Although it was a hunting guild mission, the reward for this mission was very small, and the reward was almost unattractive to platinum-level hunters.

The only thing was a pass to enter that space crack.

All the demons, monsters, and aliens hunted in it, as well as the spiritual objects obtained, all belonged to you.

"That's it!"

Yi Xinghe stretched out his hand and pointed to the projected screen.


Li Ke nodded and gave Yi Xinghe the mission.

This small space crack appeared in the place closest to Hongwu City in Dongyao Prefecture.

The Gai Shi Academy in Hongwu City ranked fifth among the ten major academies in Dongyao Prefecture.

Soon Li Ke gave Yi Xinghe a pass.

"Mr. Dong Shi! This pass allows you to enter that small space crack smoothly. The pass does not require real-name registration. If you lose it, you need two inner cores of fourth-level monsters or 100 inner cores of third-level monsters to get it back."

Li Ke reminded Yi Xinghe.

Yi Xinghe nodded and left without staying on the eighth floor for long.

From Tianhai City to Hongwu City, at Yi Xinghe's speed, it will take ten days if everything goes well.


Hongwu City!

The big city where Gaishi Academy is located in Dongyao Prefecture has attracted many people from all over Dongyao Prefecture in the past month because of a small space crack outside Hongwu City, making Hongwu City a bit lively.

The platinum-level hunters from hunting guilds from all over Dongyao Prefecture all rely on the pass to enter that small space, and have gained more or less from it.

The pass comes from the hunting guild. If you are not a platinum hunter, you need to buy it from the hunting guild.

Some families in Hongwu City bought a large number of passes and formed a team to enter that small space crack, which also reaped a lot of rewards.

However, the War King is not allowed to enter that small space crack.

The Dongyao Mansion Hunting Guild Headquarters controls this small space crack, which is also a training for the Dongyao Mansion's superpowers to a certain extent.

If the War King enters, the monsters, monsters, and aliens in this small space will be more easily eliminated.

The appearance of a small space crack is a good place for training under the condition of ensuring a certain range of safety.

The Dongyao Mansion Hunting Guild Headquarters has been doing this to cultivate all the superpowers in Dongyao Mansion.

Just like some space cracks, superpowers including the War King are allowed to enter, but those who surpass the War King are not allowed.

When Yi Xinghe appeared in Hongwu City, it was the first time for him to come here.

And he was alone.

After all, he would still encounter attacks from monsters, demons, and aliens along the way.

But most of them, the strongest ones were only level three.

If you can't even deal with level three monsters, demons, and aliens, it's really not suitable to travel alone in Dongyao Mansion.

Of course, if you are unlucky, you may encounter level four monsters, demons, and aliens.

If you are extremely unlucky, you may encounter level five monsters.

"It's much bigger than Tianhai City!"

At this moment, Yi Xinghe was walking here with his real face.

And along the way, Yi Xinghe heard a lot of discussions, all of which were related to the small space crack.

During this period, Hongwu City has gathered strong men from all over Dongyao Mansion, and even strong men on the Battle Master List, and many of them have appeared.

In the place where the most superpowers gather, some people are selling some news.

Yi Xinghe bought a copy to learn about the situation in the small space crack first.

It cost a third-level demon beast's inner pill to buy the news.

The news was directly transmitted to Yi Xinghe's communication bracelet.

The news was still encrypted layer by layer. After Yi Xinghe checked it, he was very interested in everything it said.

He was slowly attracted.

Two words to describe the current situation in the small space crack.


Because once you enter it, fighting for interests is very common.

The strong prey on the weak!

Of course, some people with strong backgrounds will also have some concerns.

If you want the news not to be leaked, you need to cut the grass and root it out.

Such things have already happened in this small space crack.

A family with a war king sitting in the seat, a total of thirteen people entered this small space, and none of them came out alive.

The information and intelligence obtained from it is that they were not killed by monsters, demons, or aliens, but by other superpowers.

But which superpower was it?Killed by someone?

It is impossible to investigate clearly!

"This small space is really like a Shura field!"

Yi Xinghe felt that the information he bought this time was still worth it.

Let him know more about the situation inside.

And some powerful geniuses inside also gave a lot of revealing information.

"Is she here too?"

Yi Xinghe noticed a piece of news, although there was not much description in the news.

But the less the description, the more powerful it gave people.

This person is Chu Shi!

Chu Shi also came to Hongwu City, and has entered that small space crack.

Killed six fourth-level monsters in a row, three fourth-level mid-stage monsters, and three fourth-level late-stage monsters.

He also fought with the genius ranked twelfth on the Dongyao Mansion's battle master list.

Chu Shi easily defeated him in this battle.

Obviously, Chu Shi has become much stronger after leaving Jinyan City.

Yi Xinghe paid a little attention to Chu Shi's intelligence.

Then he looked at the separated news.

That was the situation of some powerful war spirits in the small space now.

Especially the existence on the Dongyao Mansion War Spirit List, which was more worthy of Yi Xinghe's attention.

Although this information was still incomplete, the strongest war spirit in the record that Yi Xinghe had seen so far was a man named Zhou Yuan, who was ranked 98th on the Dongyao Mansion War Spirit List and had the S-level supernatural power Nine Dragons Red Flame.

This guy was a student who graduated from Gaishi College and is now a mentor at Gaishi College. He is only 28 years old this year.

"Looks very strong!"

Yi Xinghe looked at some of the published battle records and smiled.

If I were to fight in this state now, I would never be able to be Zhou Yuan's opponent.

But if I played all my cards, I would definitely be able to fight.

As for whether I could win, it depends on whether Zhou Yuan also has powerful means?

Being able to enter the top 100 of the Dongyao Mansion War Spirit List is definitely not that easy to deal with.

Looking at the various information inside, Yi Xinghe became even more excited to go to the small space crack outside Hongwu City.

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