Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 282 Falling into the sleeping city of the Gray Sea Master!

Lin Tianming was extremely nervous when he saw that the person he passed by was a mysterious man.

And when the mysterious man passed by him and looked at him, Lin Tianming's heart skipped a beat.

Did the mysterious man find him in a spiritual state?

Although the mysterious man glanced at him, fortunately, the other party did not seem to notice his presence. He just glanced at the nearby situation inadvertently, and then continued to swim downstream.

Just when Lin Tianming was holding his breath and wanted to catch his breath, he thought of Ye Qingxue and Lianghua still fighting below, and his heart rose to his throat again.

Although Lin Tianming knew that there was a high probability that he would not be a match for the mysterious man, he still followed in order to protect Ye Qingxue and Lianghua from being harmed.

Ye Qingxue and Lianghua hadn't noticed the arrival of the mysterious man yet, and they were still fighting each other for the Sleeping Orb.

[Shinto domain skill - Death Sky Icicle! 】

As Ye Qingxue activated her Shinto domain skills, a terrifying icicle tore apart the space, sweeping down the power of the law of death that did not belong to Ye Qingxue's ice attribute ability.

"Qingxue actually has the ability to cultivate ice attribute powers to the extreme and touch the power of other laws and powers!"

Lin Tianming was shocked when he saw this scene.

Sure enough, the higher the level of these goddess reborns, the more Shinto taboo methods they can use to unblock them!

If Ye Qingxue had not been reborn and developed normally, let alone the Shinto domain skills that contained the power of death and the power of extreme ice, it would be difficult to comprehend the Shinto domain skills of this attribute before becoming a god.

But now is not the time to lament Ye Qingxue's rebirth advantage. Lin Tianming is also staring closely at the mysterious man.

The mysterious man did not dive very fast, but Lin Tianming had a strong feeling that this guy also came here for the Sleeping Orb.

It is estimated that the previously suppressed Crimson High Priest lurked into the Sea King Festival just to find the Sleeping Orb.

Then offer it to the man of the strange god like the deep blue high priest.

It's a pity that the Crimson High Priest met Lin Tianming and was killed by him before he could find the Sleeping Orb.

Under Lin Tianming's multi-purpose attention, Lianghua fought back against Ye Qingxue's attack with skills in the Shinto field.

[Forbidden Spirit Control Technique—Hundred Ghosts Walking at Night! 】

As Lianghua launched the Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts, her powerful soul power also condensed a series of resentful spirits that exuded the power of death in the netherworld.

Lin Tianming glanced at them and saw that there were more than a hundred of these resentful spirits.

The word "hundred" in this "hundred" ghost walking at night is obviously a fictitious reference and not a real number.

The continuously condensed resentful spirits made a terrifying undead scream while attacking Ye Qingxue in a ghostly figure.

The Death Sky Icicle collided with Baigui Yexing, and the terrifying power that erupted caused even Lin Tianming to feel great pressure.

But the mysterious man didn't have any fear. He ignored Ye Qingxue and Lianghua who were fighting and dived slowly.

The clash of skills in the Shinto field caused considerable injuries to both the casters, Ye Qingxue and Lianghua.

But the mysterious man who passed directly through the center of the power of the Shinto domain skills was unscathed.

Ye Qingxue and Lianghua, who were knocked upside down by the other party, were stunned when they saw someone walking through them.

But the next time, when they saw the figure and face of the mysterious man clearly, both of them turned pale with fright.

【It's him! That weird god believed in by the Deep Sea Church! 】

[He...why did he appear here? I remember that in my last life, when Ye Qingxue and I were competing for the Sleeping Orb, this weird god never appeared during the whole process! 】

Although Ye Qingxue died in the age of the gods in her previous life, she also saw the terrifying power of the gray sea of ​​the mysterious man by chance.

In Ye Qingxue's memory, among the believers of the Deep Sea Church, there were those who became gods like her. They wanted to offer treasures to this weird god, but they were instantly killed by the weird god.

