Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 272 The agreement between Tianming and the Mother of Destiny! Witness her true mechanical as

The rusty mechanical ascended god in front of me is actually the creator of the destiny of the mechanical mastermind?

Mechanical Mastermind Mother of Destiny...Mother of Destiny...

"Comer, can you tell me about the outside world? I'm trapped here and can't get out, but I still want to hear about what happened to my Kingdom of Mechanical God after I left."

Lin Tianming was very surprised when he heard Mother of Destiny's question.

She doesn't seem to know about the three Ascension Divine Kingdoms proclaiming themselves?

After staring at Lin Tianming's meditative state for a while, the horrifying sound of the Mother of Destiny, full of rust and corrosion, sounded again.

"I originally thought you were from our Mechanical God Kingdom, but now it seems you are not."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Tianming's heart skipped a beat.

She wouldn't kill him because he wasn't from the Kingdom of Machine God, would she?

"Although I have waited for so long and haven't found a true member of the Mechanical Kingdom, I still want to thank you for giving me such a small amount of comfort in my dilapidated body that has only a few days to live."

Feeling the loneliness, loneliness, sadness, despair and other negative emotions of the mother of destiny, Lin Tianming didn't know what to say.

She dragged this rusty and corroded body and persisted like this. She must have wanted to see the people from the Kingdom of Mechanical God again, right?

After finally waiting for endless years, he waited for someone who could resonate with her mechanical ascension power.

But he was not the person she wanted to see the most.

This also further deepened her pessimism that she saw no hope...

All the negative emotions that filled the sky of the mechanical supreme palace were truly conveyed to him.

"In this palace full of rust and corrosion, I can no longer remember the time. I only remember that in order to buy more time for my self-proclaimed majority of the Mechanical Kingdom, I chose to stay here..."

"Even if I work hard to support and protect, this once most sacred and majestic mechanical palace in the Kingdom of Mechanical God will eventually become filthy and unclean under the corrosion of rust..."

"All the people from the Kingdom of Mechanical God who stayed with me to delay time have undergone horrific changes under this horrific rust corrosion..."

"The eternal mechanical body collapsed, and despair and fear were implanted in everyone's mechanical brains, spreading like a virus. Even if the mechanical body has long abandoned emotions, it cannot stop the crazy thinking from crushing everything..."

"The original intention of our pursuit of mechanical ascension is to abandon the flesh and blood body that can be easily corroded. In the end, the absolutely rational and supreme mechanical ascension we pursue cannot resist corrosion. Are we wrong from the beginning?"

Mother of Destiny, who started talking to herself again, also told Lin Tianming a terrible truth.

The path of mechanical ascension that the Mechanical God Kingdom pursues is to abandon all emotions and think with absolute rationality, but it still cannot stop the erosion of the power of the strange god.

The mechanical body will abandon the influence of emotions when dealing with everything. Once the absolutely rational mechanical brain is contaminated by the power of the strange god, it will fall into a state of mental madness just like the brain of flesh and blood.

Absolute rationality did not bring salvation to the mechanical ascendants, but instead caused them to fall into a state of self-destruction program collapse.

This completely subverts the concept of "flesh and blood are weak, machines ascend" that the people of the Mechanical Kingdom believe in.

The reason why they have taken a different path from the Kingdom of Genes and the Kingdom of Psionics is that they believe that mechanical ascension is the path to eternal and supreme ascension.

Now tell them that the so-called mechanical ascension in front of the strange god is still a joke. How can they not collapse?

As Lin Tianming continued to think, he gradually understood the despair that permeated the supreme mechanical palace.

"There is no hope here, only the terrible truth..."

Muttering the desperate words of the Mother of Destiny, Lin Tianming subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his completely mechanized body.

He seemed to see rust covering his body, eroding his body into pieces, and implanting negative emotions such as madness, fear, loneliness, sadness, etc. into his brain.

Once this kind of emotion is implanted, people with mechanical bodies will be even more unable to resist this negative emotion than people with flesh and blood, destroying everything in an irreversible way.

The flesh and blood body has not given up all emotions, and can even rely on its own will to resist such negative emotions.

But a mechanical body that has achieved absolute rationality has no will and is simply unable to resist the implantation of such emotions...

Meng Xiyue's information on the Goddess Reborn flashed through his mind, and it was mentioned that in the future, the Mechanical Gods would not offer any resistance at the moment when the great darkness of terror came, and would collectively rebel and become the second and fifth sons. Lin Tianming suddenly understood the reason for this.

The current mechanical kingdom has developed to the stage where the mechanical mastermind Tianming can upload everyone's consciousness.

Everyone will upload their consciousness to the data space created by the mechanical mastermind to share and gather all the knowledge of the mechanical kingdom.

In this state, everyone is a mechanical mastermind, and the mechanical mastermind is also everyone.

Once the destiny of the mechanical mastermind is eroded by the power of the strange god, negative emotions such as despair and fear will be implanted.

