Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 244 Donghai City encounters the Deep Sea Church! The Poseidon Festival is in danger!

Donghai City, Shuijing Academy.

In order to give Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue a break, Tianshui ordered a hearty meal of local specialties in the canteen.

Just make peace with what you have come. Lin Tianming, who had already thought about it, would not be polite to Tian Shui.

Ye Qingxue was also not polite. Seeing the two of them eating so happily, Tian Shui also had a gentle smile on his face the whole time.

After the two of them had eaten and drank enough, Tian Shui also said to the two of them: "Today you can stay in my faculty dormitory at Shuijing College. There are exactly three rooms and two are vacant."

Lin Tianming was stunned when he heard that he wanted to live with Tian Shui.

After a while, he said: "How can this be so embarrassing? Teacher Tianshui can just temporarily arrange a student dormitory for us!"

Tian Shui smiled slightly: "It's okay. I promised you, Teacher Jiang Han, to take good care of you. I won't wrong you. It's better to live with me."

Ye Qingxue still liked Tian Shui's gentle personality. She said directly: "Thank you, Teacher Tian Shui, then we won't bother you!"

Lin Tianming saw that Tian Shui didn't change his mind, so he had no choice but to stay with her.

"Thank you, Teacher Tianshui, for taking such good care of us!"

Listening to Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue's thanks, she also said in her naturally gentle voice: "Let's go, I'll take you to my place to have a look. If you want to go shopping in Donghai City later, remember not to play too much. Come back late!”

With the words Tianshui, Lin Tianming naturally wanted to visit this seaside city when he came to Donghai City for the first time.

Lin Tianming followed Tian Shui to the faculty dormitory where she lived and took a look. Lin Tianming took a note of where she was and took Ye Qingxue and slipped out quickly to avoid anything happening if she stayed with Tian Shui for too long.

Fortunately, Tian Shui didn't chase her out. Her emotions were a little complicated, but still stable. Lin Tianming didn't have to worry about her trying to trouble him at least for the time being.

"Brother Tianming is so active today! You haven't gone on a date with me alone for a long time, so you really want to be alone with me?"

They had witnessed Neptune's coastline with their own eyes before. Lin Tianming heard Ye Qingxue's somewhat delighted remarks, and he wanted to say no.

He just wants to reduce the time he spends with Tian Shui to avoid getting into trouble!

But these words must not be said out loud. Lin Tianming followed Ye Qingxue's expected thoughts and responded to her.

"Well, the two of us have been busy with our cultivation recently. We haven't gone out on a date like this for a long time. We will attend the Poseidon Festival tomorrow. We have to make good use of this short time today!"

Lin Tianming's answer made Ye Qingxue feel very sweet. She excitedly suggested: "Then let's go to the beach to play in the water and take some photos of the sea view!"

"no problem!"

Fulfilling Ye Qingxue's wish, Lin Tianming also accompanied her to the beach.

Unknowingly, the two of them played like this until night fell.

However, they had not yet had enough of the world of two people, so they did not rush back to Tianshui. Instead, they strolled the streets near the coastline to see what else was delicious and fun, and tried to experience it as much as possible today.

This way they can attend the Poseidon Festival tomorrow without any regrets!

Accidentally, the two of them played until about ten o'clock in the evening. Thinking that they lived in Tianshui, they were worried that going back too late would affect Tianshui's rest, so they decided to come here first today.

On the way back, he saw a roadside stall selling octopus balls, and Ye Qingxue immediately grabbed Lin Tianming.

"Brother Tianming, let's buy some octopus balls and give them to Teacher Tianshui, so she won't be angry when she sees us coming back so late!"

[Actually, I want to buy it for myself, hehe! 】

Although Lin Tianming knew through eavesdropping on Ye Qingxue's thoughts that she was greedy, he did not reveal her inner thoughts.

He deliberately bought some more octopus balls. Lin Tianming pretended not to know that she wanted to eat them too, and did not bother Ye Qingxue while carrying the bag.

This made Ye Qingxue anxious.

[Brother Tianming doesn’t really think that my proposal is just to buy it for Teacher Tianshui, and I don’t want to eat it, right? 】

Lin Tianming was so greedy for the octopus balls he was carrying that he couldn't help it after walking a few steps. Ye Qingxue shook Lin Tianming's arm with an embarrassed expression on her face.

" Tianming..."

Lin Tianming saw that Ye Qingxue was hesitant to speak, so he continued to pretend not to understand what she wanted to do: "What's the matter, Qingxue?"

Ye Qingxue hesitated for a long time before holding back a few words: " know!"

[I want to eat octopus balls, can’t you tell? 】

[You don’t understand my thoughts too much, brother Mu Tianming! 】

"I don't understand!"

Although Lin Tianming could see through Ye Qingxue's thoughts, he just wanted to tease Ye Qingxue who made him guess her thoughts.

Seeing that Lin Tianming didn't understand, Ye Qingxue had no choice but to look at the octopus balls in his hand greedily and said: "I... I want to eat octopus balls!"

Seeing that his greedy little girlfriend finally told the truth, Lin Tianming stopped teasing her.

"Here, you can take as much as you want. Anyway, there's so much, you can eat most of it and take the rest back to Teacher Tianshui, no problem!"

After hearing Lin Tianming's words allowing her to eat most of the food, Ye Qingxue, a snack connoisseur, fell in love with her Tianming brother.

"Thank you, brother Tianming, I know you are the best to me!"

While speaking, Ye Qingxue also stood on tiptoes and tapped Lin Tianming's side face gently.

"Hehe, this is a reward for brother Tianming being so good to me!"

After kissing Lin Tianming's face, Ye Qingxue's pretty face turned red with embarrassment. Fortunately, it was dark now and she couldn't see anything.

Her little red face was full of stars, and she ate the octopus balls with relish.

Lin Tianming looked at her smiling so happily, and his mood was also very pleasantly infected by her.

"Brother Tianming, you should eat some too!"

Suddenly, Ye Qingxue stuffed a small octopus ball into his mouth.

Looking at Ye Qingxue who didn't tell him anything about feeding him in advance, Lin Tianming couldn't laugh or cry.

But at this moment, Lin Tianming suddenly felt several extremely dangerous and strange evil spirits nearby.

Ye Qingxue, who raised her pretty face and looked at Lin Tianming with a smile, sensed the dangerous aura for the first time.

Even though she was very sweet in front of Lin Tianming, she had always been in love, but when this happened, Ye Qingxue, who was the goddess of ice in her previous life, changed her face faster than Lin Tianming.

Looking at the source of the strange and evil aura with a cold look on his face, Ye Qingxue also reminded Lin Tianming in time.

"Brother Tianming, be careful!"

Without Ye Qingxue's reminder, Lin Tianming sensed the danger.

He looked in the direction Ye Qingxue was looking, and five mysterious people in gray robes came into his sight.

This costume... was exactly the same as the members of the Deep Sea Church he had encountered in Shenwu City in the West Luo Territory before!

There are actually people from the Deep Sea Church in Kyushu?

The Deep Sea Church members he met in Shenwu City in the Western Luo Region all looked like people from the Western Luo Region. Are these Deep Sea Church members from Kyushu coming from the Western Luo Region, or are they from Kyushu like him?

If it is the latter, then it means that this deep-sea church is far larger than he imagined, and it is a mysterious organization spread all over the world!

As Lin Tianming stared at the five members of the Deep Sea Church passing through the intersection in front of him, he discovered another person he least wanted to meet in Kyushu.'s not a's the weird god that I least want to see!

That mysterious man whom the Deep Sea Church believes in!

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