Seeing this treacherous god again in this life who can even kill his own believers, it is impossible for Ye Qingxue not to be afraid when she recalls her previous life.

Not to mention Lianghua, who lived to an era when the three ascended kingdoms were annihilated in her previous life, she had also seen the terror of this mysterious man.

At this moment, both Ye Qingxue and Lianghua were so frightened that they lost their fighting power and did not even have the courage to use their skills.

The mysterious man didn't care about Ye Qingxue and Lianghua, he passed them and directly took the Sleeping Orb into the palm of his hand.

Feeling the power of the Sleeping Orb that he had not seen for a long time, the mysterious man looked deeper into the trench.

After staying for a moment, the mysterious man turned into a gray cloud and disappeared.

Lin Tianming was originally ready to take action to stop the mysterious man from harming Ye Qingxue and Lianghua, but when he saw the mysterious man just disappear, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems like it's the same as before. As long as you don't provoke this guy like a believer in the God of Creation, he doesn't seem to be interested in us humans at all..."

After muttering something to himself, Lin Tianming glanced at Ye Qingxue and Lianghua, who were so scared that they were paralyzed and dared not move, and quickly dived down to hug them both.

"Don't be afraid, that scary guy is gone!"

As Lin Tianming's words to soothe their emotions rang in their ears, Ye Qingxue and Lianghua were also brought back to their senses.

Thinking of the mysterious man who had made them feel extremely frightened just now, Ye Qingxue and Lianghua still had lingering fears.

"Brother Tianming, he...he's really gone?"

Ye Qingxue's question was what Lianghua wanted to ask, and she looked at Lin Tianming in shock.

"Well, let's go. Although I don't know why that guy didn't hurt us, for the sake of safety, it's better for us to return to the Poseidon's barrier quickly!"

"Well, I listen to brother Tianming!"

"I also listen to Mingjun!"

Perhaps because they were frightened by the mysterious man just now, Ye Qingxue and Lianghua, who were originally conflicted, temporarily had no energy to continue fighting with each other and followed Lin Tianming to leave this weird and terrifying trench.

Just when Lin Tianming and the others were about to swim out of the trench, the sound of strange changes came from the deepest part of the trench again.

Everything around him was trembling violently, and a strange and terrifying black mist spewed out from the deepest part of the trench.

Seeing this terrifying scene, Lin Tianming immediately said: "Run, the faster the better!"

Ye Qingxue and Lianghua also nodded their little heads heavily and accelerated upstream with Lin Tianming.

The moment he swam out of the trench, the black mist that spewed out turned into skinny black hands, directly grabbing Lin Tianming's broken legs.


While Lin Tianming secretly thought something was wrong in his heart, his body was out of his control and was dragged directly to the deepest part of the trench by the terrifying black hand.

He tried to transform into a spiritual body to avoid the pull of the black hand, but he found that he could not use any skills now.

"Brother Tianming!"


Ye Qingxue and Lianghua saw Lin Tianming being caught, and they tried to pull Lin Tianming back.

But he was still a step too late. Lin Tianming's body was grabbed by more and more terrifying black hands, and he was forcibly dragged into the deepest part of the trench at a speed that Ye Qingxue and Lianghua couldn't catch up with.

The terrifying black mist that spewed out seemed to be satisfied with successfully hunting a prey, and it also retreated to the deepest part of the trench.

Waking up from the nightmare of being dragged into the deepest part of the trench by countless black hands, Lin Tianming discovered that he did not seem to be dead.

And we also came to an ancient city sleeping in the deepest part of the ocean trench.

The gray deep sea enveloped everything, spreading the power of sleep that made it impossible to wake up.

The annihilating scene of this sleeping city under the sea being shrouded in a sea of ​​gray reminded Lin Tianming of his previous experience in Shenwu City in the West Luo Territory.

The image of the mysterious man looking into the deepest part of the trench after obtaining the Sleeping Orb flashed through his mind, and Lin Tianming had a bold guess in his mind.

This place...couldn't it be the lair of the mysterious man?

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