Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 246 The Poseidon Festival begins! The Sea Emperor Tower appears!

Although Ye Qingxue did not have Hua Yufei's interrogation skills as Lin Tianming thought, through her violent methods, the members of the Deep Sea Church obediently handed over all the information.

This group of Deep Sea Church members came to Donghai City at this time just for this Sea Emperor Festival.

There is a treasure that the Deep Sea Church wants in the Sea King Festival, but the specific treasure is not known to the Deep Sea Church member who is only at level 40 in front of him.

All he knew was that the senior leaders of the Deep Sea Church did not come in person, but sent many Deep Sea Church members who were at levels 30 to 40 to attend the Sea Emperor Festival as third-year students from Kyushu.

Once they find the hiding place of the treasure, they will work together to transfer the treasure directly through some special means.

After digesting the information provided by the members of the Deep Sea Church, Ye Qingxue also fell into brief contemplation.

[The treasure that the Deep Sea Church wants...couldn't it be the same thing that I didn't get in my previous life? 】

[If it is true...even if I still can't get it in this life, I will never let the people of the Deep Sea Church get it! 】

Lin Tianming heard her voice and became even more worried about tomorrow's Poseidon Festival.

He also pondered for a moment and said: "Qingxue, we have to tell Teacher Tianshui about the information about the Deep Sea Church and ask her to inform the top management of Donghai City to be careful."

"Well, brother Tianming, let's go back to find Teacher Tianshui now!"

Ye Qingxue deeply agreed, and there must be no accidents during the Sea Emperor Festival.

Before leaving, Lin Tianming looked at the members of the Deep Sea Church who had lost their use value.

Being stared at by Lin Tianming's emotionless eyes, the members of the Deep Sea Church who had just been violently beaten by Ye Qingxue began to tremble again.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Faced with questions from members of the Deep Sea Church, Lin Tianming gave his answer directly with practical actions.

Transformed into a mechanical body, Lin Tianming blasted the last Deep Sea Church member on the spot with a terrifying thunder fist.

Ye Qingxue also praised Lin Tianming's method of killing members of the Deep Sea Church.

"Handsome! This is how we should kill these believers of the deceitful god who do all kinds of evil!"

"Okay, Qingxue, let's go back to Shuijing Academy to find Teacher Tianshui and tell her about the possible crisis in Donghai City and the Poseidon Festival!"

Under Lin Tianming's greeting, Ye Qingxue also lost her cold and chilling temperament just now, and turned into the sweet little girlfriend who usually likes to stick to Lin Tianming. She took Lin Tianming's arm and left together.

Back at Shuijing Academy, Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue immediately told Tian Shui what they had just experienced.

As a good friend of Jiang Han and someone who was about to be promoted to the top level of awakening, Tian Shui also learned information about the Yellow Clothes Church and the Deep Sea Church from Jiang Han.

But she didn't expect that the Deep Sea Church that Jiang Han and Lin Tianming met in Xiluo Territory would also come to her Kyushu Donghai City.

The matter was of great importance. Tian Shui, who also knew about the Deep Sea Church in his previous life, confirmed with Lin Tianming.

"Little brother Tianming, are you sure that the people who appeared in Donghai City this time are the same as the Deep Sea Church that you and your teacher Jiang Han encountered?"

Tian Shui's question immediately stunned Ye Qingxue, who didn't know that Lin Tianming had also encountered the Deep Sea Church in Xiluo Territory.

"Brother Tianming, have you also met members of the Deep Sea Church in the Silo Territory?"

When talking about this matter, Lin Tianming showed an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, Qingxue, I was afraid that you would be worried about me, so I didn't tell you about my encounter with the Deep Sea Church in the Silo Territory. If you want to hear it, I can tell you now. you."

"I want to hear it!"

Seeing Ye Qingxue recalling it for a second, Lin Tianming could only briefly tell her about the encounter between him and Jiang Han in the Deep Sea Church in the West Luo Territory.

Although Tianshui heard Jiang Han say it once, she still listened silently to the side with Ye Qingxue who didn't know yet.

When Lin Tianming mentioned that the world-destroying scene of the Gray Sea was coming, and that the evil plan of the Deep Sea Church was almost successful, Tian Shui couldn't help but take a breath even though he heard Jiang Han talk about it once.

