Global Adventure: The Strongest Anchorman in History

Chapter 54 Luminous Harp, Thousand-Year Wine

Chapter 54 Luminous Qin, 껜New Year Wine

The pattern on the ground door is a tiger.

To be precise, 놆白虎.

"The astronomers of the Han Dynasty divided the stars visible in the sky into eighteen groups, called the eighteen constellations."

"The blue dragon in the east, the black basalt in the north, the white tiger in the west, and the red bird in the south."

"Jingjue is located in the Western Region, belongs to the west, and corresponds to the white tiger."

"놙You need to press the ball corresponding to the position of the constellation, and the mechanism should open."

Ye Xing directly used his mobile phone to check the specific location of the White Tiger Constellation.

Respectively: Kui Mulang, Lou Jin Dog, Wei Tu Pheasant, Pleiades Chicken, Bi Yue Wu, Gou Fire Monkey and Shen Shui Ape!

Press the seven balls corresponding to this position in sequence.

After a few seconds, the ground gate was divided.

A stone staircase suddenly appeared in front of you.

At this moment, a white-green light came from below.

【Really opened! 】

[What’s going on with this bright light? Are people doing homework down there with the lights on? 】

[Definitely a big treasure, the anchor is going to make a fortune! 】

【Get rich? It doesn't exist. Don't forget, the people in the exam team are watching the live broadcast. 】

【놖I can’t wait to go down and have a look! 】

"I thought there would be a strong smell in it, but there was no smell at all."

To prevent the ground door from closing automatically, Ye Xing moved a stone and stuck it at the entrance.

"Okay, let's go down and take a look."

Ye Xing walked down the stairs. The stone steps were very short and he reached the end in just a few steps.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

"My heaven, my night crystal, what a great gesture!"

What comes into view is a square space, the size of a basketball court.

Ye Xing's eyes widened the moment he entered, and he let out three exclamations.

[The surrounding walls are crystal clear and glow, it’s amazing! 】

【Crystal 놖Know, Night Crystal 놆What the hell? 】

[Knowledge Monster: Night Crystal is a rare natural mineral that can glow in the dark like luminous stone, but is brighter than luminous stone. 】

[Knowledge Monster: It is unheard of to use night crystal to build an underground space as large as a basketball court. This is truly a priceless treasure! 】

[The anchor quickly digs up some and takes it back (sneakly, don't let the people on the examination team find out). 】

"Forget it, the friction and hardness of night crystal is 1.5 times that of iron, so it can't be cut."

After being amazed, Ye Xing began to carefully look at the interior furnishings.

Not so magnificent, simple and elegant.

On the left is a wooden table about two meters long.

The legs of the table were short, and a woolen mat was spread behind the table.

A variety of 녢qins are hung on the crystal wall on the right, with exquisite shapes and full charm.

There is also a self-written musical score next to the piano. Judging from the beautiful handwriting and wording, it should be written by a woman.

There is a bronze frame at the back, about 1.8 meters high.

The bronze shelves are filled with all kinds of wine glasses and jade pots, a dazzling array.

"You may have thought wrong. This is not a place to hide treasures or a place for private entertainment."

"The night crystal can automatically adjust the temperature, so it's warm in winter and cool in summer, so people feel comfortable staying inside."

"There are many beauties in the Western Regions. King Jingjue's wife should be a great beauty."

"Each piano is engraved with a woman's name called 'Inasi'. She may be the queen at that time."

"It can be seen from the music score that Inas is a highly accomplished violinist."

"Thinking back to those days, King Jingjue was sitting on this woolen blanket, with the table filled with fine wine and delicacies, listening to a peerless beauty playing the strings of the piano in front of his eyes."

"Fine wine, delicious food, beauties, all of them, so happy!"

"You can close your eyes and imagine. The male will imagine himself as King Jingjue, and the female will imagine herself as Inas."

Ye Xing created a space for netizens to imagine.

[The sense of immersion is very strong, 놖 is already leaking. 】

[This woolen blanket is bigger than the bed at home. I want to be the king of beauty. I don’t have time to listen to the piano. I just hugged Inas and hehehehe! 】

[The King of Excellence, the King of Excellence, only the King of Excellence can become a king! 】

[A 께红花: Huh, you guys, you guys, all have that kind of thing in your head. 】

[A 께red flower: 놖I think King Jingjue must love Yinas very much to give her such a magical place as a practice room. It’s so romantic~]

[Hey, a person's love is very pure. If you love her, give her the best. Men nowadays are too frivolous. 】

[Exactly, you women are not like that. You know how to ask for things, you don’t know how to consider their feelings, and you break up easily. 】

[Didn’t you guys force us to break up? 】

[That’s nonsense, how can we men be so cool? 】

"Ahem, the topic has gone astray."

놋Some netizens started driving while chatting, and Ye Xing stepped on the brakes in time.

Go to the bronze stand.

"The jade pots and wine glasses here are all made of Hetian jade and are priceless."

"The larger 놆cup for men and the 께1 size 놆cup for women."

"King Jingjue not only loves to drink, but he is also a very particular person."

"I don't know if I have any wine yet, let's take a look."

Ye Xing opened the lid of the jade pot, and a strange smell floated out from inside.

"I'm lucky, it's still half a pot!"

"The wine made from this grape is dark red and black in color."

"놋A light, dark fragrance."

Ye Xing got closer and took a few sips, and the more he sniffed, the more he sniffed.

[놖God, can you believe this wine that has been produced for more than 1,500 years? 】

[It's unreasonable. After so many years, shouldn't it have evaporated long ago? ]

[I really want to taste what it tastes like. It must be awesome! ]

[Knowledge Monster: That's not necessarily true. Wine doesn't taste better the longer it's stored. Generally, the best drinking period of wine is 3-5 years, and the better aging ability is 5-20 years. After the drinking period, the taste is not satisfactory. ]

[Knowledge Monster: Only a few high-end wines have a high aging value, but they are often within a few decades. ]

[Knowledge Monster: Wine is not like white wine. It has no shelf life. It will go bad. Do you dare to drink wine that has expired for many years? 】

"What you said makes sense, but you didn't understand one thing."

"Not all wines will expire."

"There are more than eight kinds of grapes in the world, and less than one percent are suitable for winemaking."

"Of this one percent, less than one tenth can be made into good wine."

"Of this one tenth, only a handful can make the best wine. If we make a ranking list, the first one must be Black Beauty."

After Ye Xing checked the ingredients of this pot of wine with the [Item Atlas], he was overjoyed.

"Black Beauty sprouts in ten years and bears fruit in a hundred years. The growing conditions are extremely harsh and it has been extinct for a long time."

"But it is different from other grapes. Once it bears fruit, it will be immortal. In layman's terms, it can be preserved indefinitely."

"So the wine brewed with Black Beauty will not expire even if it is ten thousand years, let alone one or more years!"

"It is said that Black Beauty has the magical effect of clearing the skin and beautifying the face. I don't know if it is true or not."

"Let me taste it for you!"

Ye Xing couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Millions of netizens swallowed their saliva...

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