Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 322 The dragon-patterned angel who controls the stars! The initial image of Tianming’s genet

Lin Tianming is not that interested in the power of other elemental attributes. What he is most interested in now is the power of stars.

"Sister Hua Fairy, do you have a genetic potion that can make people awaken to the power of the stars?"

Hua Fairy was slightly surprised when she heard that Lin Tianming wanted to become a genetic ascendant who could control the power of the stars.

After a moment, she said: "Yes, yes, but are you sure you want to become a genetic ascendant who controls the power of the stars? Let me remind you first that the first choice is very important. Once you choose, you will have to focus on Evolve in this direction.”

Jianhua Fairy said she had one, so Lin Tianming would definitely choose this one.

"I'm sure, I want this!"

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in any battle. Lin Tianming chose this way to understand the Star Key Angel better. If he encounters and must fight in the future, he will know it well.

Seeing Lin Tianming's firm attitude, Hua Xianzi took out a bottle of genetic potion for genetic evolution.

"This bottle of gene potion is a first-order starlight gene potion. After taking it, you can awaken the power of the stars."

Lin Tianming took the first-order starlight gene potion and carefully felt the power of the stars contained in it.

After confirming that there was nothing suspicious, he took it with confidence.

After drinking it all, he immediately felt that there seemed to be a weak strength in his body.

"Try to sense the weak power of the stars that does not belong to you now. When you fully integrate it, you can become a genetic ascendant who controls the power of the stars!"

Under Hua Xianzi's prompting, Lin Tianming also tried to integrate the power of the stars he sensed.

"Normally, a gene ascender who takes a genetic potion for the first time will be rejected by the genes in his body, and it will take a long time to perfectly integrate the power of the corresponding genetic potion. When I first became a genetic ascender, it took me three full years. Successful fusion of geniuses.

So even if you are special, I guess you will have to spend at least one day..."

Before Lin Tianming could finish his words about how to perfectly integrate the power of the stars, Hua Xianzi was interrupted by the shocking scene in front of her.

Under her gaze, Lin Tianming was already filled with the power of stars.

This can only be achieved by perfect fusion!

"It took just a moment for you to fuse perfectly?"

Although she had witnessed Lin Tianming's miracles more than once before, this time Hua Xianzi was so shocked by Lin Tianming that her mouth opened wide.

What happened to Lin Tianming was beyond common sense, and even she, the god of the Gene Kingdom who had become a god, could not understand it!

Lin Tianming felt a little bit about the power of the stars that he had awakened through genetic ascension.

After confirming that he really controlled the power of the stars, Lin Tianming said again: "It's not that difficult! Sister Hua Fairy, please give me other genetic potions!"

Pulled back to her senses by Lin Tianming's request, Hua Xianzi calmed down Lin Tianming's incredible performance.

After a while, she gradually accepted the fact that Lin Tianming could fuse so quickly. Instead of taking out the new genetic potion, Hua Fairy asked Lin Tianming again.

"Little cutie, let me ask you, in addition to wanting to get the power of the stars, have you thought about which form you will evolve into? For example, the angel, flower fairy, dragon, mermaid, etc. I mentioned to you before!

No matter which form you want to evolve into, I can try my best to satisfy you! "

"I think my current human form is pretty good. There's no need to create those flashy images, it's better to have a genetic potion that only requires the power of the stars!"

Although Lin Tianming had no interest in evolving into a fairy tale creature, Hua Xianzi still suggested that Lin Tianming choose one.

The reason for this suggestion was that she could see that no matter which one Lin Tianming chose, he could transform back into human form again.

Just like Lin Tianming, who has completed full-body mechanization and full-body psychic transformation, he can still transform back into human form after his power dissipates.

This is something that even mechanically ascended gods and spiritually ascended gods cannot do!

Once the mechanical ascension gods and spiritual ascension gods achieve the complete evolution of their mechanical bodies and soul bodies, they will also completely abandon their flesh and blood bodies, and it is impossible to change back.

Hua Xianzi believes that even if Lin Tianming genetically evolves into angels, dragons and other fairy tale creatures, he can still change back to his original form.

She also told Lin Tianming her thoughts.

Of course, the final choice still rests with Lin Tianming. If he doesn't want to, she won't force him to choose a mythical creature image for evolution.

After hearing the reasons for her suggestion, Lin Tianming pondered for a moment and decided to ask a question before making a choice.