Ye Qingxue was also heartbroken after hearing this, fearing that her brother Tianming would be the first to die in Shenwu City.

Fortunately, Lin Tianming saved the day in the end!

After Lin Tianming finished telling what happened to him in Shenwu City, Tian Shui spoke again.

"It seems that if the Deep Sea Church appears in Donghai City, we must be careful to prevent them from causing another crisis in Shenwu City!

I will inform the top management of Donghai City and various awakened elites about this matter, and will handle it in the most appropriate manner.

Thank you for your hard work, you two children. You should also have a good rest. Don't think too much. Come with me to the Poseidon Festival as usual tomorrow! "

The next morning, the coastline of Donghai City had been blocked in advance because it was going to host the Neptune Festival that all third-year students of Kyushu Academy of Advanced Awakeners could participate in.

The grand Sea Emperor Festival is about to begin, and almost all third-graders from Kyushu are coming.

Under normal circumstances, in the major higher awakened colleges in Kyushu, one can advance to the third grade at level 25.

Therefore, among the third-year students in other colleges, there will also be students who can participate in the Poseidon Festival at level 25.

Because the Imperial Academy has always had high requirements, only level 30 students can advance to third grade, so those who can participate in the Poseidon Festival must be third-year students who are level 30.

Under the protection of the Poseidon, the Poseidon Festival cannot be entered by awakened persons over level 40, and is only open to third-year students from major colleges.

But you don’t have to be from Kyushu to participate in the Sea Emperor Festival.

Sakura Island, also near the Kyushu waters, also has a quota to participate in the Poseidon Festival every year.

However, Sakura Island has not produced a decent genius awakener for a long time. There is no quota. For decades, no one has been able to meet the conditions and use the only quota to participate in the Poseidon Festival.

Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue were lucky enough to be able to participate in the Neptune Festival among all third-grade students in Kyushu in the first grade thanks to the special quotas Jiang Han secured for them.

Listening patiently to Teacher Tianshui telling them the information related to the Neptune Emperor Festival, Lin Tianming also had a certain understanding of the Neptune Emperor Festival.

After Tian Shui finished talking about some of the most basic things, she also motioned Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue to look at the altar that was pushed away from the coastline by the magic circle and rushed towards the sea.

"In order to express Kyushu's respect for the Poseidon who protects the waters of Kyushu from disasters, at this time of year, the relevant personnel responsible for hosting the Poseidon Festival will prepare sumptuous tributes for the Poseidon. The tributes are all the food that the Poseidon likes to eat.

Have you seen the altar slowly pushed into the depths of the ocean with a magic circle? When the Poseidon accepts the tributes on the altar, the Poseidon Festival officially begins! "

Lin Tianming nodded and looked in the direction indicated by Tian Shui.

With the blessing of the magic circle, the altar filled with tributes floated above the sea, heading deeper into the ocean little by little.

When the altar was far enough away from the coastline, an ethereal voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Tianming remembered that this ethereal sound, as melodious as the song of the ocean, belonged to the Sea Emperor who returned to the waters near the coastline yesterday!

With everyone on the coastline looking forward to it, the beautiful body curves of the Poseidon jumped out from under the sea just like yesterday.

Then it fell back into the sea in a beautiful arc, bringing the tributes on the altar with it under the sea.

Immediately afterwards, the entire coastline began to tremble violently with the increasingly turbulent and churning water.

Under the shocked gaze of everyone present, the ancient tower exuding the breath of the boundless sea soon emerged from under the turbulent sea.

As soon as the ancient tower like the endless sea emerged from the tower body, it continued to rise at a rapid speed to a height higher than the tall buildings near the coastline.

This tall tower is like a tower connecting the seabed and the sky. It is mysterious and majestic.

When the strange phenomena in the world caused by this mysterious tower gradually subsided, the person responsible for presiding over the Sea Emperor Ceremony announced loudly.

"Today is the first day of the Poseidon Festival. Those participating in the festival need to complete the climb to the Poseidon Tower behind me before the sun sets. Those who reach the top will successfully advance to the Poseidon Festival on the second day, and those who fail will be Eliminate it!

Now I announce that the Poseidon Festival has officially begun! "

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