Boom! !

But they didn't feel happy for long. The flaming centipede, which was chasing them in a furious state, attacked all the humans it found around.

This made the superpowers fight with full energy.

Some weaker war spirits could not stop the flaming centipede's flames.

They screamed in pain and heartbreak wherever they were touched.

The poison in the flames began to spread rapidly in the parts hit.

Those who were hit in the arms could not resist the poison and could only cut off their arms.

Those who were hit in the legs could only cut off their legs.

There were also those who were in the crotch, wailing in pain, and constantly swallowing pills that could resist the poison, but the effect was basically non-existent.

"Hurry up, don't hesitate, you will die if you continue like this!!"

The companion next to him shouted with all his strength.

No one expected that the flaming centipede was so powerful.

However, the powerful ones blocked the attack of the Fiery Centipede, and without hesitation, they chased in the direction of Yi Xinghe's escape at the fastest speed.

The Fiery Centipede was so angry because of that boy.

"That guy is Yi Xinghe from Xingchen Academy!"

"How can he be so fast? He is only a nine-star war master!"

"The Fiery Tricolor Flower in his hand was snatched from the territory of the Fiery Centipede! This boy is really extraordinary!!"


In the pursuit, the weakest are seven-star war spirits, and the strongest are nine-star war spirits.

These war spirit masters are also very powerful.

Being able to resist the attack of the fourth-stage late Fiery Centipede in the pursuit is a proof of strength.

Although the Fiery Tricolor Flower in his hand was spied by other war spirit masters.

But there are also benefits. Those chasing war spirit masters attracted some hatred of the Fiery Centipede.

Yi Xinghe weighed it in his mind, at least the benefits outweigh the disadvantages now.

But when he escaped, the news that he had the Fiery Tricolor Flower would spread, and the disadvantages would outweigh the benefits.

But now he couldn't care so much, the main thing was to get away.

"This beast, has no brain?"

"Why is it attacking us to the death!!"

"Asshole! We are cleaning up this kid's ass!!"


Soon, those warriors felt something was wrong during the pursuit.

The fourth-stage late-stage Fiery Centipede launched an extremely fierce attack on them.

It seemed that they and Yi Xinghe were in the same group.

The anger was directly drawn to them.

As for Yi Xinghe, he had a greater chance at this time. From their mental perception, they gradually couldn't lock and track him.

Yi Xinghe, who was at the front, moved at high speed, leaving a trail of afterimages.

The breath of the Fiery Centipede behind was getting weaker and weaker.

Not only the Fiery Centipede, but also other powerful war spirits were chasing after it.

Originally, it was thought that it would take a lot of energy to pull away the Fiery Centipede and other powerful war spirits.

But now it gave Yi Xinghe a surprise.

On the contrary, it was easier for him to escape.

When Yi Xinghe was sure that it was safe, the Fiery Tricolor Flower in his hand had been put into the storage ring.


Half an hour later, where the fourth-stage late-stage Fiery Centipede was, its ten-meter body had fallen.

In order to kill this powerful fourth-stage late-stage Fiery Centipede.

There were a total of seven war spirits on their side who joined forces.

After a fierce fight, they were all injured before they killed this fourth-stage late-stage Fiery Centipede.

Killing this Fiery Centipede can obtain the inner elixir.

But after the seven people distributed the value of the inner elixir, the benefits they got were no longer worth their attention.

Instead, it was Yi Xinghe who got the Fiery Tricolor Flower that made them gnashing their teeth in hatred.

However, there was one thing that was fortunate, the other party's ability was not suitable for taking the Fiery Tricolor Flower.

The Fiery Tricolor Flower was a spiritual object that had the opportunity to advance the fire-related abilities.

Such news could not be concealed, and it soon spread slowly in the ruins.

This was not very attractive to those who did not have fire-related abilities.

But those who had fire-related abilities all began to search for Yi Xinghe in the ruins.

In one part of the ruins, students from the Zhenwu Academy also got news about Yi Xinghe during the spread of the news.

"This kid is lucky to get the Fiery Tricolor Flower!"

Ren Xinyue was also surprised after getting the news.

"But with his strength, getting the Fiery Tricolor Flower is not good at all! It's a hot thing, and it's also something that can take his life.West!"

From the news, Ren Xinyue thought that Yi Xinghe was just lucky. The powerful fourth-stage late-stage Fiery Centipede was killed by the other seven war spirit masters.

Among them was the war spirit Ren Xinyue knew.

And Liu Yexi couldn't help but worry.

It was too dangerous for Yi Xinghe to act alone in this relic.

Under the leadership of Teacher Ren, they had encountered many powerful fourth-stage late-stage monsters, monsters, and aliens in their actions here.

Of course, while danger exists, opportunities also exist.

The harvest during this period is indeed good.

However, they are different from Yi Xinghe. Other war spirit masters, even those from the Xie family, dare not make plans against them.

Not only are there two other mentors, but the most important thing is that there is Teacher Ren in charge.

"Teacher Ren! Can we help him? If the mentors of Xingchen Academy knew, they would also thank Teacher Ren!"

Liu Yexi came over and said to Ren Xinyue.

"Help that rude boy? It's not impossible!" Ren Xinyue said slowly. "Is Mr. Ren willing?" "As long as he gives me the three-color flower of blazing fire, his troubles will be gone. I am also willing to protect him in this ruins until the battle spirits of Xingchen Academy arrive! "

After hearing these words, Liu Yexi was helpless.

Based on her contact and understanding with Yi Xinghe, it was obviously impossible for him to hand over the Fiery Tricolor Flower.

Liu Yexi stopped talking.

She also knew that Teacher Ren had his own ideas.

After all, nothing is more important than life.

The Fiery Tricolor Flower in Teacher Ren's hands does have to bear certain risks.

After all, Teacher Ren is not alone, and he also needs to protect their students.

For the Fiery Tricolor Flower, there are strong war spirits with flame abilities that have a strong desire for it, and they will definitely do something crazy.


At the same time, Yi Xinghe's trace was discovered in an area within the ruins.

They were three psychics from the Xie family, one of whom had the S-level ability of Purgatory Red Flame.

After learning the news, they tracked down Yi Xinghe's trace, and he needed the Fiery Tricolor Flower.

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