As time passes and the battle progresses.

Two 뀘놊 were defeated by 그.

Fish are very cruel. If they can injure you seriously, they will never injure you lightly. If they can cripple you, they will never spare you.

In the end, only Johnser was left on the field, and he faced ten masters from the fish clan.

Johnser has extraordinary fighting power and bravery, completing the feat of one versus seven.

But his physical strength was also severely compromised.

Even if you take Shenbao Tablets for a short time, it will be difficult to recover.

"놊As expected of you, His Majesty the King has personally appointed you as the number one God of War. Let me come and meet you for a while."

The third leader of the fish tribe, the octopus Adao, known as the tentacle monster, appears on the stage.

Johnser didn't say anything nonsense, and stabbed his opponent with a series of sword skills.

Adao was extremely fast and easily avoided.

Then a jet of black ink was sprayed out, and the ink turned into black smoke in the air, blocking Johnser's sight.

Johnser tried to split the black mist with his sword.

Adao took the opportunity to throw out a large number of hidden weapons.

He has eight tentacles, and the speed and number of slinging hidden weapons are extremely exaggerated.

Johnser, who was already exhausted, was in a hurry and barely managed to parry.

Adao sneered, found the flaw and wrapped his thick tentacles around his neck.

While strangling him hard, he tossed his body around.

Every hit dealt critical damage.

Johnser's body was soon stained red with blood. He gave up and wrapped his tail around one of his opponent's tentacles, forcing him to do a somersault.

Immediately he cut off one of Adao's tentacles.

Blood spurts.

Adao screamed and threw Johnser away hard, and the remaining tentacles stabbed towards the opponent's heart.

He planned to ignore the rules and kill Johnser directly.

I'm afraid I'm disqualified from the competition, so what?

On the contrary, they have already won.

call out--

A sound broke through the air.

An eye-catching piece of ice shot from a certain direction, the speed was so fast that 그 clicked his tongue.

Although it is small, the power it carries cannot be underestimated.

And it came in the face of Adao.

Adao, who was obviously ugly but cared too much about his appearance, dared to be careless. He even suspected that if he was hit by the face, his face would be disfigured.

So he could only give up the killing move he had prepared and draw out a tentacle to crush 녪떚.

"Who? Who did it?!"

"Despicable little 그, stand up for me!"

Adao 꽬 surrounded him and shouted loudly.

Ye Xing's action was naturally to save Johnser's life for two reasons.

First of all, Johnser and Elena had a bad relationship. If he died, the two sisters would be very sad.

Secondly, he may forcefully snatch the fragments of the source of all things in the later stage, and let the other party owe him another favor in advance, which can be regarded as a kind of compensation.

In order to prevent disputes from arising, Ye Xing did not intend to admit that he was responsible for the sneak attack.

But at this moment, Alice ran over crying.

"What's wrong with you? Who bullied you? That's right, no one here should dare to bully you?" Ye Xing touched her pink hair and asked with some doubts.

"It's me. I was bullying Elena. My father forced her to marry just to prevent Buck and the others from usurping power. Elena likes Arthur at all. Even if he wins, she still wants to be with him, but If Arthur loses, then Elena will commit suicide immediately..."

"Don't cry in a hurry. Who did you hear this news from?"

"Jelena and I have a heart-to-heart connection. When her mood swings are too big, I can peek into her inner thoughts."

"No wonder no matter how I asked her, she always said that she was under so much pressure, but what can I do? I can always kill those guys directly. The fish clan must be fighting for my life, and it will also be implicated. To you, because I was brought in by Nana.”

"Yes, you just need to defeat them. With your strength, you can definitely do it." Alice took out a number plate and stuffed it into Ye Xing's hand, "My sister and I both hope you can win. I signed you up in advance.”

"You are really a clever little girl." Ye Xing poked her forehead gently, "You go to accompany Nana first, and leave the rest to me."

"Yes!" Alice nodded heavily, wiped her tears and ran back quickly.

"Hel me up, I can still fight!"

The seriously injured Johnser was carried down by the guards. He struggled to get up, but when he did, the strong man who had never cried twice in his life actually burst into tears.

There were only three Buck brothers left on the field, and they had already won.

Noah, who was sitting in the VIP viewing seat, looked livid.

With one move, you will lose everything.

놊Only ruined my daughter's happiness.

You may also lose your royal rights.

It can be said that they lost money and lost troops.

He allowed this to happen, but there was nothing he could do at the moment.

"The so-called friend's wife can be bullied. My eldest brother Buck has been in love with Her Highness Elena for a long time. As brothers, we will naturally compete with him. Your Majesty the King, can you announce the results of the competition?"

Adao raised his voice and used words to force him.

Noah's teeth were almost broken, and he was so sick that his vision turned black and he almost fainted.

"Bridge bean sack!"

At this moment, a white-haired boy as beautiful as a fairy descended from the sky.

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