The Mechanical God Kingdom will collapse faster than the Gene God Kingdom and the Psychic God Kingdom!

In the future, the three ascended kingdoms unite in the abandoned land. This should be a critical moment to fight against the great terror of darkness. However, at the moment when the supreme being descends, all the mechanical gods swear allegiance in a state of viral collapse.

Meng Xiyue, who was not from the Kingdom of the Mechanical God, could not understand it and eventually died tragically in infinite fear. Is this the future?

Even if one persists in the age of infinite darkness for a while like Lilith did, one cannot escape the ending of annihilation.

The future... is really hopeless!

The voice of the Mother of Destiny also sounded again.

"Are we really wrong? Shouldn't we have taken the path of mechanical ascension from the beginning?"

She seemed to be asking herself, and also seemed to be asking Lin Tianming.

Moreover, her condition was getting worse and worse, and rust and corrosion were unknowingly eroding her mechanical body, which had little integrity.

When Lin Tianming saw this scene, his pupils could not help but shrink slightly.

Did he want to witness with his own eyes the death of a mechanically ascended god who was corroded by the power of the strange god?

"Should we pursue genetic ascension or spiritual ascension? Or...are these paths wrong?"

Listening to the mother of destiny's words of self-doubt that she would die at any time, Lin Tianming, who resonated with her emotions, walked towards her slowly and unconsciously.

He said slowly: "Maybe there was no right way or wrong way from the beginning."

When the Mother of Destiny heard this, she raised the last half of her face that was gradually eroded by rust.

Not long after, she could still see that half of her formerly beautiful face would be riddled with holes due to rust.

Seeing that Lin Tianming took the initiative to hold the rusty hand that she found terrifying, and that he was not corroded by the rust at all due to contact with her, her desperate mood seemed to have a glimmer of hope at this moment.

"You have listened to my whispers that have been corroded by the power of the strange god for so long, but nothing has happened to you. It resonates with my negative emotions, and there is no sign of being corroded by rust. You even touch my rust-corroded body. There is nothing wrong with the body..."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Tianming woke up from a dream. He found that he dared to touch the Mother of Destiny, which was full of rust and corrosion.

What happened to him just now?

Lin Tianming himself couldn't figure out how he dared to act so boldly just now.

Fortunately, he touched the Mother of Destiny without any irreversible terrible consequences.

"You're right. Maybe there was no such thing as wrong or right from the beginning. I just didn't achieve true mechanical ascension..."

After being reminded by the Mother of Destiny, Lin Tianming also recalled the seemingly incomprehensible remarks he had just made.

These words actually came from his mouth?

"Thank you for your appearance, which gave me the hope of mechanical ascension when I was deep in despair and fear. Can I ask you one last thing?"

Hearing the request of the Mother of Destiny, Lin Tianming, who always maintained emotional resonance with her, nodded.

"I hope you can witness the true mechanical ascension on my behalf. No matter how difficult the road ahead is, I hope you will never give up hope, okay?"

Feeling her conflicting emotions of despair and hope at the moment, Lin Tianming agreed to her.

"Although I don't know if I can make it to the end, if I can, I will definitely take you to witness the true mechanical ascension in the future."

With Lin Tianming's agreement, he could clearly feel that all her negative emotions were dissipated at this moment.

But her dilapidated mechanical body still turned into powdery rusty gray under the corrosion of rust, and died little by little in front of Lin Tianming.

"Thank you. I look forward to the day when you will truly ascend mechanically, rather than the false ascension of our Mechanical God Kingdom...Finally, I wish you good luck..."

Lin Tianming felt a little sad as he listened to the dying farewell of the Mother of Destiny.

Just when he thought that the Mother of Destiny would be corroded by rust and not even a trace of its existence would be left, he heard the sound of something falling to the ground.

After taking a closer look, he discovered that it was a quarter of the face of the Mother of Destiny with one eye.

Even though the ground is covered with rust and corrosion, this quarter of the face still remains uncontaminated.

Lin Tianming knelt down and took the precision mechanical face that simulated a human being in his hands.

It is obviously a sophisticated machine, but the touch is no different from real human skin, demonstrating the achievements of the supreme mechanical ascension technology of the Mechanical Kingdom.

Moreover, Lin Tianming could once again feel the emotional resonance of the Mother of Destiny from the remaining quarter of his face.

All the previous negative emotions dissipated with the rusty gray of death, leaving only a trace of hope that was so weak that it was almost imperceptible.

Could it be that the promise he made to her just now, the last glimmer of hope he brought to her, left behind this quarter of his face?

Although he couldn't figure out what left behind this quarter of his face, Lin Tianming's eyes were very firm, and he would try his best to fulfill his promise to this mechanically ascended god who was full of despair before his death.

He brought her the last glimmer of hope in despair.

If mechanical ascension can be achieved in the future, maybe he can use this quarter of his face to help her return to this world.

Witness with your own eyes the mechanical ascension of hope turning into reality!

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