Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 312 Water Dirty Thunder! The second level of the Thunder Palace Trial! Water Dirty Thunder Q

Just to test the speed, how could Feng Lan be so heartbroken?

Lin Tianming was a little confused when he looked at Feng Lan, who was in a state of mental collapse.

Noticing that Feng Lan had forgotten to steady her body while dodging backwards because of her mental collapse, Lin Tianming also hurriedly appeared beside her and held her in his arms as she was about to fall.

Feeling Lin Tianming's embrace, Feng Lan came back to her senses from the state where her most proud field was shattered.

Realizing that she had lost her composure, Feng Lan whispered: "Sorry, Tianming, I lost my composure..."

Through her voice, Lin Tianming also knew that she had lost her mentality in the speed competition.

He wanted to say something to comfort her, but after thinking about it, he returned the wind sword to Feng Lan: "Feng Lan, your wind sword."

Feng Lan glanced at the wind sword in Lin Tianming's hand and silently took it.

Lying in Lin Tianming's arms and remaining silent for a long time, Feng Lan was so quiet that she couldn't even express her feelings of mental collapse.

Lin Tianming even wondered if his system was broken and he couldn't eavesdrop on his voice.

After waiting for a long time, Feng Lan finally spoke again.

"Tianming, I...I won't lose to you!"

[Since my current speed training is not enough, I will continue to work hard after I go back and strive to realize the true ultimate speed as soon as possible! 】

After hearing Feng Lan's determination to understand the speed of Ji Dao again, Lin Tianming confirmed that his system was good.

It's just that Feng Lan is like this. Sometimes her voice is as little as her words.

Thinking of this, Lin Tianming smiled at Feng Lan: "Okay, Feng Lan, I'll wait for you to get faster next time, and let's compete again!"

"It's a deal!" Feng Lan's mood also recovered again.

[I have to cheer up, I can’t fall down like this just because I lost to Tianming! 】

Seeing that she finally recovered, Lin Tianming also said: "It's a deal!"

"I will go back to practice in seclusion first. Tianming, I wish you can continue to move forward in the next trial. See you in the Global Academy of Advanced Awakeners Competition!"

? ? ?

Lin Tianming was a little confused. He felt that he had not followed Feng Lan's brain circuit.

Why did she leave again after she recovered?

If this was his Qingxue, she would definitely stick to him.

Looking at Feng Lan's back as he left after saying goodbye, Lin Tianming was stunned for a while before reacting.

Maybe...this is Feng Lan!

"That girl really wants to keep following your footsteps. I think she might surprise you when she comes back next time."

Teacher Jiang Han's evaluation of Feng Lan came to his ears, and Lin Tianming also felt the same way.

"She used to be at the Imperial Academy in the Imperial Capital, and she would come to me to spar whenever she had time. If I hadn't avoided her, I feel like I could have sparred with her every day."

Jiang Hanyu put her hand on Lin Tianming's shoulder and said: "Silly boy, stop looking at this and take a good rest. You will continue to participate in the trial tomorrow!"

Hearing Jiang Han's reminder and thinking that there would be a new trial waiting for him tomorrow, Lin Tianming also nodded.

I hope that next time I see Feng Lan, I can see her more energetic side!

The next day.

On the way to the trial location, Lin Tianming remembered that he had a question he forgot to ask Jiang Han yesterday.

He also asked whatever came to mind.

"Teacher Jiang Han, I heard your master master yesterday mention that you got the Purple Thunder in the Purple Thunder trial. The golden light thunder represents the speed of the Jida. So what does the Purple Thunder represent?"

[Children in Tianming will ask this...]

[This is a secret that he never knew in his previous life...]

[If I let him know in his previous life, not only the heart of angry thunder was robbed of me, but also this purple thunder...]

Hearing Jiang Han's deep thoughts, Lin Tianming became even more curious about what Ziji Lei was.

After waiting for a moment, Lin Tianming still waited for Jiang Han's answer.

"Purple Ji Lei represents the ultimate attack. In layman's terms, it is the ultimate attack, which can make your skill attack reach the extreme of the current level.

When understanding Yakuza attacks, you can substitute your understanding of Yakuza speed, which will make it easier to understand. "

After listening to Jiang Han's explanation, Lin Tianming said thoughtfully: "Teacher Jiang Han, do you mean that the Yakuza attack and the Yakuza speed are the same, and they are based on understanding and understanding that surpasses the skills corresponding to the Shinto field?"

"Well, the same goes for other things, such as Yakuza defense and so on. Those with Yakuza are all like this. They represent the ultimate of a single ability, rather than the level crushing of the mortal realm by the divine realm."

Lin Tianming kept Jiang Han's instructions in mind, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Teacher Jiang Han, is the purple thunder and lightning summoned by the Purple Thunder Demon Prison considered purple thunder?"

Jiang Han smiled and shook his head: "No, Ziji Lei is the same as Jin Guanglei. They are extremely special thunder and lightning. They are different from ordinary purple thunder. You will know after you participate in the Ziji Lei trial. Now Don’t think so much.”

Seeing what Jiang Han said, Lin Tianming asked again: "Is today's trial the Ziji Lei trial?"

"No, it's the water, dirty and thunder test."

"Water-dirty thunder trial? What kind of thunder and lightning is this?"

Although Lin Tianming heard Jiang Han mention Shuizang Lei when he was confronting the elders of Lei Ming Palace yesterday, he still had no idea what kind of thunder and lightning Shuizang Lei was.

Seeing that Lin Tianming didn't understand, Jiang Han continued to teach Lin Tianming and solve his doubts.

"Remember Lei Dong, who had the Yin-Yang Double Thunder mutant thunder attribute talent? The Water Zirty Thunder is his Yin Thunder, with special abilities that are as pervasive as water."

While Lin Tianming and Jiang Han were walking and talking, the two of them unknowingly arrived at the location of the Water Zang Lei trial.

Jiang Han originally wanted to talk to Lin Tianming more, but when she saw that they had arrived, she also planned to let Lin Tianming understand the contents of the water dirty thunder trial on his own.

"We're here, kid Tianming, come in quickly, I wish you good luck!"

After the words fell, Jiang Han came to the stands and sat down.

There is no other way, Lin Tianming can only enter directly like other trialists.

After waiting for a short time, when everyone had arrived, one of the elders of the Thunder Palace in the stands stood up and explained the specific content of the second level of the Water-Zirty Thunder Trial.

"Today, we will continue to hold a seven-day water dirty thunder trial. All the trial participants will enter the secret realm full of mire and swamps. Under the interference of many awakened beasts, they will successfully cross the mire and swamp. The practitioner will successfully advance to the third level of the Qingmu Lei Trial."

Listening to the rules briefly introduced by the veteran of Thunder Hall, Lin Tianming also learned that after passing this second level, the next level would be the Aoki Thunder Trial.

"At the beginning of this second level, are we finally going to start eliminating people?"

After muttering something to himself, Lin Tianming also began to look forward to what today's water, dirty and thunder trial would be like.

After introducing the specific content of the trial, the veteran of the Thunder Palace also announced directly: "Now I announce that the second level of the Thunder Palace trial, Shuizang Lei, has officially begun!"

Following the announcement by the elder of the Thunder Hall, Lin Tianming and other trialists also passed through the entrance of the secret realm.

At this moment, Lin Tianming's heart was full of expectations for the Water Zang Lei Trial.

But as he passed through the entrance of the secret realm and successfully entered the secret realm, a huge force pulled his body downwards, instantly making him fall into the bottomless swamp of water and thunder mire with all the expectations in his heart.

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