Global Adventure: The Strongest Anchorman in History

Chapter 559 Your attacks have no nutrients, I will block them all

Chapter 559: Your attacks are useless, block them all


It's so hot.

The area where the eye enters is a reddish color.

There were still flames on the ground.

The air is in a state of distortion,

It was as if the ice cream was about to melt at any moment when exposed to the sun.

How cold it is on the fifth floor, how hot it is on the sixth floor.

The water in Lin Yue'er's body was constantly evaporated by the heat.

She felt that even the air she breathed in was mixed with stars.

Yin Bao, who was dressed in fur, stuck out his tongue like a dog, unable to bear the heat.

Fortunately, Lin Yue'er can release cold air to temporarily dispel the oncoming heat wave.

As for Ye Xing, he didn't feel anything at all.

Just kidding, he is a man who has taken a bath in the lava of the mountain. This degree of heat is nothing at all!

If circumstances didn't allow it, he would even want to have a barbecue party here.

[Mom, the seal here shouldn’t be Yanshan Mountain, right? 】

[The sense of immersion is so strong, 놖놅’s phone is so hot, it feels like it’s going to explode! 】

[That has nothing to do with the sense of substitution. It’s a problem with your mobile phone. I told you not to use Sanxing but you didn’t listen. This kid is so brave. 】

[Haha, this time Ye Shen and Sister Yue'er feel interchanged. 】

"그 kind...그 kind of 놅 taste...ohhhhh, it's so fresh!"

Wow wow~

The iron chains were intertwined and the sound of impact was heard.

A thick red iron chain appeared somewhere not far ahead.

In the center of the chain, there is a monster with red light all over its body.

It looks extremely scary, with fifty heads, and each head has a different face, including a male face, a female face, an old face, and a child's face.

They either bared their teeth and laughed wildly, or had expressionless faces, and even bit their lips and cried, forming a strange picture of the state of all living beings.

What is even more eye-catching is that this monster also has an unusually thick arm.

It grows all over the body.

The two thighs were planted firmly on the ground like old trees, and their feet felt just as big as the roof of a car.

What a weird and unreasonable guy!

Those chains wrapped around its arms and head, restricting its movements and body freedom.

It sprinted forward with all its strength, causing the chains to rattle.

It can be seen that it is extremely powerful, but it still cannot break the iron chain.

[Start the Supernatural Creatures Illustrated Book]

【Target 늁 is being analyzed...늁 is being analyzed into 녌! 】

[Basic information on the target: Balrog with an arm, amazing destructive power, mastering the power of fire, a deformed body transformed into a monster...]

"No wonder he is chained up. This big guy is called Balrog, his father is Uranus, and he is one generation older than Zeus."

"Because it was too ugly when it was born, its biological parents disliked it and locked it up as a monster."

"Later, Zeus released the Balrog in the Titan War, and the two sides became allies."

"The Balrog-armed Demon assisted Zeus in killing his god-king brother, and has been following Zeus in his expeditions to the north and south."

"Later, Poseidon went to war with Zeus. After the failure, his whereabouts were unknown. Zeus sent the Balrog to find him, but the Balrog never came back."

"Now it seems that it was subdued by Bo Sai and then sealed in the Demon God Tower."

"With so many chains tied up around it, I must pay enough attention to it."

Ye Xing was unhurried and didn't seem to pay much attention to the Balrog.

"Little devil, you are not afraid of seeing me, you are very brave!"

The Armed Balrog opened its mouth and spit out a ball of high-temperature flames.

Ye Xing held a cigarette in his mouth, reached out to catch 뀙yan and lit the cigarette: "Thank you."

땡Armed Balrog:!!!∑(゚Д゚ノ)ノ

"Your 놅 attacks are useless, buddy, block them all. If you still want to yell at 놖, please show your strength and let 놖 train you."

Ye Xing raised his fingers contemptuously.

The Balrog Armed Demon was furious, and its fifty heads and mouths opened at the same time, spitting out fifty fierce pillars.

"Not bad, it's like a sauna, but the temperature is a bit low."

Ye Xing let Zhu Zhu get involved and continued to pretend to be cool.

"You are a confident guy, so what?"

A twisted shadow appeared in the air.

His body was very blurry, and his specific appearance could not be clearly seen, as if he had a thin code.

But judging from the wings on his back, he must also be a fallen angel.

Ye Xing used the illustrated book to identify it, and he guessed correctly that it was a Twisted Angel.

The twisted angel used some method to untie the bracelet and anklet of the Balrog Arm Demon.

After getting out of trouble, instead of being grateful to him, 놅땡Armed Balrog launched an attack on him.

녦The twisted angel seemed invisible, and after a while of distortion, it hid its figure.

"Don't be afraid of the 뀙놅그 type of boy, you are the end of the world!"

The 땡Armed Balrog roared, and the 놅뀙 flames on the ground soared to a height of more than three feet.

It was so excited to regain its freedom that it wanted to make fun of Ye Xing.

"Even if a dog's leash is taken off, it's still a dog, and it makes no difference to him."

Ye Xing was not weak at all and greeted him in a relaxed state.

There is a huge difference in body shape between the two. Ye Xing is not as thick as its two arms.

No matter how you look at it, you cannot be his opponent.

The Arm Balrog naturally thinks so too.

It waved its arms and wanted to grab Ye Xing and tear him apart.

But Ye Xing is slipperier than a loach and cannot be caught at all.

"냪Shadow Sword Dance!"

Ye Xing created multiple clones to confuse the opponent's vision.

Then he used the Aurora Flash to seal the vision of its fifty pairs of eyes.

The main body took the opportunity to get close to its chest and abdomen.

"Flying Slash - Get up!"

Ye Xing's upward strike actually forced the heavy demon in the air, and stabbed the knife into its vitals.

The arm demon looked at his body being cut open in disbelief.

Then it collapsed.

Ye Xing enlarged its wound and took out its heart.

Its heart turned out to be a strange mass.

And it had independent consciousness.

Taking advantage of Ye Xing's distraction, he drilled into his body.

Obviously, the Flame Demon wanted to occupy Ye Xing's body from the inside.

It felt that although this body was small, it was much better than that bulky shell.

"Baby, let's merge!"

The Flame Demon's consciousness was still clamoring in the alien.

But it soon turned into a scream.

Because Ye Xing directly led the alien into the sea of ​​qi.

Then, Ye Xing's rich original qi, black thunder and venom surrounded it.

3 vs. 1, it didn't take long to completely wipe out the Flame Demon's consciousness.

The group of irritable aliens also calmed down, lying obediently in Ye Xing's sea of ​​qi to accept the fate of being swallowed by thunder.

"Don't think that defeating the Flame Demon is so powerful. It has been sealed for so long and is no longer brave." The twisted angel appeared again.

"Haha, you didn't even consider it as a real opponent. If you think you are qualified, come and try." Ye Xing raised his middle finger to the twisted angel.

"You are so arrogant!"

The twisted angel slapped a palm through the air, as if to melt the space.

"Big Sky Splitting Technique!"

Ye Xing opened the space crack, and the twisted angel was shocked: "You actually mastered such a dangerous technique!" He nodded thoughtfully and retracted his attack: "The sixth floor can't hold you, go to the next floor."

"OK, do you come by yourself or invite you in?" Ye Xing opened the Heaven Swallowing Pot.

"You guy..."

The twisted angel sighed helplessly, and after hesitating for 0.52 seconds, he still got in.

The scene changed.

Ye Xing and others entered the seventh floor...

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