"If I choose to evolve towards an angel, will there be any other effects besides changing my image into an angel?"

"You will also gain the flying ability of an angel before you become a god. Angels also have certain healing and judgment abilities. In the future, you will be an angel with the power of the stars."

"Then can I DIY it again, with the power of an angel and some dragon power? I don't want a four-legged dragon, but a dragon power similar to a five-clawed golden dragon!"

Hua Xianzi didn't understand the slang that Lin Tianming's Blue Star people only understand. She frowned and said, "DIY...what does that mean?"

Lin Tianming didn't bother to explain, he said directly: "It's okay if you don't understand. You just need to understand what I say next!"

Hua Xianzi said thoughtfully: "It is possible to combine the power of the dragon with the power of the angel... but I feel that it is difficult to create a good-looking image when the genes are combined together..."

"Isn't this simple? The entire image of the dragon-patterned angel is enough, with the angel image as the main body, and the power of the dragon as the pattern, imprinted on the angel image!"

After Lin Tianming's whimsical suggestion, Hua Xianzi also made some thoughts.

This image of the fusion of the power of the dragon and the power of the angel seems to be really understandable.

After a while, she asked again: "Do you have any other requests?"

"That's all for now!" Lin Tianming was too lazy to do so much and thought this was enough.

Seeing that Lin Tianming was so sure, Hua Xianzi also nodded slightly, and decided on Lin Tianming's final genetic evolution route.

"Then the final ascension form of your genetic evolution is determined to be the dragon-marked angel who controls the power of the stars. Let me remind you that only after you become a god can you complete the image of the perfect genetically ascended god in your mind. Before that, it is not complete. body.

But don’t worry, as a genetically ascended god, what I’m best at is helping genetically ascended people like you to look beautiful even in front of imperfect bodies! "

While talking, Hua Fairy took out three bottles of genetic potion in succession.

"This bottle is a second-level angel wing gene potion that can help you grow a pair of angel wings on your back!"

"This bottle is a third-level divine dragon dragon pattern gene potion. It has been improved by the potion masters of our Gene God Kingdom. After taking it, you can gain the power of the divine dragon and at the same time, you can also grow beautiful cloud-like dragon patterns, which will not look like dense dragon scales. It looks so scary.”

"This bottle is a fourth-level star power gene potion that will further increase the intensity of your star power. You can also color the dragon pattern you tattoo into the color of the star power!"

After listening carefully to Hua Xianzi's introduction to the three bottles of genetic potion, Lin Tianming couldn't wait to take them and drank the three bottles together.

The moment he took it, Lin Tianming felt the power of stars, dragons, and angels repelling each other in his body.

"Don't be nervous if you feel repulsion. This is normal. As long as you fuse them with your heart, they will never tear you apart."

There was Hua Xianzi, the genetically ascended god, giving some pointers, and Lin Tianming also carefully integrated three completely different powers.

At this moment, his whole body, from the inside out, was being baptized by the genetic potion.

Soon, Lin Tianming integrated three different genetic evolution forces.

The next moment, Lin Tianming activated his angelic power on his back, and a pair of angel wings grew on his back.

Seeing this scene, Hua Xianzi also continued to remind Lin Tianming.

"If you haven't thought about where to imprint the power of the dragon pattern on your body, I suggest imprinting it on the edges of both sides of your cheeks. The cloud-shaped dragon pattern combined with the color of the star power will also look very beautiful!"

The initial image of his genetically ascended form was about to be finalized, and Lin Tianming also adopted the advice of this genetically ascended god with rich experience.

Cloud-like dragon patterns without any color appeared on the edges of the two halves of his cheeks. Lin Tianming also activated the power of the stars in time to color the dragon patterns into star dragon patterns.

"The dragon pattern shouldn't be too many, nor should it be too big. Just two or three pieces on the left and right edges are enough. This way it won't look too messy and will be very clean!"

Now Hua Xianzi is like a top painter, giving Lin Tianming, a novice, the final guidance and advice on the initial image of the genetic ascension form.

"Yes, that's it! Very good, that's it, perfect!"

As the Flower Fairy announced that Lin Tianming could call it a day, Lin Tianming also stopped imprinting the new dragon pattern.

At this moment, he was like a dragon-marked angel wielding the power of the stars, handsome and powerful.

At the same time, Lin Tianming also sensed that he had successfully broken through to level 41 after perfectly absorbing the power of all genetic potions.

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