Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 315: Plunder the Water and Dirty Thunder! Promoted to level 40! Hand of God plunders and unl

Is this... plunder?

Tianming, this kid actually wants to plunder Shuizang Lei!

After the brief shock, Jiang Han looked relieved again.

Because if Lin Tianming really gets the Shuizang Lei in the Shuizang Lei Stone Tablet, it means that his future growth potential will become stronger.

For Jiang Han, who is Lin Tianming's teacher, this is what she hopes to see most.

Whether she was training Lin Tianming in her previous life or this life, she wanted to witness his growth bit by bit.

Watching Lin Tianming grow from a young sapling into a towering tree under her nurture was Jiang Han's greatest wish.

In the secret area, Lin Tianming, who launched the plunder, quickly pulled Shuizang Lei away from the stone tablet.

Looking at the dark water and dirty thunder in front of him, Lin Tianming immediately began to absorb it.

In just a moment, he perfectly absorbed the water dirty thunder.

After successfully absorbing it, Lin Tianming couldn't wait to use his newly obtained water dirty thunder on the spot.

Turning his palm upward, a jet-black thunder that was as soft as water and thunder appeared in his palm.

Unlike the previous Yin Lei, which copied Lei Dong, and could only use it once, now he also has the Water Zang Lei and can use it unlimitedly.

Feeling the smell of dirty water, thunderous cold, and bone-corrosive air, Lin Tianming's happy mood was all written on his face at this moment.

The palm of his left hand turned upward, and the next second the golden light thunder, which represented the ultimate speed, also appeared in his palm.

He obtained the golden light thunder in his left hand and the dirty water thunder in his right hand. He had obtained the thunder and lightning from two consecutive trials. Lin Tianming was already looking forward to the Qingmu Thunder and Ziji Thunder that would come later.

"I just don't know if there is any Yang thunder among the Yin and Yang twin thunders in this trial. If there is, I will also be an awakened person with the Yin and Yang twin thunders!"

At the same time, Lin Tianming also hopes that this trip to the Thunder Palace will allow him to gather the Yin and Yang Twins.

At this moment, Lin Tianming's proud image of golden light thunder in his left hand and water dirty thunder in his right hand also fell in the eyes of everyone outside the secret realm.

"This Lin Tianming is not a person who has awakened the thunder attribute, but he has broken our inherent understanding. He first got the golden light thunder, and then the water dirty thunder. He won't take away all the powerful thunder and lightning from our Thunder Palace this time, right? ?”

"It's his ability to take it away! Even the Lord of the Palace has spoken, and those who can get the trial objects can get it. Our thunder palace has been inherited for thousands of years and has not been able to produce a genius like Lin Tianming. We can only blame ourselves for not having a chance to deal with these powerful thunder and lightning! "

"Anyway, I admire this Lin Tianming very much. He is the most talented awakener I have ever seen!"

Lin Tianming's stunning performance that refreshed their knowledge time and time again convinced most of the Thunder Hall disciples present.

The big shots from Kyushu in the stands also looked at Lin Tianming, and the more they envied Jiang Han for taking in such a good student.

"Master Jiang, you really have a good student! He has also successfully obtained the water dirty thunder that no one has obtained in the past thousand years! His talent is definitely the most talented in the history of my awakened people in Kyushu!"

"Yes! It's a pity that we have no chance to meet this child. However, when this child wanders in the outside world in the future, we will also take more care of him for Master Jiang!"

"I look forward to the day when he will grow into a top-level awakened person soon. When the time comes, together with Master Jiang and his disciples, I will be able to make Kyushu fearless in the Northern Yin Territory!"

Amidst the envious congratulations of all the big shots in Kyushu, Jiang Han also looked kind and cheerful.

"My precious student is sometimes prone to impulsiveness and getting into trouble. If I'm not with him then, and you happen to meet him, I hope you can bear with me a little more!"

While the two parties were chatting politely like this, the elders of Lei Ming Hall in the stands all looked livid.

Now even the big shots from Kyushu who came to watch the trial were openly on Lin Tianming's side.

They were obviously at home, but they felt extremely lonely at the moment.

Even so, several old guys exchanged glances with each other, and one of them still spoke: "Old Palace Master, if this Shuizhen Lei is also taken away by Lin Tianming, our future trials will be missing another level. You can't Stop sitting and watching like this!"

Who would have thought that Hall Master Lei Ming scolded directly: "Who said there will be one less level? You should see it clearly before you speak!"

As soon as these words came out, the elders of Thunder Palace all showed suspicious looks, and then focused their attention on the secret scene again.

Although the stone tablet was robbed of water dirty thunder by Lin Tianming, the stone tablet is slowly condensing new water dirty thunder.

Lin Tianming in the secret realm also discovered this.

Although he was surprised, Lin Tianming was still happy that this stone tablet continued to condense new water and dirty thunder.

Because in this way, after he goes out, he will not have to be entangled by the stubborn group of Thunder Palace elders again.

After the elders of the Thunder Palace outside the secret realm confirmed that the stone tablet condensed the new water dirty thunder, their faces turned red with embarrassment, feeling that they had made a big fool of themselves.

Hall Master Lei Ming just glanced at them coldly and said slowly: "This water dirty thunder stone tablet has a secret that only previous hall masters know, that is, it can continuously condense new water dirty thunder.

Originally, this secret was supposed to be solved after a disciple from my Lei Ming Palace came out who could get the chance of Shui Zang Lei. However, my disciples from Lei Ming Palace had no chance to get Shui Zang Lei, so it was not solved until today. "

Having said this, Lord Lei Ming paused, and then added: "But even if the Shuizang Lei Stone Tablet does not condense the new Water Zang Lei, Lin Tianming can get the Water Zang Lei today, and that is the opportunity he deserves. I don't think so." I hope to hear you bothering me about this kind of thing next time!”

The meaning of the Lord of Thunder Palace is already obvious. If Lin Tianming gets the powerful thunder power from the later trial, he will also allow Lin Tianming to take it away.

Just like he promised at the beginning, those who can get the things of trial will get them.

If the Thunder Palace cannot produce a talent like Lin Tianming who can take away all the thunder and lightning, then it can only be blamed on the Thunder Palace itself.

With such assurance from his master, Jiang Han also smiled reassuringly.

After Lin Tianming in the secret realm experienced the wonderful experience of the golden light thunder and water dirty thunder in his palm, he also sat down at the exit and entered a state of cultivation.

The reason why he did not rush out but practiced here was that Lin Tianming sensed that he could continue to absorb the water dirty thunder in the water dirty thunder stele to improve his level.

He wanted to see if he could directly break through to level 40 with the help of the stone tablet that continuously condensed new water dirty thunder here.

In this way, Lin Tianming, who cleared the level early, still stayed in the secret realm of the Water Zang Lei Trial for five days.

Lin Tianming didn't end his training until he continued to absorb water and dirt and was unable to improve his level.

However, these five days of water visceral thunder absorption practice also successfully helped Lin Tianming move from level 39 to level 40.

After carefully sensing his various abilities, Lin Tianming was looking forward to seeing if he would unlock any new abilities while breaking through level 40 and improving his all-round combat power.

When he discovered that his Hand of God plunder had an additional upper limit, Lin Tianming also showed excitement.

He can finally learn new skills in the Shinto field again!

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