Xu Luo is also too lazy to talk nonsense, and everything speaks with strength.

“It’s normal for you to be unconvinced, so let’s choose someone at random to come out and fight Huo Qubing.”

“If any of you can win Huo Quyi, the city lord will make you a general and command the army.”

Xu Luo said.

The audience was in an uproar, and everyone was eager to look at Huo Qubing.

However, the final result is obvious, although Huo Qubing is not those monsters who have reached the top of historical legends with super strength value, such as Xiang Yu, Ran Min and others.

But he can take hundreds of people and sweep the desert, which shows that his strength is definitely in the sequence of top martial generals!

Otherwise, even if you are extremely resourceful, but in that kind of lone situation, if your own strength is not enough, you will not be able to support such a high-intensity battle.

Therefore, the result of the battle was obvious, among the three thousand soldiers, the most powerful person in personal combat in peacetime could not make a few moves in front of Huo Qubing.

Even Huo Qubing staged a good show of playing ten! That easy look obviously hasn’t done its best.

Xu Luo was a little shocked, is this the strength of the historical martial general?

Huo Qubing is like this, what about Xiang Yu, Lü Bu, Ran Min and other monster-level existences? Isn’t it like a land beast?

In an instant, an impulse welled up in Xu Luo’s heart! War, he wants to start a war, as long as he occupies a city, even if it is a small city, he can get a chance to summon!

And if you occupy a middle city, it is three times! This temptation made it difficult for Xu Luo to control himself.

At that moment, Xu Luo decided to go back directly to prepare and prepare to start a war.

Huo Qubing successfully took over the army, and Xu Luo also told him that in a month, there would be a war, so let him prepare as soon as possible.

Huo Qubing nodded respectfully, and his heart was also about to move, in this strange world, he also wanted his name to sound in all directions.

From a small city, from scratch to create a strong empire, that must be very shocking, right?

Back in the City Lord’s Mansion, Xu Luo directly chose to go offline.

With a flash of light in front of his eyes, Xu Luo directly left Shenwu City and the Imperial Era and returned to modern times.


Slowly opened his eyes, Xu Luo’s eyes were in a trance, and in the blink of an eye, he returned from an antique ancient time to modern society, and this feeling of the passage of time made people feel strange.

“Xiao Luo, did you get up?”

Outside the door, the mother’s voice sounded.


Xu Luo got up to eat breakfast at the moment, the time flow rate of the imperial era was the same as that of the earth, but it belonged to the kind where day and night were reversed.

It’s day here, it’s night over there.

And if you enter the imperial era at night, you can replace sleep, so the world wakes up full of energy, like a deep sleep, a dream.

“How about Xiao Luo, how does it feel to enter the Age of Empires for the first time?”

While eating, Dad looked at Xu Luo and asked.

When he spoke, before Xu Luo could answer, he said very regretfully.

“Alas, I was only a city lord for a year, and then I was destroyed.”

“Now I don’t know, what kind of situation was like in the imperial era?”

Dad said with melancholy in his eyes, as if there was something hidden.

And the old mother on the side, snorted softly, obviously the father had a story in the imperial era.

Xu Luo smiled and did not speak.

He remembered that when his father was with his mother, he was very frustrated.

It seems that his father had his own loved one in the imperial era, and his mother chased his father backwards at that time.

But Dad never agreed, and finally in the Age of Empires, the city was destroyed, and Dad left the Age of Empires.

It is said that they were lost for several years, and then the mother never gave up, and the two were together and had their own.

Anyway, the love story of the older generation, Xu Luo did not dare to ask more.

This kind of thing is also normal, in the imperial era, people are living people, it is inevitable that some people who pay attention to feelings put their whole body in the imperial era.

Even those who have started a family and have been living there since then are not few.

But every country, in fact, is not recommended, leave feelings in it, start a family.

Because the vast majority, even 99.999 percent, of the people could not take root in the imperial era.

It’s too cruel there, any state, every city is opposed, it’s even more terrifying than the Warring States period!

Therefore, I injected sincerity over there, and if I left one day, I would be in pain.

However, how can human feelings be clearly explained in two words?

These have nothing to do with Xu Luo, after eating, he is ready to go back to the imperial era.

Because he just graduated from high school, it will take more than a month to report to college.

If you calculate the time, it should be after the end of your conquest, and then go to the university to report.

Back in the imperial era, Xu Luo also began to be familiar with government affairs, fortunately it was just a small city, with modern people’s thinking, and countless god teachings on the Internet, and it was still easy to manage a city.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, nearly a month had passed.

Shenwu City is finally going to show its fangs to the era of empires, this world!

“Target, next to Fire Cloud City, and three affiliated cities!”

Xu Luo looked to the north, there was a middle city pool and three small cities over there!

Xu Luo’s goal is to occupy these four cities! If successful, Xu Luo will get six summoning opportunities!

Therefore, this battle must be won, if he can win, Xu Luo will have the confidence to chase the world!

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