Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 188 If Lin Tianming doesn’t come back, Jiang Han will go to the land of disaster to find him

"Junior Tianming, your divine hand can actually copy the lava crystal core produced after the death of the lava giant?"

Mo Jinghong looked at the two lava crystal cores in Lin Tianming's hand with disbelief, and she couldn't help but ask Lin Tianming.

Mo Jinghong's question was also the question in Lilith's mind at this moment.

[I never saw him show this kind of ability in the last life... Could it be that because of my rebirth in this life, his God's Hand has become different from the previous life? 】

In fact, the God's Hand copies the attribute power crystallization ability that is born after the death of a god-level monster, and the original owner in the previous life can do it.

It's just that among the reborn goddesses Lin Tianming encountered, only his teacher Jiang Han knew about it in his previous life.

In this life, because of the encounters with Wang Yanran and Mo Jinghong, a few more people knew him.

But he still has the ability to plunder lava crystal cores, perfectly absorb the power of fire attributes, and thus understand new fire attribute skills.

Because neither Mo Jinghong nor Lilith has awakened fire-attribute abilities, Lin Tianming must go back to Wang Yanran to learn the fire-attribute skills in the Shinto field if he wants to maximize the value of this lava crystal core.

Faced with Mo Jinghong's question, Lin Tianming handed one of the lava crystal cores to her and casually replied: "Well, I discovered this accidentally, but it can only be copied once, and it must be a god-level monster. It’s only the power crystals that fell, this lava giant can barely be considered a half-god-level monster.”

After receiving Lin Tianming's affirmative reply, Mo Jinghong couldn't help but look envious.

"Senior Tianming, your God's Hand is simply the most powerful and practical SSS-level supernatural talent I have ever seen. It would be great if I also had an ability like yours, so that I can still find the bodies of God-level monsters after they die. One power crystal can also be transformed into two, so the possibility of forging artifacts is even greater!"

"Senior Jinghong, if necessary, you can ask me to help you find the power crystal of a god-level monster in the future, but this lava crystal core..."

"This one is for you, Junior Tianming. You killed this with your own hands. I am very satisfied to get one!"

Mo Jinghong was not greedy at all. She knew what Lin Tianming was thinking, and she made a statement without waiting for Lin Tianming to finish speaking. The other lava crystal core belonged to Lin Tianming.

With her words, Lin Tianming put away his portion of the lava crystal core with peace of mind.

Seeing Lin Tianming and Mo Jinghong sharing the lava crystal core equally, and also getting the Black Flame Stone, Lilith was jealous.

[The Black Flame Stone belongs to them! 】

[The lava crystal core is also theirs! 】

[The benefits were all taken by the seniors and juniors. I didn’t get anything from my visit this time! 】

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and the angrier she became, the more aggrieved she became. Lilith couldn't say a word and stayed sulking in Lin Tianming's arms.

Although Lin Tianming heard that Lilith also wanted it, Lin Tianming did not intend to give her the Black Flame Stone.

This was obtained by his senior sister Mo Jinghong who personally purified the demonic energy, so this black flame stone must be accepted by his senior sister Mo Jinghong.

When she's sulking, just be sulking, just don't mess around!

Ignoring Lilith, Lin Tianming continued to communicate with Mo Jinghong: "Senior Jinghong, should we leave now?"

"Well... there is a real god-level monster, the two-headed red flame dragon, sleeping in this lava mountain. If it wakes up and finds us, it probably won't be as easy to deal with as the lava giant. Let's leave now!"

After reaching an agreement with Mo Jinghong, Lin Tianming also escaped from the lava mountain with Mo Jinghong holding Lilith.

On the way back, because Lin Tianming's situation was only slightly better than Lilith's, they could only rely on Mo Jinghong if they wanted to leave the land of disaster.

Mo Jinghong also suffered a serious loss of strength in a series of battles with the lava giant. As a result, she was unable to activate the exorcism beads and black veil to protect the three of them throughout the whole process, and needed to stop frequently to rest.

In addition, the strange movements in the lava mountain made the monsters realize the abnormality belatedly, and began to track down Lin Tianming and the others.

The influence of many factors greatly reduced the speed at which Lin Tianming and the others could escape from the disaster land, leaving them trapped in the disaster land for a long time.

Fortunately, Mo Jinghong's exorcism beads and black veil were really useful during normal protection. Lin Tianming and the others spent several days and finally escaped from the disaster place without any danger.

After resting for a day at the border area where they originally entered the Land of Disaster, Lin Tianming and Mo Jinghong planned to return to the Imperial Capital by plane.

Naturally, Lilith would not follow Lin Tianming and the others.

"I won't go to the Imperial Capital with you. After spending so long in the Land of Disaster this time, there must be a lot of people in the Siro Territory who are worried about me. I have to go back to the Siro Territory."

Lin Tianming, who can eavesdrop on people's thoughts, was not surprised by Lilith's statement about parting ways.

He also said: "Well, let's say goodbye then. I hope that when we meet again next time, you don't want to fight with me again!"

Faced with Lin Tianming's teasing, Lilith was silent for a long time, and then she thanked Lin Tianming.

"Thank you for saving me in the Lava Mountain."

[But our grudges will not end just because you saved me once! 】

[Nothing goes wrong, as long as it is the same as in the last life, we will meet again soon. Our grudges in the last life will be settled with you next time! 】

[If I don’t continue to fight you after recovery this time, I’ve already done my best to be kind and righteous! 】

Lin Tianming listened to Lilith's voice, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that there was another goddess reborn who wanted to seek revenge.

He did not expose her little thoughts, but said: "Lilith, thank you, no need. We will talk about it next time we meet again. Let's say goodbye now!"

"See you."

After saying goodbye to Lin Tianming, Lilith glanced at Mo Jinghong, and then boarded the plane back to Xiluo Territory without looking back.

Looking at Lilith's leaving figure, Lin Tianming couldn't help but shook his head.

After returning, he had to think carefully about how to conquer this goddess reborn.

"Senior Tianming, in half an hour, we should get on the plane back to the Imperial Capital. Let's go there in advance and wait."

Pulled back by Mo Jinghong's reminder, Lin Tianming nodded slightly and left with her.

Because they encountered an accident in the Land of Disaster and were delayed for too long, the Imperial Academy has already been on winter vacation for two days.

Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan had also returned from secret training a long time ago. Seeing that Lin Tianming had not returned for a long time, they were worried.

Not only them, Jiang Han and Wang Yanran, who were both at the Imperial Academy in the Imperial Capital, were also very worried about Lin Tianming because they looked for Lin Tianming on the day of the holiday but could not find him.

Wang Yanran also contacted Hua Yufei, which led Huang Yiyi to learn about Lin Tianming's disappearance on the eve of winter vacation.

Fortunately, Hua Yufei calmed Huang Yiyi's emotions in time, otherwise she would have lost control and disappeared.

These days, Jiang Han and the others have launched all the channels they know to search for traces of Lin Tianming.

Soon, through various channels, they learned that Lin Tianming left the Imperial Academy with Mo Jinghong, and also went to the northwest border area.

After that, the two disappeared together, and no more information could be found.

They seriously suspected that Lin Tianming and Mo Jinghong might have sneaked into the Land of Disaster.

If Lin Tianming and Mo Jinghong don't come back today, Jiang Han will personally go to the northwest border and enter the land of disaster to look for Lin Tianming and Mo Jinghong.

In the girls' dormitory, Ye Qingxue, who lived with Feng Lan, had a face full of anxiety.

"Brother Tianming won't really go to the land of disaster, will he encounter danger?"

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