"You're too slow!!"

The power of the giant demon pig general is indeed very strong.

This knife is probably enough to cause a certain degree of damage to the giant wall.

But in Yi Xinghe's eyes, it can be easily avoided.

Appearing in front of the giant demon pig general's face, Yi Xinghe swung a knife.

But at this moment, the two fifth-level mid-stage flying winged demon pigs will not sit idly by.

Their strength must be much stronger. Maces appeared in their hands and joined forces to block Yi Xinghe's knife.

However, the terrifying freezing power still spread to their bodies.


The eyes of the two flying winged demon pig generals turned red, revealing a bloodthirsty look.

The whole body also turned red, and hot air continued to come out.

This caused the ice crystals condensed on their bodies to shatter.

And the giant demon pig general's left hand suddenly grabbed Yi Xinghe.

It felt that this moment was the moment when the human in front of it showed a flaw.

"Back off!!"

The two flying winged demon pig generals roared.

But at this moment, it was too late.

The five fingers of the giant demon pig general's left hand were frozen, and then all shattered.

The terrifying freezing power was still rising along the left arm.

This made the giant demon pig general scream and retreat repeatedly. As he retreated, his eyes showed a fierce look.

He chopped his left arm with the big knife in his right hand.

Before the whole body was frozen, he decisively cut off the whole left arm.

Although it was very painful at that moment, it was the best result compared to death.


The two flying winged demon pig generals stared at Yi Xinghe, and then rushed out again.

At this moment, their bodies were even redder.

In return, they had stronger power and faster speed.

The wings attacked Yi Xinghe, and it seemed that they could cut Yi Xinghe in half.

The fierce battle between Yi Xinghe and the two flying winged demon pig generals shocked the psychics of the distant garrison.

Among the four demon pig generals, one fifth-stage early shadow demon pig general was killed, and one fifth-stage early giant demon pig general had his left arm crippled.

Now the two flying winged demon pig generals joined forces and were also suppressed by Yi Xinghe.

He alone achieved this step, which played a very critical role in the battle between the garrison and the demon pig army.

Swish! !

At this time, Yi Xinghe directly cut off one wing of one of the flying winged demon pig generals.

The slashing of one wing made it scream in pain.

It could no longer fly in the air.

Then the whole person was kicked down by Yi Xinghe.


It fell to the ground, blood splattered, and it died directly.


The giant demon pig general who had lost his left arm showed a terrifying jumping ability at this time.

After jumping up, it opened its mouth and bit towards Yi Xinghe.

The flight instrument was shooting and broadcasting in real time, but the picture suddenly became unclear.

It seemed that the flight instrument was attacked by other monsters.

All the broadcasts were wrong.

This made the students at Xingchen Academy uneasy.

However, the blurry and unclear picture recovered after half a minute.

When it recovered, they saw an amazing scene.

The giant demon pig general had become a huge popsicle, standing on the ground, and Yi Xinghe stood in his open mouth.

On the other side, the remaining flying wing demon pig general in the air changed direction at this time.

It chose to escape at this moment.

At this point, we must face the reality seriously.

This human is not something they can defeat.

Yi Xinghe's body flew out, and the popsicle that the giant demon pig general turned into collapsed directly.

Three of the four demon pig generals have been killed.

The remaining one was fleeing.

This record was too amazing for many people.

Before, who would have thought that it would end like this.

Yi Xinghe, who was chasing, stopped the next moment.

He looked solemn.

Because the flying winged demon pig general also stopped.

At this moment, its body was trembling.

There was fear in its eyes.

"The demon pig will never retreat! Have you forgotten?"

A powerful voice sounded from below.

Then there was a terrible suction force, which directly pulled the flying winged demon pig general in the air down.

"King! I was wrong, I was wrong!"

The flying winged demon pig general struggled desperately.

But it was completely useless.

Under Yi Xinghe's gaze, the ground collapsed directly, and in the collapse, aThe huge pig head was nearly five meters long.

At this moment, it opened its mouth, and there was darkness in its mouth. The terrifying devouring power made General Winged Demon Pig extremely frightened.

Not only General Winged Demon Pig, but also the bodies of other dead demon pigs were sucked over.

Demon pigs devouring their own kind!

And the aura was extremely powerful.

General Winged Demon Pig should be called the king.

Obviously, this was the strongest among the demon pig generals.

A powerful existence in the late fifth stage.

This made Yi Xinghe feel a little uneasy.

If the demon pig in the late fifth stage was only at the level of a seven-star war king, it would be fine.

But if it reached eight stars or even nine stars, it would be different.

In the broadcast of the flight instrument, people from all over Dongyao Prefecture and the ten major colleges who were watching this scene were all terrified at this moment.

In this battlefield, the bodies of the dead demon pigs were all devoured by that guy.

Even the flying winged demon pig general was no exception.

This further showed the horror of the demon pig.

At this time, several figures behind Yi Xinghe flew over here.

They were all the war kings of the garrison army on the giant wall.

But among these people, there was also Yuan Hao.

The most powerful king in the demon pig army.

Such an opponent could not be solved by any student from the ten major colleges.

Yi Xinghe's performance this time was already excellent enough.

Next, it would be handed over to the powerful war kings of the garrison army.

"Boys from Xingchen College, retreat quickly! Leave this beast to us!"

Yi Xinghe looked at those people and didn't know what to say at this time.

The king of the demon pig army underground was extraordinary.

At this moment, the garrison army appeared. Although these six-star and seven-star war kings were numerous, they might not be able to kill the opponent.

On the contrary, it might cause them to suffer heavy losses.

However, it was not convenient for Yi Xinghe to attack at this time.

If he wanted to fight the king of the demon pig army below, he had to use the 卐解斩月 to transform into a virtual form.

The time for the virtual form was only five minutes.

But in five minutes, even if he could not kill the king of the demon pig army, he could still cause him considerable damage.

The king of the demon pig army finally appeared on the ground below.

It was also a giant demon pig, but its size was comparable to some giants.

It reached an astonishing twenty meters. At this moment, it was still chewing the corpses of the demon pigs it had swallowed, and blood was constantly spurting out from the gaps between its teeth.

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