Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 143 Promoted to Level 18! Mechanical ascending thunder attribute skills! Thunder fist!

Since Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan came back last time, Lin Tianming has been training intensively for a long time.

Unknowingly, Lin Tianming had been staying at the Imperial Academy for more than a month.

As the level increased, Lin Tianming's cultivation speed was not as fast as from level one to level seventeen.

After being immersed in level seventeen for a while, Lin Tianming felt that he had reached the bottleneck of level seventeen, and was only one step away from reaching level eighteen.

Bathed in the thunder pool of five stages of intensity, Lin Tianming was hitting the bottleneck under the baptism of the power of thunder.

Jiang Han was watching the whole process. If any accident happened, she would be able to respond immediately.

However, in her opinion, there was a high probability that Lin Tianming would not have any accidents when he was promoted to level 18.

Staring at Lin Tianming's aura gradually rising in the thunder pool, Jiang Han's pretty face couldn't help but reveal a hint of relief that could not be hidden.

[Tianming, a child who started school in his last life, was only at Level 9. In this life, he has reached Level 15 as soon as he enters school. After more than a month of high-intensity special training, he will soon break through Level 18. This cultivation speed is faster than his previous life. Much faster! 】

[His Hand of God copying and plundering will not have new improvement points after reaching level 18. He has to wait until level 20 to further improve his copying ability. 】

[However, based on my observation and research on his soul power ability and the mechanical body ability that he only had in this life during this period, it is probably time for his new skill to be unlocked for his ability that makes his whole body look like steel! 】

Under Jiang Han's continuous attention, Lin Tianming's promotion this time released the strongest light of mechanical ascension.

Although Jiang Han was exposed to this strange power for the first time, based on her past experience analysis, she could still see that Lin Tianming was very likely to learn the new mechanical ascension skills this time.

[But it always feels like it’s almost there… What’s the problem? 】

[If possible, I still hope that this child can learn the new skill of the mechanical body through this breakthrough. If he misses it this time, he will have to wait for who knows how long! 】

Lin Tianming also heard Jiang Han's thoughts when he watched his promotion.

The mechanical body power she mentioned was actually his mechanical ascendant power.

Although she analyzed that his level promotion could awaken new mechanical ascension skills, Lin Tianming did not have any feeling of enlightenment of new skills.

Could it be that Teacher Jiang Han made a misjudgment?

Regardless of whether Jiang Han misjudged or not, Lin Tianming, who is now at the critical moment of promotion to level 18, will not stop.

It's best if he can learn new skills, and he can accept it if he can learn more than just level up.

Because after reaching level 18, his all-round combat power will be improved to varying degrees.

Jiang Han also continued to observe and analyze outside the thunder pool, trying to use her experience to analyze what Lin Tianming lacked in the new mechanical ascension skills.

After staring at the four-dimensional wall of thunder and lightning, the Phoenix Flame Aegis, and the Furious Thunder Armor surrounding Lin Tianming for a while, Jiang Han became thoughtful.

[Could it be that the child Tianming’s lightning wall, Phoenix Flame Shield, and Furious Thunder Armor were too strong in defense under the baptism of the thunder pool, blocking most of the power of thunder, leaving his mechanical body lacking the last trace? The tempering of opportunities? 】

When he thought of this, Jiang Han immediately said to Lin Tianming: "Tianming, remove all other defensive skills except the mechanical body. You are about to break through level 18. You must seize this opportunity to use your mechanical body as well." Reach the most perfect state of level 17, so that you can learn new mechanical super skills after breaking through level 18!"

Lin Tianming also heard Jiang Han's voice, so as soon as Jiang Han opened his mouth to remind him, Lin Tianming unconditionally believed in Jiang Han's judgment and removed other defensive skills except mechanical transformation.

As the Thunder Wall, Phoenix Flame Shield, and Furious Thunder Armor were removed, Lin Tianming, who was left with only his mechanical body for defense, suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

He finally managed to master a variety of defensive skills to defend himself, so that he could survive the baptism of the five-stage thunder pool like a fish in water.

Now asking him to resist with just his mechanical body will indeed double the pressure on him.

Jiang Han showed joy after seeing the mechanical brilliance around Lin Tianming shining brighter.

"Hold on, little guy, the mechanical brilliance on your body has become even more shining. This is a sign that you are about to learn new skills. Baptize your mechanical body with thunder and lightning. You will definitely learn new skills when you break through to level 18!"

[Sure enough, my analysis was correct. I always felt it was close before. It turned out that his other defensive skills were over-trained, which led to the lack of baptism in his innermost mechanical transformation skills! 】

[To make up for this last lack of opportunity, this child will definitely be able to learn new mechanical abilities, but I don’t know what kind of skills they will be? 】

With Jiang Han, a professional who could develop his potential, Lin Tianming concentrated on breaking through the final bottleneck.

The aura around him was rising faster and faster, and Lin Tianming soon broke through the last shackles and reached level 18.

Almost at the same time as he entered level 18, his body, which had been in extreme pain under the thunder pool with only the mechanical transformation skills, felt no pain at all at this moment.

This is the step from level 17 to level 18. His mechanical body's defense has greatly increased, and he can already take a bath in the fifth-stage thunder pool with just his mechanical body.

Not only that, but Lin Tianming also felt a sense of enlightenment of new skills.

He did not stop practicing and continued to have enlightenment.

As he began to comprehend the final skills, Jiang Han couldn't help clenching his fists and silently cheering him on.

[Come on, Xiao Tianming! Let me, teacher, see what new skills you can awaken with your steel-like superpower! 】

Under Jiang Han's nervous and expectant gaze, the thunder power of Lei Chi began to actively gather in his right fist.

The crackling electric light flashed, and Lin Tianming's mechanized right fist also emitted more and more powerful thunder and lightning power.

[How strange... How can his skill for awakening mechanical powers be a thunder-attribute skill? 】

[Isn’t it the kind of power that purely increases the strength of a mechanical body, but is more versatile, guided by machinery, and can control different powers according to different training methods and opportunities? 】

Jiang Han's voice analysis also gave Lin Tianming, who was learning new skills, a new understanding of the path to mechanical ascension.

If a mechanical ascendant awakens his powers through mechanization, then he must be more than just mechanization.

This is somewhat similar to an awakener who awakens his powers through an awakening ritual.

Mechanization is just a means to control powerful power.

And the power of thunder and lightning is also a power that can be controlled, so people who take the path of mechanical ascension may control the power of thunder and lightning.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianming's mind flashed again to the genetic ascendants from the Gene God Kingdom and the psychic ascenders from the Psionic God Kingdom.

Drawing inferences from one example, the three major ascension kingdoms should all be able to control different powers through their own ascension paths, which vary from person to person.

Just like people nowadays awaken different powers through awakening rituals.

After realizing this, Lin Tianming also thought of the Star Key Angel, the god of the Gene Kingdom, who controls the power of the starry sky.

She is the best example to prove his point of view!

Almost at the same time that Lin Tianming learned more about the three major ascension kingdoms, he also successfully learned the new thunder attribute mechanical ascension skills.

Thunder fist!

Using his mechanical body as a guide, Lin Tianming instantly opened his eyes and blasted out a thunderous fist mixed with the power of thunder.

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