Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 252 Miss Lianghua from Sakura Island also knows Tianming! He's not a reborn person agai

Facing the congratulations of the person who hosted the Sea Emperor Ceremony, Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue expressed their gratitude one after another, and then went to find Tianshui in the envious eyes of the people around them.

Seeing Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue return from the summit successfully, as the teacher who took care of them for Jiang Han, she naturally wanted to congratulate them both.

"Little brother Tianming, girl Qingxue, congratulations!"

Ye Qingxue responded sweetly: "Teacher Tianshui, we are in such good condition today, thanks to you for providing us with a good accommodation environment and allowing us to have a good sleep!"

Being amused by Ye Qingxue's speech with honey on his lips, Tian Shui looked at Lin Tianming who seemed to have something on his mind and expressed concern for him in a gentle tone.

"Brother Tianming, what are you thinking about? You are so absorbed!"

Tian Shui's question also made Ye Qingxue next to Lin Tianming look at him with concern.

Lin Tianming was just thinking about what skills in the water attribute Shinto field would be better to learn from Tian Shui later, and he didn't have anything to worry about.

He smiled in time: "It's nothing! It's just that Qingxue and I got a good treasure on the top of the Sea Emperor Tower. I'll show it to the teacher when we get back later!"

Lin Tianming's words aroused Tian Shui's curiosity.

But if he doesn't say it now, Tianshui will definitely not be able to ask directly.

[Is there any treasure in the Sea Emperor Tower? I remember nothing...]

[Forget it, go back and wait for little brother Tianming to tell me! 】

Thinking of this, Tian Shui also said: "To celebrate your strong summit on the first day of the Poseidon Festival, what do you want to eat? Should I treat you to a big meal, or should I prepare something delicious for you when we get back? "

Lin Tianming was a little surprised and said: "Teacher Tianshui can also cook?"

"You know a little bit, but you can barely eat, but you're not considered proficient."

Listening to Tian Shui's obviously humble speech, Ye Qingxue also became interested: "Brother Tianming, let's go back and eat the feast cooked by Teacher Tian Shui!"

Since Tian Shui said she could cook, Lin Tianming actually wanted to try Tian Shui's cooking skills.

He also said: "Well, I just want to try Teacher Tianshui's cooking skills!"

Seeing that both Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue wanted to eat the food she cooked, Tian Shui also decided to show off his skills to the two little guys today.

"In that case, then you go to the supermarket with me first and buy more ingredients so that I can make a celebration banquet for you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tian Shui led Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue to leave the Sea Emperor Festival first.

After Lin Tianming and Ye Qingxue left, the Sea Emperor Festival continued as usual.

As time goes by, the sun has passed its highest point and begins to slowly set in the west.

Meng Jiang, whose speed at the start was second only to Lin Tianming, was overtaken by newcomers one after another.

He rushed too hard at the beginning, trying to steal the limelight, and miscalculated that his physical limit was no match for Lin Tianming.

Dragging his swaying body, Meng Jiang was top-heavy.

His Flame Wheel Horse was in a similar state to him, and it could no longer be recovered by just resting in place.

Fortunately, he could already see the top of the tower. If he gritted his teeth and persisted, he should be able to climb to the top of the Poseidon Tower before the sun set.

I kept grinding like this, and the time soon came when the sun was about to set.

Meng Jiang is also just a few steps away from reaching the top of the Sea King Tower with his Flaming Wheel Horse.

At this last moment, many people caught up behind him.

These people obviously looked like they were taking a leisurely stroll, but they got stuck at the last moment before climbing up.

Meng Jiang, who had been overtaken by who knows how many people, no longer bothered to worry about whether the ranking was good or not. His psychological expectations had dropped to the point where he could reach the top of the tower.

"That's just the way this Sea Emperor Tower is! I thought it was so difficult!"

"Yes! It was surprisingly easy, and I came up in a jiffy!"

"I think if you had maintained the same speed as junior Lin Tianming at the beginning, your legs would have given out halfway up the mountain, so you would have had to stop and go at the end of the mountain so that you wouldn't be tired!"

