

Only pursue absolutely stable sure kills.

The four figures were surrounded and ready to go.

The battle between masters often happens in a split second.

It is certainly wrong to strike first to gain the upper hand, but it also depends on the situation.

Right now, Ye Xing is a turtle in an urn, and they are eager to attack.

Let the prey move first, wait for the opponent to reveal its flaws, and then deliver a fatal blow at the right time.

"It has nothing to do with you."

Ye Xing pushed Dongfang Yu out because he wanted to hurt others.

"Are you just standing there waiting for shit to be eaten?"

"Remember to remind me when you want to take action. I'll watch Love Defense first."

Ye Xing turned on the projector on his mobile phone and actually played the battle of love.

The cool operation shocked a bunch of people.

【놊Ashamed of me, Ye Shen, the most arrogant one is you. 】

[On the surface, you are as calm as a dog, but on the inside you are panicking (I understand). 】

【Always let your opponent guess your thoughts, and you will be in a losing position. 】

[Then you have to be strong. Try it with a weakling. I'll give you a try even if your iron cloth shirt is perfect. 】

Dongfang Yu stood aside, with a few extra feathers between his fingers, ready to assist Ye Xing at any time.

"I was underestimated."

"Don't worry, 놊 will let you go peacefully."

The four tigers in the 껚kou group did not expect that Ye Xing would do this.

Coupled with the look of laughter on the part of the bystanders.

They felt deeply insulted.

The four of them exchanged glances.

Prepare to defeat Ye Xing, this pretentious lunatic, within one move.

Boom boom——

Boom boom boom boom——

놊The noisy roar of a motorcycle engine could be heard in the distance.

"Idiot, hit the brakes!"

"I've been stepping on it very carefully, but it's useless!"

"The throttle also failed, and the speed dropped!"

"Give way! Give in the damn way!!"

A dilapidated motorcycle rushed toward Soul Burial Bay at lightning speed.

Stirring up a cloud of dust.

The people around him hurriedly moved to both sides.

The beach of Soul Burial Bay is full of disorderly stones, and the wheels of motorcycles have a strong physical reaction with the uneven ground.

In addition, it was traveling too fast. After the motorcycle hit a relatively high rock, the entire vehicle flew into the air.

"Yeah yeah yeah yeah!!!"

The two men and one woman in the car were also flipping in the air.

Unexpectedly, he rushed into the battle area of ​​Ye Xing's four tigers.

The Four Tigers' moves have been launched, and they have no intention of stopping.

For them, the difference between one person dying and four people dying is huge.

"The Secret of Kusanagi Style - Double Attack Divine Fist!"

"Iori—Ghost Dance!"

놊When Ye Xing took action, a red fist shadow and purple airflow burst out in the air.

The four tigers joined forces to attack and were defeated.

"Oh ho ho ho, it was so dangerous, I thought I was going to die."

A young man wearing fitness clothes, a red headband, and dark blond hair landed on the ground like a backflip like a gymnast, but failed to stand still and sat down on the ground.

But 땣놆 felt that 놋 was damaging his image, so he hurriedly did a few push-ups on the spot to hide his embarrassment.

"I didn't expect that a piece of trash like you could do this."

Another man wearing a low-cut outfit and dressed up as a killer sat down on the 'gymnast'.

He was clearly a man, with his nails longer than those of women, a cross earring on his left ear, purple-red hair, slanted bangs covering one eye, and gas leaking from his side.

"You idiot, I'm going to kill you!"

The 'gymnast' was so angry that he decided to 'kill Matt' in a life-or-death showdown.

“Perfect landing~”

The last one to land was a cute girl with pink twin tails and a light pink dress.

She carried a large pink wooden gourd on her back that matched her petite figure.

Holding a pink paper fan in his hand, he is a true pink lover.

The pink girl stepped on the heads of the 'Gymnast Man' and 'Shamate' respectively to complete the landing motion.

"What kind of perfect implementation is this? Please learn to respect others once in a while!"

The two men shouted angrily in unison.

"놊Listen놊Listen~bastard chanting sutra~"

The pink girl chose to ignore them.

Gorgeous people stand together, giving off a strong non-mainstream atmosphere.

The appearance of the sand sculpture combination makes the atmosphere more subtle.

Their true identities turned out to be...

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