Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 270 A familiar scene! Qingxue fights Lianghua! Fortunately, Tianming came to the rescue in t

Although Lan Ba ​​was unhappy, he kept his promise and let Lin Tianming, who had won the three-move contract, leave.

When Lin Tianming disappeared from his sight, Lan Ba ​​noticed that the group of awakened people watching also wanted to take the opportunity to sneak away, so he naturally would not agree.

Lin Tianming had previously staged a drama of stealing all the ocean crystals under his nose, so Lan Ba ​​kept a careful eye on it.

At least the guys who just besieged him couldn't leave without handing over all the ocean crystals!

"You want to run away? Can you run away? I just let you go and you refused to leave, causing me to lose so many ocean crystals. If you don't hand over all your ocean crystals to compensate me, you can't even think of leaving!"

Following Lan Ba's loud shout, the entire hall echoed with the hoarse screams of a group of awakened people.

"Stop...stop fighting! I'll do it...I'll do it!"

"I'll hand it in too! Ouch... it hurts me so much. I said I'll hand it in, why are you still beating me?"

"Brother Lan Ba...Uncle Lan Ba! All the ocean crystals I collected are here...there really aren't any left. You...stop searching me!"

Lin Tianming, who had already left the hall, went crazy when he heard the screams coming one after another from behind.

"As expected, I still occasionally come up with some interesting ideas for fun. Thank you for your hard work, my great heroes. It would be nice to play with Senior Lanba for a while and let him vent his anger!"

Next, Lin Tianming, who was in a happy mood, continued to travel quickly through the underwater mechanical dragon palace.

But since meeting the first group of people just now, Lin Tian found that he had basically visited the areas he searched next, and the ocean crystals had basically been searched.

Even if there is, it is only a small part that is hidden in a hidden corner and has not been searched.

And then, he met more and more people.

Lin Tianming did not choose to show up on his own initiative, maintaining his spiritual form and walking through the Undersea Mechanical Dragon Palace.

Although the ocean crystals collected now are much less than when I didn't meet anyone at the beginning, there is still a considerable amount accumulated.

"I'm going! Two aunts... you two, stop fighting!"

"Forget it if you fight, don't hurt innocent people! Aren't we all friends of Brother Tianming? Let's end the reconciliation as soon as possible!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Your ice spike almost shot me into a sieve! Pay attention!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from nearby, and Lin Tianming frowned.

"This voice sounds like Xiyue's brother Meng Jiang?"

Rushing in the direction of the sound, Lin Tianming soon discovered Meng Jiang, and also saw clearly who the two men in Meng Jiang's mouth were fighting.

Aren't these Lianghua and Ye Qingxue?

Seeing the two of them fighting there, Lin Tianming always felt a sense of déjà vu.

Previously in the secret realm of ice and snow, Ye Qingxue and Feng Lan also fought hard, and both of them were injured in the end.

This time, his little girlfriend Qingxue had sex with Lianghua again...

[Forbidden Spirit Control Technique—Tian Huan Wu! 】

[Shinto domain skill - Ice Dance of Destruction! 】

The two sides fought more and more fiercely, and while they were shouting in their hearts, they also released their respective skills in the Shinto field.

In order to prevent the two of them from being seriously injured and unable to move, Lin Tianming took action quietly without them noticing him.


Without any precautions, Ye Qingxue and Lianghua, whose nerves were in a highly tense state, were suddenly stimulated by Lin Tianming's move.

The next moment, Lin Tianming also showed his true body and forced Ye Qingxue and Lianghua to separate.

Meng Jiang was still a little dazed when he saw Lin Tianming suddenly showing up.

But the next moment, Meng Jiang showed a happy expression.

"Brother Tianming, you are finally here. If you don't come, the two of them will fight till the end of time!"

Lin Tianming nodded slightly to Meng Jiang, expressing his approval for Meng Jiang, Xiyue's brother.

Then he said to Ye Qingxue and Lianghua: "What's going on with you two? Why are you fighting?"

"We are just competing normally to see who is stronger, Brother Tianming!"

Ye Qingxue poked her little finger guiltily.

[We can’t let brother Tianming know that I got angry when I saw this bad woman and acted first! 】

[Otherwise, what if he doesn’t like me because of this? 】

Ye Qingxue's anxious voice directly told Lin Tianming the truth.

However, Lin Tianming had no intention of exposing her lies about sparring.

"You two should also be careful when sparring. Don't be so harsh. Fortunately, I arrived in time and neither of you was hurt. Don't do this next time, do you hear me?"

"I heard it, brother Tianming..."

"Well, Mingjun..."

Fortunately, after Ye Qingxue and Lianghua were stopped by Lin Tianming, they both calmed down and stopped fighting.

Lin Tianming also breathed a sigh of relief after successfully preventing a battle that might have serious consequences.

"How's your ocean crystal collection going?"

Faced with Lin Tianming's inquiry, Ye Qingxue was the first to speak: "I have collected a lot myself! Just now, there were a few ignorant guys who saw me placing orders and wanted to snatch them from me, but they couldn't beat me and collected them. Give me all the ocean crystals you got!"

"Me too, Mingjun. During this period, I met many people who wanted to steal my ocean crystals, so I took away all their ocean crystals."

Lianghua is also very smooth, even if she encounters someone who wants to steal her ocean crystal, she can easily solve it.

Only Meng Xiyue's brother Meng Jiang looked downcast: "I also collected ocean crystals, but not many."

Lin Tianming heard this and smiled slightly: "Just do your best. In this third round, so many people are fighting each other to grab the ocean crystals, and many people come away empty-handed. It's good that you still have the ocean crystals, regardless of whether you can advance to the next level. Wheel, at least you will have these ocean crystals as a reward after you go out."

"That's all I can do. I can see now that my ability to persist until this third round is my limit. I'll be satisfied with you not being robbed of the ocean crystal. I don't care if I can advance to the next round."

Seeing that Meng Jiang had this mentality and did not ask them to help him snatch other people's ocean crystals, Lin Tianming also looked at Meng Xiyue's living treasure brother in a different light.

Apart from being a bit funny, Meng Jiang has a pretty good personality.

Reunited with Ye Qingxue and the others at the Undersea Mechanical Dragon Palace, Lin Tianming also led them to continue searching for as many ocean crystals as possible during the seven-day trial.

Lin Tianming doesn't mind teaching these guys how to behave if they encounter someone who doesn't open their eyes.

It can be seen that these guys feel that the first two levels are not a competition in combat power. Lin Tianming's ability to amaze the audience with his talent does not mean that Lin Tianming's true combat power is strong.

When it comes to the third level of actual combat, Lin Tianming, who is not even level 30, is definitely no match for them.

However, the reality is cruel. Anyone who has this idea will be beaten up by Lin Tianming's four-black team.

Meng Xiyue's eldest brother Meng Jiang also made a lot of ocean crystals that he could not even imagine in the process of riding the team, and his mouth burst into laughter.

Fortunately, he listened to his sister Meng Xiyue's suggestion and followed Lin Tianming, whom his sister knew, and he was right!

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