Global Awakening: Eavesdropping on the Voices of SSS-Level School Beauties

Chapter 325: Understanding Gene Ascension Skills! The starry sky dragon is angry! The dragon's

While Lin Tianming was learning the Shinto skill Purple Thunder Demonic Eyes from Jiang Han, two other people were silently observing Lin Tianming in the dark.

To be precise, these two people are not human.

In the perception of human believers in the deceitful gods, perhaps they should be called deceitful gods.

Although the two of them never considered themselves to be deceitful gods from beginning to end.

But this does not matter to mortal creatures who cannot comprehend their true existence.

These two people are the mysterious man and the Kyushu woman who have had contact with Lin Tianming before.

Looking at the scene of Lin Tianming and Jiang Han getting along warmly as teachers and students, the mysterious man communicated with the Kyushu woman with an indifferent expression.

"I thought that bug just wanted him to be its container for rebirth."

The bug in the man's mouth refers to the Qinglei Fairy in the Qingmu Lei Secret Realm.

In his eyes, even if Fairy Qinglei becomes a genetically ascended god, she is still no different from those mortal followers of the Ghost God, they are just insects.

If he is willing, a single thought can make a genetically ascended god like Qinglei Fairy disappear into ashes.

The Kyushu woman with the temperament of a noble lady fanned her fan gracefully and teased the mysterious man with a smile.

"No wonder I saw you wanting to take action just now. It turns out you were worried about this."

After being teased by the Kyushu woman again, the strange man's mood did not change at all, and he still looked indifferent.

In other words, he doesn't dare to show dissatisfaction in front of a Kyushu woman, even if the other party likes to tease him.

Although the mysterious man did not reply, the Jiuzhou woman continued to talk slowly while looking at Lin Tianming.

"Just watch His affairs quietly, and don't affect Him's enjoyment. When the time comes, what you think is a great achievement will only arouse His wrath."

After being reminded by the Jiuzhou woman, the mysterious man seemed to have thought of some terrifying existence that would make even him shudder. His eyes when he looked at Lin Tianming were full of awe, and he did not dare to go overboard in the slightest.

The Kyushu woman also continued to slowly mention the mysterious man.

"The thing He is not afraid of the most is the deceitful gods among mortals. Anyone who doesn't open their eyes and wants Him to be a container will witness His truest side.

When He showed His true side, the deceitful God in the mouths of mortals was nothing more than an ant that was casually wiped out. "

As she spoke, the Jiuzhou woman bowed with respect in the direction of Lin Tianming.

The mysterious man also bowed respectfully to express his respect for Lin Tianming.

Both of them worshiped Lin Tianming from the bottom of their hearts.

In this world, no one can be respected by them more than Lin Tianming.

"He likes to play this kind of game, so let Him play for a while. He has given us eternal authority. It's time for us to do what we should do."

As the Kyushu woman said this, the mysterious man disappeared from the place together with her.

At this time, Lin Tianming had finished learning the Purple Thunder Demonic Eyes from Jiang Han.

Lin Tianming was very satisfied after testing the power of the Purple Thunder Demonic Eyes on site.

"Not bad, I have learned a new high-growth skill!"

Jiang Han was also very happy when she saw Lin Tianming successfully comprehended the Purple Thunder Demonic Eyes.

However, when she was observing Lin Tianming's enlightenment practice just now, she discovered that Lin Tianming had an aura of power around him that she had never sensed before.

Depending on the situation, this aura of power is also the time to comprehend new skills, but Lin Tianming was not able to sense it for the time being because he was concentrating on comprehending the Purple Thunder Demonic Eyes.

Although it was left to Lin Tianming to realize it slowly, he would definitely be able to sense it later.

But as an experienced top-level awakener, Jiang Han naturally hopes to maximize the efficiency of Lin Tianming's ability training without overpowering the situation.

Being able to learn new skills directly now is not a bad thing for Lin Tianming.

Thinking of this, Jiang Han looked at Lin Tianming and said: "Silly boy, did you get any other opportunities during the Qingmu Lei trial and didn't tell the teacher?"

Lin Tianming also knew what Jiang Han was thinking just now through his ability to eavesdrop on his heart.

