Global Adventure: The Strongest Anchorman in History

Chapter 281 Someone wants to make trouble

Appearance reflects the heart. This ugly guy who looks like a rapist is indeed a lecherous monkey!

돗 usually takes the captured women back to their lair and forces them to get pregnant.

Compared with wild beasts, Bibi prefers to use the body of human women to give birth.

Women who are violated by it will give birth to new Bibi within the next week.

After giving birth to a monster, human women basically cannot survive.

At that time, the old Bibi will eat the meat of the newly born new Bibi to supplement nutrition.

It can be said to be a very perverted monster!

Bibi must have been secretly watching for a long time, coveting the beauty and body of Butterfly Dance, and took advantage of the fight between Ye Xing and Song Mingwan to attack.

돗's hair can be fired like needles, and will fall into a coma after being stabbed. Butterfly Dance's arm was hit by the Tengu gravel to protect Ye Xing and could not move, otherwise it would not be so easy to fall into 돗's way.

Ye Xing and Butterfly Dance are neither enemies nor friends, so it is understandable that he did not save her.

But a real man will never stand by and watch when a woman is bullied.

A person who only knows how to protect himself and never takes risks for others will never be truly cared for by others.

Besides, Ye Xing also promised to protect her for a period of time. Once the words are out, it will be a nail on the board. As long as the board is broken, the nail will not fall.

[Come on, host, run faster and give the dog coins to the shark! ]

[Dare to steal a woman in front of a man, are you tired of living? ! ]

[Evil Key Fairy: That guy is too flexible, entering the forest is like returning to his own home, and the host is left far behind like a fool, really useless (pointing). ]

[That's right, the host is just a mortal, how can he compare to you, the keyboard fairy, the keyboard is so 6, if I'm not mistaken, you should be a disabled person in a wheelchair, right? ]

[Key God: Haha, how much money did the surnamed Ye give you? Why are you so anxious to protect the master? ]

[Evil Key Fairy: I said the anchor is a piece of trash, so what? If you don't accept it, just hold it in! ]

[Key Demon: What a shitty Ye Shen, just die as soon as possible, hehe~]

[Chichi Princess: Brother Meng, I checked, these are all Wang's army sent by Wang Ou 뀧 to cause trouble, and they all have small accounts. What do you think we should do! (╬◣д◢)]

[Wang Ou 뀧? Is he the Douyin's No. 1 outdoor anchor who claims to have 30 million fans on the entire network? ]

[Since Ye Shen joined Douyin, Wang Ou 뀧 has always been suppressed. His position as the No. 1 has long been lost. He must be jealous and incited fans to cause trouble. No wonder there are so many trolls recently! ]

[What else can we do? Go to hell with him! 】

Bibi is a monkey demon. After entering the woods, he is like a fish in water. It is more difficult for Ye Xing to chase him. He has no time to interact with netizens and is not clear about what happened in the live broadcast room.



In the presidential suite of a five-star hotel.

Wang Ou was sitting on the sofa and broadcasting live.

Since the person named Ye Xing joined Douyin, his popularity has been declining.

Unlike Ye Xing, although he also went to some very dangerous places, he had a fully armed team behind him, and there was a script. The treasures or monsters he encountered were all arranged in advance. He followed the routine completely and deceived the audience as fools.

But now this trick doesn't work, because the content of Ye Xing's live broadcast directly surpassed him by several realms.

As a result, his economic benefits were greatly affected.

The most serious thing is that he originally planned to force the platform to open a sky-high new contract for him when the contract expired this year. The appearance of Ye Xing made the platform reject his request, which made him very unhappy and hated Ye Xing even more.

Wang Ou뀧 burns incense and prays to the Buddha every day, praying that God will take Ye Xing away soon, and even in his dreams he curses him to die soon.

He privately incites fans to split into two groups, one to attack, slander, and abuse Ye Xing in his live broadcast room, and the other to create fake news online, digging up Ye Xing's black material, and forcibly accusing him if there is no black material, and making some rumors.

He waited with a smile for Ye Xing's fans to come to his live broadcast room to curse, and then he would take screenshots and post them online to make a complaint.

In this way, he could not only destroy Ye Xing's reputation, but also get some popularity.

But he ignored the quality and ability of Ye Xing's fans.

He waited for a long time but did not see the scene he expected.

"Isn't it right? Is it not enough to spray? Don't let people curse his parents and ancestors anymore?"

Wang Ou뀧 was thinking this way, and the fans in the live broadcast room suddenly swiped the screen, calling him a liar.

The people who scolded him were all his fans, Wang Ou was confused.

A die-hard fan reminded him to check Weibo for hot searches.

# The famous anchor Wang Ou’s outdoor fakery revealed # (hot↑)

Clicking on it, a video popped up. In the video, Wang Ou’s staff wore monster clothes and hid, pretending to be a real beast. The so-called thousand-year-old ginseng he found was also forged with ginseng and inserted in advance.

The video was obviously secretly recorded and made public after being edited by someone.

"Who the hell is messing with me?!"

Wang Ou, who was not only stealing a chicken but also losing rice, panicked and closed the live broadcast and contacted the public relations team.

