Outside the giant wall, fifth-level monsters, demons, and aliens appeared.

Undoubtedly, the most intense battle broke out.

On their side, except for some evil war spirit masters who could fight and kill, the others all needed the war king to go out.

Yi Xinghe held the big red lotus ice wheel pill in his hand.

With the appearance of the fifth level, his goal also changed.

Attacked the fifth level.

Of course, Yi Xinghe chose to kill the early and middle stages of the fifth level as much as possible, not only to increase the total points of the individual and the academy.

It was also to reduce the pressure on the garrison corps here as much as possible.

Boom! !

Not far away, an extremely terrifying energy bombardment occurred.

Under normal circumstances, Yi Xinghe would not pay attention to the battle, but the fluctuation made Yi Xinghe feel a little palpitation.

"It's Jian Yuanyi!"

Yi Xinghe's eyes were extremely deep, and Jian Yuanyi at this moment appeared in an inhuman state.

Three heads and six arms!

Completely like some aliens.

He has SS-level superpowers, gene replication.

However, this gene replication has limitations.

In the information that Yi Xinghe knows, it can replicate ten superpowers and forms. Moreover, gene replication may not be successful. Jian Yuanyi cannot replicate and control some SS-level superpowers.

But even so, Jian Yuanyi is quite terrifying.

Without Dong Shi, there is still Chu Shi. He Jian Yuanyi is the first on the Dongyao Mansion Battle Spirit List.

Even if he is the third now, no one underestimates him. After all, the Dongyao Mansion Battle Spirit List does not represent the true full strength.

At the same time, in the dust of the battle area, a thunderstorm fire dragon roared.

On its body, the shell that should have been extremely hard has been broken, and blood has flowed out.

Fifth-stage mid-stage thunderstorm fire dragon!

Yi Xinghe's eyes narrowed slightly.

Now the thunderstorm fire dragon, although it has been completely enraged, its breath is constantly weakening at this moment.


Jian Yuanyi moved again.

As fast as lightning.

Six identical red knives appeared on his six arms.

Slashed towards the Thunderstorm Fire Dragon.

"So fast!"

It was comparable to his instant step, and Yi Xinghe even felt that it was a little bit better.

This guy, perhaps knowing that this was the last battle, showed all his combat power.

But at this time, a fifth-level mid-stage monster was eyeing Yi Xinghe.


The terrifying and sharp sickle directly pierced Yi Xinghe's body.

The fifth-level mid-stage monster shouted excitedly.

It was about to enjoy the body of the human being killed by itself.

After all, the more powerful the human, the better it tasted in its eyes.

"Lightning Mantis!"

Yi Xinghe's voice sounded, and at this time, Yi Xinghe was already behind the Lightning Mantis.

And what it hit was just Yi Xinghe's ice substitute, the remnant ice humanoid.

"You are unreasonable, sneak attack!"

Yi Xinghe grinned, swung the big red lotus ice wheel pill, and slashed out.

The terrifying freezing power was about to freeze the body of the lightning mantis.

But this guy is not an ordinary fifth-level monster after all, but a fifth-level mid-level monster.

Its most powerful sickle attack burst out dazzling lightning, blocking Yi Xinghe's slashing freezing power.

Clang! !

The bloodthirsty eyes of the lightning mantis collided with Yi Xinghe.

Although this monster can't speak like the fifth-level demon pig, and is not as smart as the other.

But it has already possessed a certain intelligence.

How many humans were killed and eaten by it during its attack.

The fact that this human in front of it can be blocked is more exciting and bloodthirsty.

The two figures separated and then collided.

From the battle on the ground to the sky.

Clang! Clang! Clang...

The flying instruments in the air continuously captured the images.

In this area, the monsters, demons, and aliens all retreated.

The aftermath of the battle between the two would cost them half their lives even if they didn't die.

"A lightning mantis in the fifth stage!"

"Generally, a lightning mantis in the fifth stage definitely doesn't have such terrible combat power. It seems to be a little different!"

"Some special patterns on its body seem to be possible only for a mutated lightning mantis!"


Yi Xinghe is now the second in personal points among the top ten colleges.

The students and instructors of the top ten colleges will pay attention to it.

In the real-time broadcast, many instructors found the difference after seeing it.

The same lightning mantis in the fifth stage, one mutated and the other not mutated.

Those few mutated, comparable to the combat power of three non-mutated ones.

Of course, the chance of mutation is still very small.

Among a thousand fifth-level lightning mantises, perhaps one will appear.

With various factors combined, the mutated lightning mantis is really too rare.

And now one appears and is encountered by Yi Xinghe.

It is already quite difficult to fight without defeat.

During the battle, the lightning mantis became more and more courageous, and the wings behind it flapped, constantly changing their shapes and attacking Yi Xinghe.

"Cao! This beast is not right!"

Yi Xinghe couldn't help but swear.

Only then did he realize that something was wrong.

Originally thought that it was the opponent's limit, but never thought that it was just the beginning, and the opponent was not serious at all.

"It is obviously fifth-level, could it be a mutation!"

Yi Xinghe thought of something, and his eyes became solemn.

If so, it is obviously impossible to solve it in the current state.

It is impossible to get rid of the opponent.

This lightning mantis has been angered by me.

I am afraid that if I don't deal with it, it will keep pestering me on the battlefield.

Clang! !

Another fierce collision.

The terrifying lightning is stimulated from its wings and gathered on the sickle.

Yi Xinghe fell from the sky.

This scene made the people of Tianhai City Xingchen Academy worried.

However, in the picture, there is no panic on Yi Xinghe's face.

Instead, his eyes are full of murderous intent.

"Broken Dao Ninety Black Coffin!!!"

The black coffin can be used three times, and Yi Xinghe has used it once before.

This is the second time.

If he can kill this mutated fifth-stage intermediate lightning mantis, Yi Xinghe will not feel bad.

Boom! !

Yi Xinghe does not need to chant, he can directly use the broken Dao Ninety Black Coffin.

When the black coffin is activated, it is a huge black cube that locks the person inside and attacks him with thousands of swords and blades.

The Lightning Mantis was suppressed inside.

A rumbling sound was heard inside, and it was the Lightning Mantis struggling.

But then, the Lightning Mantis also cried miserably.

The opponent's breath was constantly weakening.

Even if he didn't die, he was seriously injured!!!

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