The unknown power she was talking about should be referring to his newly acquired power of genetic ascension.

Because he came out in a hurry, he didn't take a closer look at his various abilities, and he didn't expect that his genetic power of ascension could now comprehend new skills.

Lin Tianming still believed in Jiang Han's judgment, so he directly followed her wishes and expressed that he had indeed received a new opportunity.

However, considering that Jiang Han died early in his previous life, he did not directly say that this power was the power of a genetic ascender.

When it's time for her to know, she will understand even if he doesn't tell her.

Jiang Han digested the information provided by Lin Tianming and said: "There is a pool in the secret realm that can strengthen your flesh and blood? No wonder... I always feel that your kid seems to be very different after he comes out. It turns out that the body got that pool strengthen!"

"Hehe, it's just good luck. Teacher Jiang Han, you just said that this new power can allow me to learn new skills. Are you sure?"

Lin Tianming also pretended not to know anything, which also allowed Jiang Han to be more immersed in cultivating his sense of cultivation and gain.

Seeing Lin Tianming's clueless look, Jiang Han also helped Lin Tianming clear up his doubts, and enjoyed the feeling of cultivating Lin Tianming a little bit.

"Well, silly boy, I suspect that this flesh-strengthening power, like the power that allows you to soul and mechanize, is an ability other than the hand of God. You try to practice it now!"

[Little fool, you still need a teacher to teach you, it’s really not easy to worry about! 】

[But... I just like the feeling of cultivating you little by little, watching you grow into an awakened person who is upright and upright under my cultivation! 】

Lin Tianming suppressed a smile in his heart. He had already improved Jiang Han's favorability a lot with this trick.

Now as long as she is not stimulated, she will basically not think about being persecuted by the original owner in her previous life.

However, if you want to conquer Jiang Han perfectly, you still have to be close to the day when she becomes a god.

When she becomes a god and realizes that he didn't persecute her like the original owner, that's when the knot in her heart will truly be untied.

At that time, it was also the time when Lin Tianming perfectly attacked Jiang Han.

By then, the teacher-student pair will no longer have any barriers and become truly intimate.

Lin Tianming is looking forward to that day!

With this expectation, Lin Tianming also entered the cultivation state again, carefully sensing whether the power of the gene ascender can comprehend new skills.

Soon, he discovered that just as Jiang Han said, he really felt like he was continuing to master new skills after entering a state of cultivation.

While being pleasantly surprised, Lin Tianming also immediately realized the skills of genetic ascenders.

He remembered that Fairy Qinglei said that after unlocking all the genetic locks, his newly learned genetic ascension skills would be based in the realm of Shinto.

He wanted to see what kind of genetic ascension skills he would master in the divine realm!

Jiang Han was also patiently guarding him.

Before long, Jiang Han noticed that Lin Tianming was surrounded by bright starlight.

" this the power of the starry sky? This child Tianming only strengthened his flesh and blood, but he was able to comprehend this extremely rare power so early!"

Her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief, but after a moment, Jiang Han was sincerely happy for Lin Tianming.

As time passed, the starlight surging around Lin Tianming suddenly let out a deafening dragon roar.

"What kind of power is this? When the two powers are mixed, something seems to be condensing... It seems that this child will soon understand his new skills!"

Under Jiang Han's increasingly expectant gaze, the stars around Lin Tianming began to gather above his head.

Soon, the bright starlight condensed into the shape of a majestic dragon.

"Is it really a dragon? Or a starlight dragon that contains the power of stars!"

While Jiang Han was amazed, Lin Tianming also opened his eyes instantly.

He has angel wings on his back, his eyes are filled with the light of stars, and cloud-like star dragon patterns appear on the edges of both halves of his cheeks.

"This enhancement of flesh and blood can actually bring about such a change in kid Tianming? He now looks like a dragon-marked angel who controls the power of the stars..."

Jiang Han covered her incredible little mouth, with a look of shock on her face.

The next second, Lin Tianming, who understood the new gene ascension skill, controlled the majestic starlight dragon to soar into the sky.

The starry sky dragon is angry!

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