The public relations director said that it was their internal staff who uploaded the secretly filmed video to the Internet.

As for the motive, it was simple, because that person was a die-hard fan of Ye Xing.

The hot search was quickly removed, but the news still spread.

Before one crisis is over, another crisis arises. The production process of the bird's nest that Wang Ou뀧 sold during a live broadcast not long ago was exposed.

The so-called overseas imports are actually produced by a small workshop in China that sells dog meat under the guise of sheep.

The actual content of each bottle of bird's nest does not exceed 1%, and the remaining 99% is rock sugar water.

The original price is 50 cents, and the selling price is 50, which is almost 100 times the profit!

The public relations team immediately drafted a statement, saying that the content of the video was forged and Photoshopped, and refused to admit it.

As for the bird's nest incident, they said they were actively cooperating with the investigation and used the tactic of dragging their feet.

There will be new incidents every day, and it won't be long before people forget about it.

But before that, Wang Ou needs to pay a price.

Fans are not so easy to fool. Some of them began to turn from fans to passers-by, and even from fans to haters.

He was furious and posted a video that day. The video accused Ye Xing of instigating fans to slander and frame him, and intercepted many pictures of Ye Xing's fans privately scolding him. Of course, these pictures were basically directed and acted by him, and there are always some fools who will believe them.

There is no room for tigers in the same mountain. Wang Ou challenged Ye Xing through the Internet, saying that he would have a "charity PK" with him. The loser would quit Douyin and could not broadcast any live broadcasts within three years. In addition, no matter who wins or loses, they must donate money to charity organizations to do good deeds.

Once the video was released, it caused quite a stir.

The word "charity" earned Wang Ou some praise. If Ye Xing accepted the challenge, he would die miserably. Even if he didn't accept the challenge, he would earn a wave of popularity and traffic, which was not a loss.

Douyin headquarters.

As the exclusive manager of Ye Xing's live broadcast room, Zhao Wanwan had long been valued for his job and salary increase. When she learned that Wang Ou was making trouble, she proposed the idea of ​​limiting the flow of bad anchors or even banning them at the meeting.

Manager Li of the Marketing Department: "Don't worry, Wang Ou has many loyal fans after all. His contract is about to expire. If he really changes jobs, he will take away many users, which is not good for us."

Zhao Wanwan: "Then just watch him make trouble?"

Manager Li of the Marketing Department: "That's not what I mean. You see, although Ye Shen is powerful, he is not invincible. If he dies in that world, we can still push Wang Ou up. In this way..."


Zhao Wanwan slammed the table and said angrily: "Manager Li, have you forgotten how Ye Xing left Tiger Shark? What you just said is to make us repeat the same mistake?"

Manager Li was speechless and looked at the Operations Director for help.

Operations Director: "Old Li, don't you know what to say and what not to say? For us, there are countless Wangou in this world, but there is only one Ye Xing, and no one can replace him, understand?"

Manager Li wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and said with a smile: "I was reckless, I'm sorry Miss Zhao."

The Operations Director looked at Zhao Wanwan: "What do you think about PK?"

Zhao Wanwan: "I have to ask Ye Xing's opinion, but he doesn't seem to like these messy things."

The Operations Director nodded: "Well, if you agree to PK, then we'll have a fight, if you don't agree, If you say that, let Wang shut up. If he dares to spread rumors again, he will be in trouble. As for his contract renewal, let's see the situation. "

Zhao Wanwan: "If Ye Xing really agrees, what if he loses the PK?"

Operation Director: "Do you doubt his strength?"

Zhao Wanwan shook his head and said, "I am naturally very confident in him, but Wang Ou has a lot of money. Isn't it that they are brushing themselves..."

Operation Director smiled mysteriously: "Xiao Zhao, I promise you that if they really fight, Ye Shen will definitely win!"


Ye Xing knew nothing about the things on the Internet, and he didn't want to deal with the jumping clowns.

After chasing Bibi in the woods for more than half an hour, he lost the target.

Bibi, this B, is too familiar with the terrain in the forest. The trees that are obstacles to Ye Xing are helpers to him. It is too difficult to catch him in his home field.

However, Ye Xing was careful and let Xiao Hei follow him from the air.

No matter how fast you run on the ground, it is not as fast as flying in the sky.

In this way, Ye Xing did not need to stare at Bibi, he only needed to follow Xiao Hei to find Bibi's habitat.

Not long after, Xiao Hei stopped and froze in mid-air.

The sound of waves came to my ears.

There was a huge waterfall at the other end of the woods.

Ye Xing stood on Xiao Hei's back and looked down.

This waterfall was only longer than the one he encountered in the Canyon of the Dead.

Bibi's figure was not seen.

Did she jump down?

Ye Xing had to find Bibi before she gave the Butterfly Dance.

Sometimes whether a girl loses her virginity is just a matter of one second earlier or later.

Without time to think and speculate, Ye Xing let Xiao Hei go down the waterfall full of mud and sand.

Soon, Ye Xing found a green vine in the pouring torrent.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded in his mind.........

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