Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 319 Everything dies! Flesh and flesh distortion! The truth about the final outcome of the ro

"Genes ascending to the gods?"

Lin Tianming's eyes widened.

He never expected that the charming woman who looked like a flower demon in front of him turned out to be a genetically ascended god.

It turns out that she transformed into this weird and evil look through the genetic evolution of the Kingdom of Genes?

No...that's not right!

Maybe...this is not what she should be like!

My mind flashed back to the first stage when the Star Key Angel was eroded by the power of the strange god. At that time, the Star Key Angel lost its former image of a holy angel and turned into a terrifying angel full of fallen evil temperament.

Although it is still beautiful in a certain sense, it is a kind of strange and evil beauty.

Just like the current flower demon, there is no fairy-like temperament at all, only a strange and evil temperament.

In the second stage of being corrupted by the power of the strange god, the Star Key Angel will lose even the ability to maintain its evil image, and will be completely corroded into a sarcoma monster with flesh and blood deformation.

It can be as twisted as it wants. It was so inhuman and so almost random that it made Lin Tianming feel numb just thinking about it.

Could it be that the flower demon in front of me was once a beautiful genetically ascended god, but is now in the first stage of being corrupted by the power of the strange god, and can barely maintain his sanity?

Thinking of this, Lin Tianming was a little worried that she would suddenly go berserk and her flesh and blood would be distorted into an inhuman sarcoma monster.

Before, he watched the Star Key Angel through the Starry Sky Mirror, but now he was asked to face a genetically ascended god whose flesh and blood were about to be distorted. Who knew if she would tear him apart while losing her mind?

He didn't dare to think too deeply. Even though Lin Tianming was extremely reluctant to stay with this genetically ascended flower demon, he could only take one step at a time after being captured alive by the other party.

"Isn't that surprising, cutie?"

"I'm not called cutie!"

Lin Tianming, who was not familiar with her at all, did not like this title at all when he was called Little Cutie by this genetically ascended flower demon who most likely wanted to devour his soul.

"Okay, cutie!"


Lin Tianming didn't let her scream, and she was addicted to it.

She simply asked the god of teasing to get it!

Too lazy to pay attention to the flower demon who had been teasing him ever since he met him, Lin Tianming continued to observe the surrounding environment.

As they continued to go deeper underground, the ominous atmosphere of decay, decay, and withering became more and more intense.

The flowers, grass, trees, vines, etc. that are seen are all withered scenes.

Tick ​​tock tick…

The whole underground was quiet, and only the sound of dripping water could be heard from all directions.

The stinky puddles are becoming deeper and deeper, becoming more and more numerous.

Dark and damp, decayed and withered, strange and evil...

This is an ominous place.

All things are withering and withering towards irreversible demise without any future.

If he hadn't personally witnessed the withering of all things here, it would be hard for him to imagine that the place above was completely another paradise.

For some reason, Lin Tianming thought of the decaying and rusty mechanical supreme palace.

Could this flower demon... be like the Mother of Destiny, the mechanical mastermind of the Mechanical God Kingdom, left behind by the Gene God Kingdom to delay its self-proclaimed destiny?

Unknowingly, Lin Tianming was taken to the deepest part of the earth by the flower demon floating throughout the whole process.

As soon as he arrived here, Lin Tianming saw a sea of ​​flowers and towering trees like mountains.

But just like everything seen along the way, the sea of ​​flowers is no longer as beautiful as it was thousands of years ago, and the towering trees are no longer as prosperous as they were thousands of years ago.

It was like arriving in a replica land where there was no hope of mechanical ascension, and there was no hope of genetic ascension either.

The end of genetic ascension is also the despair of destruction.

The deathly sea of ​​flowers and the big trees covered with signs of decay and decay make this place like a netherworld for the dead.

Under the withered and dead tree, a genetically ascended god whose flesh and blood was rotting hung his head feebly, sitting on the ground with disheveled hair like a corpse.

Her festering body and disheveled hair were dotted with many flower petals.

It's a pity that these petals are withered like the dead sea of ​​flowers.

If she completely regains her former vitality, she must be a very beautiful genetically ascended god.

However, the reality is cruel. Her festering body is still undergoing flesh and blood distortion from time to time, and new microscopic sarcomas appear.

"That's my sister, she's dead."

The Flower Demon's voice with a hint of sadness sounded in his ears, and Lin Tianming once again thought of the scene he saw in the Supreme Hall of Machinery.

He is now convinced that this is the truth about the genetic ascension version of the terrifying endgame.

Now he only needs to know the truth about the final outcome of spiritual ascension to the Kingdom of God. He can know what kind of despair the three major ascension paths will be in the end.

“This used to be the location of the World Tree of my Kingdom of Genes, and it was the sacred holy land of my Kingdom of Genes.

The World Tree was cultivated and grown bit by bit through the transformation of genetic technology by our Gene Divine Kingdom.

It was originally as majestic as a mountain and possessed surging vitality, but in order to protect most of the Gene Kingdom from the invasion of the strange gods, it was regarded as the first line of defense for the Gene Kingdom.

Countless gene ascenders were buried here, and in exchange for the Gene God Kingdom successfully proclaiming itself, this former Holy Land of World Tree also fell.

As the only genetically ascended gods who stayed here, my sister and I also witnessed how this place was gradually corrupted by the power of the strange gods.

Everything is heading towards the end of withering and decay, and my sister and I are no exception.

As genetic ascendants, the flesh and blood body we were once most proud of has also undergone flesh and blood distortion under the corrosion of the power of the strange god.

Over these endless years, the beautiful flower body has been deformed into terrifying sarcomas countless times, and the sanity has also been devoured.

My sister went first to protect me, but even with His protection, I can't avoid the same ending as Him..."

As if immersed in past memories, the sad flower demon's mood became more and more unstable.

Lin Tianming noticed that her body showed signs of flesh and blood distortion in the second stage of the Star Key Angel.

"The eternal flesh and blood and genetic ascension we pursue are just a scam of flesh-and-blood deformed monsters that are gradually losing their minds. It's really ridiculous!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and the terrifying power of the evil spirit began to corrode the flower demon's remaining sanity little by little.

"Why is this happening? Is it possible to avoid the ending of flesh and blood distortion only by abandoning the body like a mechanical ascension?"

"Or is it like transforming into a spirit body like spiritual ascension to achieve eternity? Why does genetic ascension lead to such a tragic ending of flesh and blood distortion!"

Anger, unwillingness, grievance, confusion, sadness...

Negative emotions continued to grow, and the flower demon was completely unable to control herself in front of Lin Tianming. Her charming body, which had some sense of beauty before, quickly became fleshy and deformed.

In just a few moments, it swelled up in an irregular manner into a sarcoma monster that was not humanoid.

This scene is the same as the final stage of the Star Key Angel being corrupted by the power of the strange god.

Apart from the different shapes, they are all sarcoma monsters that make people feel frightened when they look at them.

In this state, no matter how sane a person was before, he will lose all reason, lose even the ability to think, and fall into complete madness.

This is the truth about genetic ascension, which also has no hope at all!

At this moment, Lin Tianming's mood was also very complicated.

The mechanical ascension in pursuit of the evolution of the mechanical body failed.

The pursuit of genetic ascension in the evolution of flesh and blood also failed.

Can the spiritual ascension that pursues the evolution of the soul body really succeed?

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