Global Adventure: The Strongest Anchorman in History

Chapter 78 Eye-catching! A cool luxury yacht

Chapter 78 Eye-catching! Cool super luxury yacht

Ye Xing strode forward along the pier.

His eyes suddenly turned and he aimed at a dilapidated small sailboat on the side.

"No, is this the medicine you sell in your gourd?"

Lin Yue'er was stunned for a moment, her expression looked like she had drank a can of bitter melon juice.

"What's wrong with this sailboat?"

Ye Xing shrugged and replied indifferently.

"Of course there is a problem. It looks like it is a third-hand or even fourth-hand product. The market price does not exceed 100,000 yuan."

"The captain is less than 3 meters long, so it's too crowded for two people."

"Selling scrap metal is a good piece of material, but if you want to ride it around the ocean, you might as well jump into the sea and drown as soon as possible."

"Do you have any common sense? You tricked 놖 all the way here, and that's it???"

"I don't have time to play around with you. I'll reimburse the fare and go back to work!"

Lin Yue'er was annoyed by Ye Xing's unprofessionalism.

"Look how excited you are, but I didn't say it was a ship."

"Turn your big eyes and look over there."

Look in the direction of Ye Xing's finger.

An indescribably luxurious superyacht was imprinted in Lin Yue'er's eyes!

This silver yacht is like a top-level villa on the sea, standing out from the crowd, and you can't take your eyes away once you touch it.

"Are you... kidding?"

Lin Yue'er's mouth formed an O shape. She couldn't believe that this ship belonged to Ye Xing.

"Follow me!"

Ye Xing flicked his hair, walked up to the super yacht with long strides, and shouted: "Coco."

A few seconds later, an upright walking robot walked out of the cabin: "Welcome home, master."


Lin Yue'er's eyes widened.

"This is a yacht robot butler with an advanced intelligent sensing system that can be understood as a central processor."

"Let the shipyard design it according to the shape of Doraemon, which will give it a more familiar feel."

"You can ask it about anything inside this yacht."

"Of course, you can also use it as a chat partner."

"놖Let me demonstrate it to you."

Ye Xing asked Coco: "Coco, Coco, tell me, who is the most handsome man in the world?"

Coco replied: "It has to be you."

"Ouch, you little thing has a sweet mouth." Lin Yue'er became interested, pointed at herself and asked, "Come on, tell me honestly, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?"

Coco replied: "Master, here comes my wife."

Lin Yue'er was ashamed: "You are really good at licking."

[Hahaha, there’s nothing wrong with it, you’re right to say 놅! 】

[This robot probably costs hundreds of thousands, right? 】

[Are there still hundreds of thousands left to afford a yacht of this size? 】

[This yacht is so dazzling, so cool! 】

【놖Estimated, this yacht costs at least eight 땡. 】

【Eight dollars? You're talking in your sleep, you can't even buy it for less than three thousand! 】

[Are the two people upstairs crazy? It costs tens of millions, right? 】

[Haha, capture an honest man alive. 】

"How many red tickets does this cost?"

Lin Yue'er looked at Ye Xing eagerly.

She has seen many small yachts worth tens of thousands of dollars, but judging from the appearance, the yacht in front of her is worth at least eight figures.

She wanted to know the exact price.

"It's not expensive, it's only 20 million."

Ye Xing pretended to be cool, acting like it was just a small amount of money.

"Is it so cheap? I thought it would cost 40 million."

Lin Yue'er felt very surprised.

"You may have misunderstood, 놖 said 놅 is O꽮."

Ye Xing's words were astonishing.


"Isn't that...more than 160 million? This is crazy!"

Lin Yue'er couldn't help but cursed.

This was an amount so large that she couldn't even imagine it.

"To be precise, it's 160 million, and a fraction of it was wiped out over 100,000."

The blood treasure was sold for 200 million, most of which was used on this ship.

[As expected of Ye Shen, you are so heroic. 160 million sounds like 16,000 from your mouth. 】

[놖With a monthly income of 100,000 yuan, it is 36.5 million yuan a year. You can afford it in four years, and it is not very expensive. 】

[Is your math teacher a Husky? With a monthly income of 100,000, do you still want 36.5 million a year? 】

【놖How can I be so virtuous? To be able to do such a luxurious live broadcast with a monthly salary of 2,000 놅놖 needs some reflection (thinking). 】

[Give 놖 the change of 땡괗 over 100,000 that I erased 놅, 놖his mother 놅 can laugh out of her dreams! 】

[Where did the anchor get so much money? Is he an invisible rich man? 】

[Have you forgotten that the anchor has a blood treasure, which he probably sold. 】

[놖If you were a host, why would you take risks with so much money? You could pick up girls every day and get 500 girlfriends a year! 】

[The direct relationship between people is different, so he worships Ye Shen! 】

[When will the anchor leave? I can’t wait! 】

"There's still some preparations that need to be done."

"It is scheduled to officially depart in three days, which is October 1st."

"Today, I will show you the internal structure of this yacht and tell you why it is worth 160 million..."

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