"What the hell! Do you have to compete with others? I came here to see the sunset over the sea. This spot is just right!"

Looking at the group of lively guys, Meng Jiang looked at himself again, with a bitter smile on his face.

This is also the last one. Why is he so tired while others are so relaxed?

But after listening to the conversations between those people, it seemed that they were from the same college as Lin Tianming, which meant...

They are all third-year students at the Imperial Academy in the Imperial Capital!

When he thought of this, Meng Jiang felt relieved again.

His talent is not comparable to that of his youngest sister Meng Xiyue, and he is not as good as a normal student at the Imperial Academy.

At this moment, another man in dark red clothes walked up behind him.

For some reason, Meng Jiang always felt that this crimson man was weird.

His instinct told him that he should stay away from this man, otherwise he might be in danger.

Fortunately, the man in crimson clothes ignored him at all and passed him directly to the top.

There should be no one behind now, right?

There were only the last three steps left, but it was really too difficult for Meng Jiang. Every step was like his feet sinking into the cement ground and it was difficult to take it out.

"Damn it... I should have known I wouldn't have competed with that guy Lin Tianming in terms of speed from the beginning! It doesn't matter that he is fast, but his physical endurance is far superior to mine... I'm almost exhausted from doing this!"

I really regretted that I started racing with Lin Tianming. He was having fun in the first half of the race, but the second half of the race left him physically and mentally exhausted.

After two more difficult steps, the last step left was like a chasm for Meng Jiang.

The time when the sun really sets is getting closer and closer, and Meng Jiang is also sweating profusely in anxiety.

At this time, a beautiful girl who looked similar to a Kyushu native but was wearing a pink Sakura Island dress climbed up from below at a rapid speed.

The beautiful girl who deliberately wanted to be the last one to reach the summit was somewhat surprised when she saw that there was still someone else who was only one step away from reaching the summit.

Although she was surprised, she did not stop and continued to climb up with extremely fast movement.

Just when she passed by Meng Jiang, she stopped because of Meng Jiang's crying words.

"I swear! If you give me another chance, I will never compete with that guy Lin Tianming for speed! I really can't climb anymore. I spent a lot of physical energy in the first half of the journey. I can't take this last step... It was normal. Climb, if you try your best, you can definitely reach the top!”

After staring at Meng Jiang for a moment, the beautiful girl in pink cherry blossom clothes asked in her voice as soft as sugar: "Do you know Mingjun?"

Meng Jiang, who was crying for his father and mother, was stunned: "What Mingjun?"

The beautiful girl said: "This is the Lin Tianming you mentioned."

"It turns out to be that kid! He is very familiar with my sister, so I barely know him! Wait...why are you asking me this? And why should I answer you that my sister knows him?"

Listening to Meng Jiang's schizophrenic and interesting speech, the beautiful girl in cherry blossom clothes lost a faint pink light in her eyes, revealing a soft smile.

"It does not matter."


Before Meng Jiang could figure out what the beautiful girl in the cherry blossom costume meant, he found that his body was moving without his control.

Under his stunned gaze, he successfully moved his body to the top of the tower and engraved his name on the Sea Emperor Monument.

After carving his name, he fell to the ground without any strength.

After him, the beautiful girl in Sakura costume also carved her name at the last moment when the sun set:


In just a moment, the Sea Emperor Tower began to tremble violently as the sun set.

As the guardian of the Kyushu Sea, the Sea Emperor, appeared again and completed his last dance at the last moment, the violently shaking Sea Emperor Tower burst out with a dazzling light and disappeared into the sea.

Regardless of whether they were those who had already climbed to the top of the tower or those who were still trying to climb on the tower, they were all teleported back to the coastline under this dazzling light.

Returning to the coastline, Meng Jiang, who was gradually recovering, also realized that he had completed the summit with the help of Lianghua, a girl in cherry blossom clothes.

He was confused as to why the other party wanted to help him.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because you know Mingjun."

"Mingjun? Are you trying to say that I know Lin Tianming so you can help me?"

Lianghua, the girl in cherry blossom clothes, just smiled slightly, turned around and left without any response.

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